"Boy, I will let you die!"

The black bear roared, and the huge bear paw patted Lin Que, trying to slap him to death!

"Good job!"

Lin Que gave a bloodthirsty smile, and also blasted a punch, and there was a head-on!


The two fists banged against each other, and the burst of power burst out, destroying a lot of the surrounding coconut trees.

There was a bursting sound, and the black bear's figure stepped back dozens of steps, with a look of astonishment.

He is a beast martial spirit, and his spirit power is a big level higher than that of Lin Que!

Was actually suppressed in terms of physical strength?

Sweeping around the fighting situation, his men were completely suppressed.

It won't be long before all will be subdued.

The black bear's face sank, and he secretly screamed badly.

Just as he lost his senses, Lin Que's figure suddenly appeared above his head.

"Big guy, distracted when fighting, but you will lose your life!"

After that, the madness domain was released, and the black bear was suppressed on the spot!


The spirit of the black bear was released, trying to break free from the shackles of the domain, but it was of no avail.

The field of madness is a fusion, a field made up of dozens of powerful mysteries!

How could he be able to crack it at his level?


On the other side, the battle between Bujie Monk and others also ended, and the nine members of the Black Bear Pirate Group were all overthrown and subdued.

Lin Que stepped on the black bear's back and said boldly, "Monk, take the rope and tie it all to me!"

Next second.

Ten members of the Black Bear Pirate Group, all of them were locked by the spirits, and sat in a group.

"Boy, you don't speak martial ethics!"

"If you have the ability, let go of me, we are fighting it upright!"

But he still had a lot of hole cards to play, so he was caught in a squandered way!

He is not convinced!

From the very beginning of the battle, Lin Que was like a second stunner, making random moves without any rules!

He wants to defend knows where to start.

Punch the master to death indiscriminately!

Lin Que curled his lips: "You are already a pirate, what martial virtues shall I tell you?"

"Give you a chance to survive!"

"I ask you to answer!"

"If you say no word, I will kill you!"

The black bear has a hideous look, they are all desperadoes, and that one is not a checkmate.

Afraid of threats?

"Boy, use whatever trick you have!"

"Masters will not give in like you!"

Lin Que couldn't help but pointed his thumb up: "I like your hard bones!"

Behind him, the monk Bujie shook his head and sighed, "This group of pirates is over!"

He had seen Lin Que's improper methods.

Silently recite a Buddha's name, which is regarded as a prayer for the group of pirates.

I saw Lin Que pulled out a strong jackfruit in front of him, smiled and asked, "If you have a chance, will you cooperate?"

Lu Yan, who had seen the effect of vigorous jackfruit, his face changed drastically, and his figure couldn't help but step back.

Alia frowned: "What are you nervous about?"

"It's weird, meow~." Mint Leaf said.

Lu Yan rolled his throat: "No...nothing, I'm just a little conditioned!"

The two women still looked puzzled.

The black bear smiled disdainfully: "Why, do you want to kill us with jackfruit?"

"Come on if you have a kind!"

"I will not be afraid."

Lin Que: Ok! ٩('ω')و.

"Then come!"

After finishing speaking, he threw the vigorous jackfruit in his hand directly, and as soon as it hit the ground, the golden fruit thorns burst directly.


A series of fruit thorns, like a violent storm, stab ten people frantically!


A sharp scream resounded through the world!

The black bear was stabbed all over his head, his face still arrogant.

"That's it?"

"Give me a knife if you have the ability!"


Lin Que smiled slightly, took out a gas mask from the system space and put it on.

"Don't worry, the good show is yet to come!"

Immediately afterwards, a breeze on the sea blew up the taste of vigorous jackfruit.

The black bear who was still arrogant, smelled the smell from the tip of his nose, and broke his defenses in no time!


The faces of the ten people changed drastically, their stomachs surged, and then they began to vomit wildly.

Lin Que grinned: "Don't vomit slowly!"

"I have more!"

With that said, two powerful jackfruits were removed from the system space!

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