Lin Que saw that he entered the SHIELD intranet without any hindrance, and he was stunned!

He would have thought that Olaf would resist a little bit, but as a result, he let the water go directly.

I made myself a little bit dumbfounded.

Without blocking, he soon landed on the S.H.I.E.L.D. network, began to invade the information channels, and distributed a message.

Lin Que banged on the computer, and laughed from time to time.

The monk on the side heard this evil smile, his scalp numb.

Lin Que smiled, life and death unpredictable!

On the chair, Lin Que hit the Enter key with his finger, the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, and he closed the computer directly: "Done!"

Lu Yan and the others crowded forward with curious expressions: "Master, what have you done?"

Alia: "What are your plans? Come on!"

Lin Que smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry!"

"The bait has been thrown out, it's up to the fish to bite the hook!"

"Clean up, I'll take you to see a good show!"

Everyone was confused, put on their clothes dumbfounded, and followed Lin Que and left the bathing center.

at this time.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., the server that had been ringing the alarm suddenly became quiet.

On the large central screen, a line of small characters appeared.

"Continue to play music, continue to dance, I slipped!"


Olaf watched this scene, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely!

Special, this kid is the devil, right?

When S.H.I.E.L.D. is its own back garden, come and go if you want?

Damn, if I can't stop you, and can't play with you, I really want to hang you up and fight.

Damn it!

"Go, check it out for me, what did this kid do on the intranet!"


A group of programmers began to search intensively for the traces left by Lin Que. After a while, there were results.

Oliver looked at the results on the computer, his face turned dark!

"Bi Chi!"

After Lin Que invaded the intranet, he began to behave unscrupulously, making no secret of his behavior.

This is to let yourself wipe his ass!

Who is this?

"Boss, do we want to vent the news?"

The staff on the side hesitated for a while and asked.

Olaf slapped the staff unceremoniously on the head, and roared: "Are you a shame?"

"Tell me?"

"Tell them that we just watched others and hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D., there is nothing we can do, right?"

o('益`)ノ) ̄ε(#').

The staff was aggrieved and covered his painful face.

I kindly remind you, why do you want to hit someone?

The baby feels bitter!

Oliv looked at the computer screen, Lin Que made a series of show operations, and sighed helplessly.

"This kid is not good enough to provoke him, he is going to provoke this evil star!"

"Unlucky for you!"

While talking, he looked at the staff member who had been beaten by himself before and threw out a bank card.

"There is a million-meter knife in it, and I'll give you a weekly vacation!"

"Recover your injuries!"

The staff was taken aback for a moment, and then with joy on their faces, they grabbed the bank card in both hands, thanked Oliver, and completely forgot about the previous beatings.

"Thank you boss!"

After speaking, a slip of smoke disappeared on the workstation.

Upon seeing this, the surrounding employees looked at Oliv expectantly.

Oliver: "You also want to take a vacation?"

The employees nodded obediently one by one.

Oliver rolled up his sleeves and waved his sandbag-big fist to beckon everyone: "Come on, line up, come one by one!"

When all the employees saw this scene, their faces paled in fright, and they hurriedly looked away.

"We don't want to take vacations, we want to work!"

"Waste only needs vacation!"

"Working as a worker is the soul of working. Those who work are all human beings!"

"Oli here!"

Oliver snorted coldly and didn't hit the house for three days!

Out of the corner of my eye, looking at the information on the computer, he shook his head and sighed...

the other side.

A five-star hotel in the Desert of Death, where Harvey and others live.

As Lin Que and their identities were exposed, they were no different from having an invisible umbrella.

No one will notice them.

Steve looked at the martial law street outside through the window, and asked in a deep voice, "What should we do now?"

It has been almost five days since entering the desert of death, and there is no progress at all!

The current situation is unpredictable and they are dangerous.

The high-levels of K2, one by one, seem to be non-existent, and there is no trace to be found!

Bai Xinkui was wearing a pink cherry blossom kimono, kneeling on the floor to make tea, and slowly said, "Wait!"

Steve is all drunk.

What are you waiting for?

After the K2 organization finishes catching Lin Que, will you come catch them?

At this moment, Harvey, who was sitting on the computer desk beside him, jumped up and shouted excitedly.

"I found it!"

"Found it!"

Steve was taken aback, and said displeased: "Oh Shet!"

"Are you crazy?"

Bai Xinkui's face was cold.

Even the youth of the Blood Sect pointed the dagger in his hand at Harvey.

However, Harvey didn't care about everyone's murderous eyes, and shouted excitedly.

"I found a breakthrough!"

"At nine o'clock in the evening, the Young Master of the Illuminati will connect with the people of K2."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was not calm.

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