The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1076: , Not even the sharks

The deep-sea blood shark didn't care what it threw, and swallowed it all.

When Lin Que saw this, his face was happy.

Damn, even if you are a late supreme level, you have to waste it after eating so many items!

"All withstand, a miracle vigorously works in one minute!"

Lin Que threw the props while shouting at the people behind him.

Everyone didn't know what the miracle Lin Que was talking about was.

Now that this situation was reached, no one could control so much anymore, his spirit power exploded frantically and used his hole cards.

If the monk, Buddha, demon and martial soul merge, the power of the Buddha and demon protects the whole body, and a Buddha, demon lotus flower is born under his feet!

"The two styles of Buddha and Devil, Zhentiandi!"

Alia opened her hands, and a water bottle appeared in her palm. Her three thousand hairs grew wildly, as white as ice and snow!

"Ice coffin!"

In the martial arts water bottle, a terrifying cold breath gushed out, sealing the world and turning it into an ice coffin, trying to freeze the deep-sea blood shark!

Lu Yan directly used Fang Tian to draw cut!

Mint leaves take the lead, release the charm again, and control the deep-sea blood shark for half a second!

"Hurry up!"

"Can't stand it anymore, meow~."

The words fell off.

The three attacked and bombarded the deep-sea blood shark with a deafening roar.

The sea was turned upside down.


The deep-sea blood shark was directly sealed by the ice coffin!

"Success! Meow~."

Mint Leaf cried weakly.

Lin Que's eyebrows were full of solemnity: "Don't get close!"

Deep-sea blood sharks are not so easy to solve.

Next second!


The deep-sea blood shark broke the ice seal on its body, and the blood-red eyes became even more windy.

"Humans, you completely irritated me!"

After finishing speaking, the deep-sea blood shark leaped out of the sea, biting towards everyone.

Lin Que frowned.

Damn it!

The props have no effect?

Isn't it so powerful?

Before he could think about it, the big mouth of the deep-sea blood shark had already been attacked and killed.

Lin Que's expression was startled, and he quickly released the power of the void to take everyone, and he was about to escape into the void.

However, the deep-sea blood shark broke through the void directly, giving them no chance to escape at all.



Lin Que gave a low shout, pushing everyone into the void wormhole, and he was swallowed by the deep-sea blood shark!


The deep-sea blood shark fell back into the deep sea.

"Lin Que!"

Two hundred meters away, Bujie Monk and the others walked out of the void, looked at the engulfed Lin Que, and shouted anxiously.

In the deep sea.

Lin Que reactivated the dragon state, and the emperor was released, and the emperor's energy turned into a barrier to protect the whole body.

Both hands firmly opened the mouth of the deep-sea blood shark.

The deep-sea blood shark took Lin Que all the way, sneaking in the deep sea, trying to exhaust Lin Que.

"Want to eat Lao Tzu?"

"Eat TNT!"

With a thought, Lin Que threw hundreds of catties of TNT bombs, combined with thousands of dancing bombs, into the belly of the deep-sea blood shark.

After doing all this, vanity disappeared all the way.

On the sea, when Bujie Monk and the others were about to go to the sea to find, Lin Que's figure rushed out of the sea all the way.

"Fuck, you're not dead!"

Seeing Lin Que nothing, everyone's expressions were shocked.

Lin Que didn't have time to talk to everyone, "Hurry up!"

Everyone hasn't reacted yet, the next second.

In the sea, the figure of the deep-sea blood shark soared into the sky, and a 10-meter-diameter feces-yellow gas erupted from its buttocks.

Not only that, there is also dynamic music playing in the belly, and the colorful, huge body does not forget to sway when it soars into the sky!

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded!

Just now on the bottom of the sea, what did Lin Que do to the deep-sea blood shark?

There is such a big feces yellow gas in the ass.

It smells too!

It's really no one!

Not even the sharks are spared.

Lin Que: "What are you doing in a daze?"

"The effect is only one minute. If you don't run, you really want to serve the deep-sea blood shark?"

Everyone reacted and followed Lin Que into the void, disappearing!

The deep-sea blood shark returned from the sky, looking at the empty scene, directly furious!

"Damn humans!"

"I'm never ending with you!"

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