"Boy, what are you special about this?"

"Take it away!"


The ten black bears are unlovable, and the lingering smell of the nose is even more stinky than the constipation caused by ten days!

Lin Que ignored the howls of a few people, holding a strong jackfruit, it was just a bombardment.

"Boss, hurry up and cooperate, it's too stinky!"

"Brothers can't hold it!"


The black bear is also a man, and would rather grit his teeth than let go!

"Boy, I'm so stinky, I won't say it!"

Lin Que frowned. Why does this feel something wrong?

No matter what, let's talk about it first.

In the rear, Alia and the others smelled the attack, their entire complexion changed drastically, and they hurriedly backed away.

They finally knew why Lu Yan retreated.

It turns out this thing is so scary!

That golden thing, isn't it a poop?

It's disgusting!

Lin Que put on his gloves to the end, picked up the golden fruit on the ground, and shouted towards the black bear's face.

"Fuck, don't come over!"

"Don't... uh... ugh..."


The black bear was full of golden fruits, and his face was muddled.

Lin Que seemed to have discovered the New World with a look of joy!

Oh oh oh!

Vigorously jackfruit can still be played like this, and a new gameplay has been developed, which is very nice!


"Stop it...ooh..."

The torment of the black bear is irresistible, this is not something that can be solved by willpower at all.

This is really a physical injury, a double attack!

As long as it is an individual, who can resist it!

Lin Que stopped the action in his hand: "I'm giving you a chance, can you tell me?"

The black bear spit out bubbles: "I..."

But before he could speak, Lin Que took out a new and powerful jackfruit and slammed it directly at the black bear.


The vigorous jackfruit penetrated the black bear's head directly, and clasped it on his head like a hood.

The yellow-gold fruit was squeezed into mud and slipped down his head.

Lin Que smiled evilly: "Enjoy, wow!"

Black Bear: "Pick it off!"

"You quickly pick it off for me!"

"I said, I can say everything!"

"Hurry up and take it off for me... ugh..."

This kid is simply a devil!

Not a person at all!

The nine members of the pirate group on the side saw the black bear whose head was duped by the shit, and their faces were full of disgust!

"Should we change the boss!"

"This girl is so stinky!"

"Hurry up, I'm going to be stinking to death!"

The black bear almost collapsed inside.

He wants to recruit too!

But what are you recruiting?

Lin Que asked him to cooperate as soon as he came up, without asking anything, he couldn't start!

The big guy who was scared to pee before in the pirate group couldn't help it, and said.

"Brother, don't mess it up, just ask what you want to ask!"

"If you don't ask, we don't know what to say!"

A stiff smile on Lin Que's face, he turned his head blankly, and looked at Monk Fujie: "Didn't I ask?"

Bujie monk they nodded.


Oh shit.

I was anxious to extract a confession just now, and forgot to say the subject.


Lin Que coughed slightly and said, "Tell me, where are your gold and silver jewelry hidden?"

"Don't tell me, I will arrange a hat of the same style for you all!"

When everyone heard the words, they were taken aback for a moment, and then there was an expression of astonishment on their faces!


Compared with Lin Que, who is the pirate in the end!

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