The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1118: , The weak and the strong

Deep in the K2 base.

A mass of blood-red slime gushed out of the ground and gathered into Lin Que's appearance.

At this moment, he hadn't got rid of the weakness after Longhua, his face was tired.

When he raised his head and looked at the scene in front of him, his whole body was dull.

In the containers full of emerald green effusions, there are monsters whose appearances can no longer be called human beings.

The entire space, the size of two football fields, is densely packed with tens of thousands of containers.


Lin Que swallowed.

These are all real people!

How can these guys like K2 get it right?


System prompt: "Justice may be late, but it will never be absent!"

Option 1: "Destroy everything here, wipe out the evil, and reward the SS-level suit!"

Option 2: "Control everything here, take it for yourself, establish your own forces, and reward the time domain."

Option 3: "Find the source of evil, root it out, and reward a prop 2.0 upgrade card!"

Lin Que looked at the three options and rolled his throat.

It is not an easy task to eliminate such a large number of biochemical ghosts.

At least he can't do it.

Choice two, let him control these biochemical ghosts?

What a joke!

What's the difference between this and surrendering to Mingyuan, when the time comes, he will not be stupid when facing the joint encirclement and suppression of the eight great nations.

Only three options are left.

He was going to pursue the source of K2's ghost gene serum.

"I choose the third one!"


The system prompts: "Congratulations, big brother, for bringing up an item 2.0 upgrade card!"

"Please complete the task within three days, otherwise, the reward will be withdrawn, please take the lightning strike package!"

Lin Que rolled his eyes.

Lightning strike?

I'm afraid of a hammer.

The big deal is over, who is afraid of whom?


Does this speak of martial ethics?

not at all.

Without the imprisonment of the virtual spirit stone, he was urged by the power of space, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

Teleported all the way to a building at the bottom of the base.


When the guards at the gate noticed Lin Que's presence, they had to draw their guns.


Next second.

Lin Que picked up the knife in his hand, and killed the guards neatly!

The magic knife thousand blades will exhaust the blood diet!

He raised his head, glanced at the door in front of him, cut it down with a knife, and cut the door in two.

"Kang Dang!"

The iron gate shattered to the ground.

Inside the gate, a scientific researcher wearing a white coat looked at Lin Que, who was holding a magic knife and standing outside the door, like a demon coming from hell, and was startled.

Lin Que's gaze directly ignored everyone, and fell into a container full of **** fluid behind.

In the container, a tall woman with no clothes to hide her shame, lay peacefully in it.

Countless mechanical tubes are inserted into the woman, constantly drawing the blood gene inside.

The woman is in a state of death dormancy, ignorant of everything that happened to her.

Like a sleeping beauty.

Not only that, the hypnotic gas is constantly released in the container, which prevents the woman from waking up.

Let them kill!

A scientific researcher in a white coat really holds a jar of fresh genetic serum in his hand.

"Who are you!"

When the researchers saw Lin Que, they were the first to react: "You are..."


Before the scientific researchers had finished speaking, Lin Que came to him in the blink of an eye, and the magic knife in his hand pierced his heart and nailed him to the wall.

"Are you still individuals?"

"Use this human wisdom to help Mingyuan create a genetic virus to harm mankind!"

"What's the difference between this behavior and a beast!"


Lin Que's arms twisted the Magic Knife Thousand Blades forcefully, turning like a meat grinder at the heart.


The scientific researcher took a big mouthful of blood, flowing down the corner of his mouth, and immediately lost his breath.

When the scientific researchers in the field saw this scene, they were shocked for a long time before reacting. One of the elderly people stood up and shouted.

"what are you doing!"

"We are all elites of genetics, if you kill him, there will be one less talented person in this world!"

Lin Que slapped the old man with his backhand, slapped his teeth on the ground.

"I bother!"

"You polite hypocrites!"

"Just like you, you don't deserve to be called a person at all!"

The old man was dissatisfied and began to excuse himself hoarsely.

"In this world where the weak eats the strong, we pursue strength. What's wrong with this?"

"You spiritual masters are born to be the darling of the heavens, and the spirits communicate with the heaven and the earth!"

"Have you ever experienced the pain of those of us who cannot cultivate?"

"We are not convinced!"

"We have to change our lives against the sky!"

Lin Que laughed furiously at this impassioned defense.

"I'll change your mother's mind!"

Without any nonsense, he stepped forward with a big mouth, and once again slapped the old man on the face, and beat him half to death.

"I feel so cheeky!"

"Damn, today I actually met someone more shameless than me."

"It's so grand-sounding to speak of one's own selfish desires!"

"I will let you know today, what is the weak and the strong!"

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