The blood shark waters!

Alia and others were confused by Lin Que's operation!

It is not rumored that Lin Que is a demon king who is not afraid of heaven and earth?

Surrender before this fight?

Is it a man?

I'm so embarrassed!

Lin Que curled his mouth, you are all shit, living is better than anything else!

The deep-sea blood shark breathed blood: "Humans, it's useless to surrender!"

"You guys have a lot of soul power. After eating you, I might be able to break through the last step!"

Bujie monk burst out laughing.

"Puff haha!"

"Lin Quede, people don't accept your surrender at all, you are looked down upon!"

"Killing me!"

Lin Que stared fiercely at the monk without warning, and said, "Be smarter later, don't just be hard-headed, just run away when you find the opportunity!"

"Do it!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Que made a move with his right hand, held the halberd firmly in his hand, and pierced it out, preemptively!

The strength of the deep-sea blood shark is far above them.

"Blood Shadow Panlong Kill!"

One shot was a killer move, the blood shadow mad dragon flew out, entrenched on the halberd, and pierced the eyes of the deep-sea blood shark!

"Unscrupulous, I'll help you!"

"Hua Demon, Three Thousand Yan Kill!"

Bujie Monk is like a troll, blasted out with one punch, carrying terrifying destructive power!

The two were attacked and killed one by one!

"I can't help myself!"

Facing the attack of the two, the eyes of the deep-sea blood shark were full of disdain, and the huge shark's tail swept out.

The sea was disturbed by the wind and clouds, which set off a tsunami of thousands of meters, swallowing it towards the two.


The figures of the two were submerged by the tsunami and disappeared!

"Lin Que!"


Lu Yan and Mint Leaf screamed.

Next second.

In the tsunami, the two figures were shaken off, and the figures were embarrassed. They rolled in the air for several weeks before they could stabilize their bodies.

Lin Que's hand holding the funeral halberd was trembling constantly.

Feeling the numbness in his arms, I was shocked!

What a powerful force!

Not an opponent at all!

At the same stage of the supreme level, the Jing Xing encountered before is simply a younger brother in front of the Deep Sea Blood Shark!

The strength is not at the same level at all.

The monk Bujie flushed, forcibly suppressing the tumbling blood, and said: "Lin Quede, if you don't think about it, let's explain it all!"

Lin Que smiled bitterly.

What can he do?

The only way to surrender was rejected.


System: "Brother, don't ask me, I am a system!"

Lin Que:? ? ?

Oh shit.

I haven't asked yet, how do you know what I want to ask?

You are the roundworm in my stomach!

System: "Big Brother, I know your virtues too well. I call this preemptive strike, do you understand?"

Lin Que's face went dark.

Why did you put on such a pit-comparison system?

Dao Dao, are you arranging me?

On the surface of the sea, the deep-sea blood shark had a big mouth, and the more terrifying swallowing power attacked the five people.

"Fuck! Come again!"

Everyone hurriedly used their spirit power to resist, but they were still involved.

"Take my hand!"

Lin Que stretched out his hand to let the mint leaves on the side where Alia had a relay.

Bujie Monk and Lu Yan, the muscles on their faces were swallowed, and the sucking became distorted.

Especially Lu Yan, the turban on his head was gone, showing a bald head that was brighter than a spotlight.

"Nima, I don't think we are obvious enough!"

"Are you illuminating the direction of the deep-sea blood shark?"

Bujie Monk is in a dangerous situation, don't forget to turn on taunt mode!

Lu Yan was so angry!

Is this what I want?

It's not because of the cheap master Lin Que.

"Master, I also need help!"

Lu Yan and Bujie Monk grabbed Lin Que's legs directly!

Lin Que's face flushed, and the Dragon Man status was activated, and he still couldn't resist the swallowing power.

"I'm just dragging four!"

"You really good teammates in Nima International!"

Seeing Lin Que's transformation into Jackie Chan's state, the deep-sea blood shark's eyes became even more excited.

Increase the intensity of sucking, and Lin Que and the others are bound to swallow them into their stomachs for lunch in one go!

A trace of hideousness flashed in Lin Que's eyes.

"Damn, don't you want to eat it?"

"I satisfy you!"

After that, open the system warehouse directly!

Invincible eggs, happy life water, super power water, lightning five consecutive whips, dancing grenade, dynamic speakers...

Countless props continuously smashed into the mouth of the deep-sea blood shark.


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