Looking at Lin Que now, Izo felt an inexplicable sense of oppression in his heart.

Damn it.

His strength has reached the half-step supreme level, and the combat power is close to the supreme level. How can I be afraid of a hairy boy.

"Boy arrogant!"

Izo snorted coldly, his aura increased, and he tried to crush Lin Que with brute force.

"Don't come to this fake set, I don't have time to play with you!"

In the hands of the three Lin Que, the emperor's anger was lingering, his hands were put together, and a rotating shuriken continued to condense.

The emperor's air can only last for ten minutes.

He has no time to drag on.

If you don't give up monks, they don't have time to wait for themselves.

"Magic Shuriken!"

The three Lin Que roared in unison, and the golden shurikens in their hands condensed with imperial energy, whirled out.

Wherever it passed, the space simply couldn't bear the overbearing force, and it all broke apart, revealing a hideous black hole.


When Izo saw this scene, his face changed drastically, and he was about to gather all his strength in his arms and blasted out a punch.

The ghost fist imprints fiercely greeted the three shurikens that struck.


The two banged together, and the burst of power directly extinguished the ghost fist, and the shuriken cut straight towards Lin Que.

In Izo's eyes, the golden shurikens were getting bigger and bigger, and the next moment, he was directly submerged in it.


After a shocking explosion, Izo, who turned into a skeleton, knelt on the ground in embarrassment.

The power of the whole body was exhausted, and he changed back to a human form.

Lin Que was also lying on the ground exhausted, unable to use any more strength.

It's over...

However, in front of him, Izo, who was half kneeling on the ground, began to laugh wildly.


"It's worthy of being a person on the Mingyuan Wanted List, it's a monster!"

"The trick just now is really terrifying. If it hadn't exhausted all the ghost energy to resist, it would have almost fallen into your hands."

Lin Que trembled in his heart.

An unknown hunch came to life in my heart.

I saw Izo, who was half kneeling on the ground, pressing his hands on the mechanical floor, and in the next second, countless ghosts followed his arms and entered his body.

The ghost energy that had been exhausted before suddenly recovered, and it was strengthened to a half-step supreme-level peak.

The tens of thousands of ghost souls buried under the K2 base, their power is constantly converging in Izo's body.

Iza raised his head and laughed: "Now, what are you fighting with me?"

"You all have to die!"

"I want to hang your corpses on the ocean outside the desert of death to warn the eight great nations."

"This is the end of the fight against K2."

Lin Que gritted his teeth secretly, and had to brace his body to stand up, however, he couldn't use any strength at all.


Izo stomped on the ground with his right foot, and a strong wind blew Lin Que fiercely over and hit the wall.


Another big mouthful of blood was spit out, and Lin Que's breath fell to the extreme at this moment.


Tian Leilong saw this scene, and after a roar, he dashed towards Izo.

But before it got close to Izo one meter, an invisible force directly suppressed the Thunder Dragon on the ground, unable to move.

Izo ignored the Sky Thunder Dragon at all and walked straight towards Lin Que, condensing a ghost thorn in his hand.

"Get on the road!"

Lin Que looked at Izo who was walking step by step, his eyes slowly closed.

At this moment, the previous scenes flashed through his mind continuously.

Little sister, eldest sister, old, Mo Qingcheng, Qin bald...

Bujie monk...

And... Sister Hongye!

Is it really going to end?

He hasn't seen Sister Hongye yet, he is not reconciled!

Just when he was about to burn his soul to explode.

Suddenly, an inexplicable force poured into the body and began to heal the dying body.

Lin Que turned around and was surprised to find that the woman he rescued from the container did not know when she would wake up.

She is injecting the power of blood into her body...

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