The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1088: , Openly release water

"Master, 666!"

Lu Yan looked admiring, just the thrilling scene before, instead of his words, let alone placing the tracker unconsciously.

It is a problem to let him escape.

Master will always drop God!

Lin Que smiled slightly: "Don't be 6 for basic exercises!"

At the moment when he was fighting against Buck, he used the black hole in space to install a tracker.

"As expected of Lin Quede, my scalp is numb during this wave of operation show!"


The Bujie monk touched his bald head and smashed his mouth vigorously.

Mint leaves: "The master is amazing, meow~."

(>^ω^<) Meow.

Alia's face was cold: "Stop flattering, just think about what to do?"

With a clatter, Lin Que stood up from the hot spring with a wicked smile on his lips.

"Don't worry, sell a wave first!"

Alia:? ? ?

Mint leaves: (ミ´ω`ミ)?

Lu Yan: ゛ (‘o’)?

Bujie monk: (•ิ_•ิ)?

Facing everyone's doubts, Lin Que did not explain, a teleportation appeared on the chair.

Put the computer on the base of the thigh, control the computer, and enter the US S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


"Please log in to reveal your identity!"

Lin Que frowned, still need to show his identity?

I'm not!

Immediately after the keyboard was tapped with both hands, the computer screen entered the source code program, and a series of source codes were tapped out.

The defense system known as the world's strongest cyber shield is being cracked little by little!

at the same time.

The sacred capital of the distant United States.

Within S.H.I.E.L.D., programmers are earnestly searching for information on the Internet.

Suddenly, a computer server sounded an alarm.

After a while, a string of English appeared on the computer screen, the translated meaning.

"Don't be nervous, I just come in and borrow the server to use it!"

The programmer was sluggish for a while, then one by one left the keyboard with both hands, took out the phone, and started playing Doudizhu.

Oh shit.

Looking at this style, it must be the **** who came in the dark last time. Is this a defensive yarn?

The lesson last time is still vivid, and fearless resistance can only add to the troubles.

Just give up resistance and enjoy a wave of operations.

"I bet this time the great **** wants to take us to the square dance!"

"No! no! no!"

"I still like Bengyedi, exciting!"

"I really hope that the Great God will not be merciful this time, and let us take another month of vacation!"

"plus one!"

At this time, Oliv, who was staying in the office, hurried out when he heard the movement, and watched all the computer alarms.

My subordinates play with their phones like everybody else, and some even shoot videos!

In an instant, the anger didn't strike a single place.


"What are you all doing!"

"Don't defend it yet!"

However, in the face of Olive's rant, everyone ignored them, just pointed to the small print on the computer screen and said.

"Boss, which great **** is back!"

Oliver looked angry: "What great god, go back..."

Halfway through the conversation, looking at the small print on the computer, the voice stopped abruptly.


Olive's face was horrified.

Didn't this master go to the death desert?

Why is there still time to come to the Black S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau?

"Hurry up!"

"Don't resist everyone, as long as he doesn't touch the database, he will do whatever he wants!"

He is scared!

Once he and Lin miss the bar, it is not certain that another tragedy will be staged!

the other side.

Lin Que frowned while holding the computer, wondering in his heart.

Why is no one intercepting me today?

Openly release water?

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