Lin Que looked at Jingcheng University, and instantly thought of the person who maliciously edited himself on the Internet.

Oh shit.

There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, who has been spared by the heavens!

Let me catch you this time!

God's will!

Qiuxiang stood on the podium and asked, "Which university do you want to go to for military training assistant?"

"Beijing University!"

Lin Que said without hesitation.

This is an opportunity God gave him. Can you let it go?

Aside, Mo Qingcheng and others covered their mouths and chuckled.

They knew that Lin Que was here for revenge.

Students of Beijing University, will suffer!

Qiuxiang didn't think too much, she nodded immediately, and recorded the information: "Okay, then you guys will get ready, and we will leave tomorrow!"

"All classes are cancelled today, so please take a rest and prepare!"

After speaking, Qiuxiang confessed a few words and left the classroom.

Lin Que also left the classroom on his heels, and returned to the room in Villa No. 9 in the blink of an eye.

Inside the room.

Lin Que opened the system space and began to organize the props given by the system.

Super **** happy water!

Invincible eggs!

Vigorously Croton!

Golden slippers!

Invincible pan!

Five strokes of lightning!

Super diaper...

"My friends from Beijing University, I will definitely give you a complete college life!"

"You have to take care of your wallet!"

"Jie Jie..."

If you dare to hack yourself on the Internet, you have to take revenge!

Lin Que's revenge is never overnight!

Shake people!

"Why are you laughing, so happy!"

At this moment, a laughter came.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Shisan, wearing a white robe and holding a folding fan, appeared in the room, looking at Lin Que with a smile on his face.

Lin Que looked at the fourth brother who suddenly appeared, his smile stopped abruptly, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

"Senior Brother Si, are you a cat? You walk silently!"

Luo Shisan laughed softly: "When I came, the door of your house was not closed, so I just came in."

Upon hearing this, Lin Que was speechless.

At this time, they went out in a hurry and forgot to lock the door.

"Four brothers, what's the matter?"

Luo thirteen folding fans closed, sitting on the gaming chair in the room, unceremoniously opened a can of Wangzai milk and drank it.

"Nothing, just come and see you!"

Lin Que rolled his eyes!

I believe you a ghost!

Senior Brother Caotang and Senior Sister, except for Senior Sister Three, there is no good person, and his eyes are bad!

If you are not sure, there is something to cheat yourself.

Lin Que's eyes rolled: "What's inside~."

"Brother Si, I have something to do, so I will go out first. I have food in the refrigerator, so I can take it myself!"

With that, I'm going to bugger.

Next second.

A dazzling star brilliance locked his footsteps.

Luo Shisan looked at Lin Que with a smile, "Little Junior Brother, don't worry about leaving, Fourth Senior Brother is a good person!"

Lin Que sank in his heart and cursed secretly.

I would rather believe in 150 love than in your astrologer's nonsense!

Luo Shisan drank a sip of Wangzi's milk and said, "He is scolding brother in his heart, but it's so rebellious!"

Lin Que was almost crying, "Fourth brother, if you have anything to say, you must cooperate!"

He could see that Senior Brother Si was a rascal dressed in gentle manners!

Luo Shisan laughed softly: "I'm still a little sensible brother!"

"Don't worry, the brother is actually fine, just want to ask the younger brother to borrow something!"

borrow things?

Lin Que immediately said, "I have no money!"

Luo Shisan smiled and said, "I don't borrow money!"

"I just want to ask Junior Brother for a little bit of your blood!"

Lin Que was taken aback, and then he looked generously: "That's it?"

"Come on, tell me how much Brother Four would like!"

Luo Shisan gave Lin Que a thumbs up: "Reliable!"

"Don't be too much, just fill this one!"

With that, he took out a bright red bucket.

Lin Que:...

sp: Collect your little heads, think about the names and functions of the system props, and come up with fun things together.

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