Izo had a solemn face and gritted his teeth secretly. He felt a pressure on Lin Que at this moment.


This guy has obviously lost his combat effectiveness. Where does his combat effectiveness come from?

Lin Que held the funeral halberd and pierced it out with a halberd. The terrifying force gathered a little, cut through the sky, and pointed directly at the front door of Izo.

"I don't know what I can do!"

Izo snorted coldly, his body spilled out, turned into a ghostly palm, and shot down.


The halberd bombarded the ghostly giant palm, bursting out energy ripples and sparks.


Lin Que smashed the ghostly giant palm with a halberd and attacked and killed him.

Izo's face was startled, and he hurriedly gathered the ghostly energy in his arms, holding the burial halberd with his hands together.

The terrifying power erupting from the halberd on his body forced him to retreat again and again.

"Damn it."

Izo, who was unable to retreat, gritted his teeth and stomped on the ground with his right foot. The hundred-level ghost gas turned into ghost thorns and rose from the ground.

Lin Que had never seen a ghost thorn before, and the flames of blood gushing from his feet, burning all the ghost thorns.


Seeing his ghost stings burned, Izo was shocked.

When did Lin Que's power become so powerful?

No, it's the brilliance that resembles an emperor!

What kind of power is this?

Don't let him think about it, the funeral halberd will be forced into his chest.

"Boy, you asked for this."


The ghost energy on Izo began to burn, and suddenly, his body began to change, becoming a hideous ghost.

The whole body was burning with the ghostly green fire that made the soul tremble.

The whole body is like a skeleton, without any flesh and blood.

If it weren't for the cover of clothes, it is estimated that if the girl saw it, she would have fainted on the spot.

"Go away!"

Izo, who turned into a skeleton monster, forced Lin Que back with a punch, and the ghostly spirit on his body had reached the half-step supreme level.


Lin Quegang steadied his body and was shocked to see this scene.

What he was surprised was not Izo's appearance, but the strength that surpassed the one-hundred-level ghost energy.

Originally, when interrogating Helen before, I found out that K2 had a half-step supreme powerhouse.

He still didn't care, thinking that he was lying to himself.

Now seeing Izo, he hastily.

Oh shit.

Didn't it say that the death desert does not allow the birth of a strong person above the 100th level?

What's the matter with this guy?

Isn't it killed by the magnetic field?

Izo stepped out in one step, and the pressure of a half-step supreme-level powerhouse fell on the audience, and countless monsters, including the soldiers of K2, were all suppressed on the spot.

Lin Que relied on the imperial spirit to barely resist the coercion.

Iza looked jokingly: "Are you accidental?"


"Are you curious, why didn't I get killed by the magnetic field of the Dead Desert?"

"Because the technology of this base is a technological product that can isolate the magnetic field!"

"In addition, there are tens of thousands of ghost spirits buried here, which continuously provide me with ghost energy and the power needed to isolate the magnetic field."

"Here, even the supreme-level powerhouse is not my opponent!"

Lin Que looked at this scene and smiled bitterly, covering his face.

"This time, I was miserable by Old Man Li again!"

"When I go back, the price must be increased!"

"It's a bad job!"

Izo smiled coldly: "You have no chance to go back."

"Keep your life!"

After speaking, the figure flashed and appeared in front of Lin Que, turning the sharp blade with his hand, and hitting the center of his eyebrows.

However, the moment he was about to touch Lin Que's body.


Lin Que disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already transformed into three people.

Shadow clone!

"I never thought about being a hero!"

"What a pity!"

"Too many people are involved this time."

"Don't kill you, I'm sorry for their contribution!"

"So, please go to death!"

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