
At the K2 base camp base, Zach was forced to the corner by Lin Que.

"Damn it!"

He raised his head and looked at the three identical Lin Que in front of him, his brain humming.

The three are armed with different weapons.

Magic Knife Thousand Blades.

Burial halberd.

There is also an invincible pan!

The three are all together, even if it is a one-hundred-level powerhouse, the combat power is close to the half-step supreme-level Zach, it is very tricky.

"Boy, don't think you are a big deal if you have more people!"

"I can do it too!"

Zach let out a cold drink, and his body began to continuously decompose, turning into a green jelly-like liquid.

Lin Que:! !

Do you have many question marks on your head, kid?

Oh shit.

Is this really Zac who imitated the biodevil?

Next second.

The jelly-like liquid continued to be twisted, and in a short while, more than a dozen Zac appeared in the field.

Each one has a hundred levels of ghost aura.

More than a dozen Zacs said in unison: "Boy, be conscious of being beaten!"

After speaking, Qi Qi rushed out, punched and kicked.

Facing this scene, Lin Que was unusually calm, and directly retracted the shadow clone, took out a handful of Vulcan Gatling, and started a frantic sweep.

The ten barrels began to rotate rapidly, and the dense white light burst out, shooting at Zac like a storm.

Every white light carries a terrifying destructive power.

Zach:? ? ?

Damn Fuck!


Immediately afterwards, all a dozen Zacs were beaten into hornet's nests under the fire from Vulcan Gatling.

All turned back to green jelly, and recondensed into Zac's appearance.

"Boy, you don't speak martial ethics!"

"Use a gun!"

Among the eight major countries, in addition to foreign countries, Daxia has a very advanced scientific research on spiritual weapons.

Using the method of manufacturing attack spirit weapons, batches of mechanized firearms were concocted.

This batch of firearms is not only powerful, but also powerfully suppressing ghosts.

The Vulcan Gatling in Lin Que's hands had ten barrels of black smoke.

"More than people?"

"Don't know if there are too many targets, it is easy to be caught fire?"

"No common sense at all, real dishes!"

Zac was irritated, the green ghost spirit on his body surged out, and the whole person looked very strange.

"Boy, I will let you die!"

Lin Que grinned, flipped his palm, Vulcan Gatlin disappeared, and the halberd appeared in his hand.


"You are not qualified enough!"

"Diamond body 60%!"


Without any hesitation, the dragon was turned on directly, and the whole body was like a human-shaped dragon, covered with golden dragon scales.

A pair of golden dragon horns above the head, glowing with chaos.


The dragon soul of the blood shadow mad dragon entangled Lin Que's body, making a deafening dragon chant.

"You have been blocking the way for too long!"

"Trash, you should return to the trash can!"

"It's over!"

"Instant Prison Shadow Killing Array!"


Lin Que pierced out with a halberd, and in the blood shadow air current of the blood shadow crazy dragon's body, a devilish energy was intertwined in it, fierce and fierce.

The huge dragon body soared into the sky, carrying the power of destruction to destroy everything, and swooped out, wherever it passed, the space was shattered, and the mechanical floor of the earth burst and splashed.

Zach looked at the blood-shadow mad dragon, carrying a monstrous devilish energy, and his pupils shrank!

Facing Lin Que's full blow, instead of dodge, he chose to be strong.

"I am the strongest biochemical warrior!"

"It is impossible to lose!"


Zach roared, and the green ghost energy burst out from his body, turning into a punch, and bombarding the head of the blood shadow mad dragon.


When the two converge, the burst of power has caused ripples in the surrounding space!

After a loud explosion, Lin Que directly withdrew from the dragonized state, and knelt on the ground incomparably weak.

The forehead was covered with big beads of sweat and slipped off his cheeks.

It's always dead now!

However, the flames of the explosion dissipated, and Zac fell to the ground with a bang, the emerald green mucus disappeared, and he looked like a normal person.

He raised his head and looked unwilling.

"No! Absolutely impossible!"

"I am the strongest biochemical warrior. How could I be defeated by a 76th-level spiritual warrior."

"This is impossible!"

Lin Que stood up with difficulty holding the halberd in his hand, and took out a bottle of super power water to restore his spirit power.

There was killing intent in his eyes, and he looked at Zac.

We must get up and do something.

I saw Zac's body directly turned into a pool of jelly-like mucus, melted into the mechanical floor, and disappeared.

"Damn it!"

Lin Que wanted to stand up and stop, but the weakness after Long Hua made him fall to the ground.

It's been almost half an hour since I came in, so I can't delay it any longer.

Standing up hard, he took out the Variety of Rubber Candy. After taking it orally, his body changed into running water and flowed directly into the depths of the base.

the other side.

After Zac fled, he went directly to Izo's office, lying directly on the ground, begging.

"help me!"

Sitting in a leather chair, Izo held a glass of red wine in his hand, swaying gently.

"Tsk tusk, the biochemical warrior transformed by ordinary people, no matter how much effort they put in, it still won't work!"

Zach looked desperate for survival: "Boss, save me, I still have use value!"

"help me!"

Izo drank the red wine in the glass, showing a wicked expression: "You do still have use value!"

"That is, become my nourishment!"

Zach's face became horrified.

A shadow in the dark, a ghost shed the human skin, bite at Zac, and ate it away...

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