The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1103: , The more smelly, the stronger the fight


Lin Que took off the gas mask, blocked his sense of smell, rubbed his eyebrows, his expression was bitter.

The strength of the skeleton ghost king is among the four ghost kings, but it is the most terrifying and insidious.

It is said that many of the supreme-level powerhouses of the Eight Great Powers died in their hands.

Ruthless character!

Helen begged: "Brother, I have explained everything, can you delete the video and let me go!"

"I promise that I will change my mind and be a new man."

He was really tortured and desperate.

He thought he was very strong in his heart, but faced this inhumane torture, he was hasty.

I finally understood that the name of the Hunshi Demon King was not given for nothing.


Lin Quegang wanted to ask something.


Only a deafening explosion was heard above the basement.

Suddenly, he was taken aback.

Was discovered.

"Haha, Lin Que, you crippled stuff, Lao Tzu's people are here."

"You are useless!"

"I will definitely want you to taste what it means to be better than death later."

On the side, Helen's face became crazy, her face smug.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he regretted it.

So why can't you help but tell your inner thoughts?

Lao Tzu is still in the hands of this devil!


Lin Que grinned: "Before that, I will let you recall the feeling that life is better than death."

After speaking, he snapped his fingers, and once again transmitted the invincible egg into his body.

This time, he placed ten directly!

With this amount, the shovel disappeared in ashes!

After doing all this, Lin Que's figure directly disappeared in place.

Only Helen was left alone in the basement, looking at the stone pillars, tears of pain were revealed...

At this time, above the basement, countless K2 soldiers surrounded the scene.

Bujie monk and others are fighting **** battles.

The Dincongo effect on everyone disappeared, their original skin color was restored, and their defenses were greatly reduced.

Every soldier was fully armed, armed with live ammunition, and fired frantically at everyone.

Each of them was injected with ghost gene serum, ignoring the pain caused by spirit skills.

As long as they can't kill with one blow, they are immortal.

Lin Que held the halberd, rushed out, rushed into the pile of people, and started the massacre with the halberd waving.

Countless K2 soldiers were picked up and flew through their bodies with halberds.

However, it didn't take long for him to recover from his injuries, turning into a ghost, and rushing over again.

"Lin Quede, think of a way!"

The monk Bujie was forced to turn into the state of a demon buddha, but faced with a large number of K2 soldiers, it was very difficult.

"Everyone ate this!"

With a move with his right hand, Lin Que placed the glass jar containing the vigorous jackfruit fruit in front of everyone.

He took the lead in eating the fruit, his body soared, and he rushed into the crowd as if he had entered the land of no one.

Looking into the glass jar, the golden color, like the fruit of **** papa, everyone's face was full of resistance.

Alia pinched her nose, and she nauseated at the thought of the taste of vigorous jackfruit.

"This girl was beaten to death and didn't eat shit!"

Mint leaves looked terrified: "It's disgusting, meow~."

The monk Bujie doesn't care so much, he unscrews the glass jar directly, tilts his head, and gobbles it up against the mouth of the bottle.

Cang Dang!

The glass jar fell to pieces.

Next second.

Bujie monk's entire body began to change, his body suddenly increased by 1 meter, and his muscles began to expand, just like the body of a Hulk!

"I want to fight a hundred!"

"I'm bloated!"

At this moment, he felt that a punch could kill a supreme powerhouse.

After that, his fists covered the power of the Buddha and the magic, and his fist prints blasted out, abruptly smashing a piece of K2 soldiers into the air.

Although he didn't kill him on the spot, his combat power was more than several times stronger than before.

"Fuck, this awesome!"

"I got it!"

"The smellier the food, the fiercer the fight!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Yan didn't hesitate. He also swallowed the vigorous jackfruit fruit in the glass jar.

The flesh began to strengthen, like Ge Shi Lu Bu, holding a Fang Tian painted halberd, sweeping across the four directions!

Seeing the effect of vigorously jackfruit, Harvey and others still hesitate.

After all, this thing has a strong effect, but it's really smelly!

"I'm going to die, what do you care about so much?"

With a cold snort, Bai Xinkui took the lead to eat the golden fruit.

"Damn, die!"

Harvey is so outspoken when he sees girls, why is he still paying attention to so much?

That's it!

Everyone swallowed vigorously the jackfruit fruit one after another.

After a while, nine humanoid Titan Great Apes appeared in the field, and under the leadership of Lin Que, they began to rush out of the siege.

The situation was reversed in two levels. Hundreds of K2 soldiers who took the ghost gene serum were directly crushed.

Seeing that everyone was about to rush out of the siege, a dark shadow rushed out among the crowd.

The speed was so fast that he hit Lin Que's head with a punch.

Lin Que's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly raised the halberd to resist.


The halberd was buried in the heavy boxing, and the powerful force burst out an astonishing wave of air, which burst in an instant, overturning Lin Que's whole person, and fell heavily to the ground!

A tall Qianying stepped in the air, looking down at the people below, with a ghostly spirit on her body.

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