"Lin Que!"


When everyone saw that Lin Que was knocked down by the sudden black shadow, they were shocked, and everyone was on guard.

The beautiful figure standing out of the sky, dressed in black leather clothes, fully outlines the proud figure.

Holding a pair of knives, the ghost spirit lingering on his body is powerful, reaching a hundred!

"It's the 13th eldest sister!"


"These hairy boys are finished!"

On the ground, Lin Que climbed up from the pit, raised his head, looked at the figure holding a pair of knives in midair, was taken aback, and exclaimed.

"Hitman Thirteen!"

This woman is no one else, she was her old opponent when she dealt with the Caesars organization.

The Pacific team thought she had fallen, but they did not expect that she would come to the desert of death and join the K2 organization.

Thirteen One's face was cold: "Lin Que, I didn't expect it, you will also fall into my hands one day."

"The new hatred and the old hatred are settled."

At the beginning, if it were not for Lin Que, she would not have been reduced to this ghostly place at the mercy of others.

Lin Que shook his head speechlessly: "Please, it was your Caesar who wanted to kill me back then!"

"You come and blame me now?"

"I bother!"

"Double standard female!"

Thirteen eyes were expressionless, with a long knife in his hand pointing at the crowd, and he sighed coldly: "Don't leave one!"


As soon as the words fell, countless K2 soldiers rushed towards Lin Que and others, and the guns in their hands shot out a dense firepower net.

The bullet slid out in the air and fell overwhelmingly.


In Bai Xinkui's left hand, the Martial Soul Sealing Ball appeared, sealing off the space in front of him, and condensing the seal white wall.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The bullet fell into the sealed white wall, shaking ripples.

"Big guy smashed with skill!"

Among the soldiers, I don't know who yelled, and then the soldiers exploded with ghost energy, condensing a ball of ghost energy, and threw it toward the sealed white wall.


The entire sealed white wall trembled violently, and a cobweb-like crack appeared on the surface, which would break apart soon.

"Lin Que, don't hurry up to find a solution!"

"I can't stand it anymore."

Bai Xinkui's face was pale and said with difficulty.

Lin Que rolled his eyes.

All of you treat me as a god!

Say there is a way, there is a way?

In the front, the thirteen figures moved, turned into a ghostly attack and arrived, slashing out, abruptly smashing the sealed white wall.


There was a clear cracking sound, and the entire sealed white wall turned into nothingness.

The dense firepower net of bullets vented and flew out, locking everyone in.

"Everyone, open the field!"

Lin Que's pupils shrank and roared, his body's spirit power exploded and turned into a field of madness, suppressing the falling bullets.

Behind them, Lu Yan and others also released the domain, resisting the falling firepower net.

They are all geniuses among geniuses, and the quality of the casting field has reached SS level or above.

It is not so easy to crush their domain with ordinary weapons.


Suddenly, there was a loud sound of knives in the field. Thirteen armed with double knives appeared behind Lin Que, and the knives slashed out.


Lin Que's face changed in shock, and he subconsciously waved the halberd and pierced it out.


The swords and halberds collided, making the sound of golden ge, and the burst of energy aftermath, shocked the two of them.

The moment the thirteen figure flew backwards, two scimitars in his hand were thrown out, like two rounds of meniscus, one left and the other right, double-teamed flying out.

Lin Que gritted his teeth secretly, and the halberd in his hand jerked out of the ground, forcibly stabilizing the body that flew upside down.

At the same time, a terrifying blood flame burst out from the body, and an Asura statue bathed in the blood flame and walked out.

With three heads and six arms stretched out, Shura's blood sword slashed, shaking off the two scimitars.

"Everyone, get out!"

Lin Que's eyes flickered with demon thunder, and he clenched the halberd that had pierced the earth, with blood flames and demon thunder intertwined.

"Divine skill, Shura blood kill formation!"

"Thunder God's punishment!"


The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and the devil thunders with the thickness of the arm fell, and the devil thunder was mixed with the blood-killing sword array!

The monk Bujie raised his head and saw the falling Demon Thunder Blood Sword, his eyelids twitched.


"Run, Lin Quede killed Red Eye again."

After that, he stopped fighting and ran away dingy.

The mint leaves ran the fastest and turned directly into a cat demon, using both hands and feet, and ran behind Lin Que.

On the side, Harvey, who turned into a thunder lion and K2 soldier to fight, was blown up by the falling magic thunder.

"Bi Chi!"

"You are the enemy and we are indifferent!"

However, Lin Que ignored his roar, the demon thunder in the sky, the blood sword formation became even sharper.

Harvey was frightened and shivered: "You are so cruel!"

After speaking, he also ran away.

Thirteen smashed the fallen blood sword with one sword, looked at Lin Que, cursed in a low voice.


The terrifying demon thunder scorched the earth in black and white smoke, and the surrounding buildings were destroyed into ruins.

Kill the K2 soldiers with the blood sword!

There was gunpowder in the field, the smoke and dust billowed on the spot, and rubble splashed!

Steve’s eyes were almost bursting: "Ah, this..."

Is it so sturdy?

Xueying rolled his throat: "Is this someone of an age group?"

Bai Xinkui stared at this scene blankly, and a sense of powerlessness emerged in her heart.

A radius of five hundred meters has become a ruin.

What kind of fairy power is this?

Lin Que was also shocked by the scene he made.

"Excessive force..."

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