Death desert.

Lin Que carried his generals on his back and ran all the way, with a large group of genetic ghosts behind his ass.

His grandmother has a leg and is still addicted to it.

Can't get rid of it at all!

Jiang Chen: "You can't get rid of them."

Lin Que looked puzzled: "What are you talking about? It's too windy to hear!"

Tugging the corner of Chen's eyes, the corner of his mouth was close to Lin Que's ear, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and he smiled.

"I said, with me, you can't escape at all!"


Lin Que slammed the brakes to stabilize his body, and sparks came out of both feet.

Cold sweat ran deep in my heart, and an unknown premonition climbed up.

"You...what do you mean!"

Jiang Chen's arms were like lotus roots, gently wrapped around Lin Que's neck, vomiting hot air in his mouth.

"I said, with me, you can't get rid of the genetic ghost!"

I'm going to your mother's little genius!

I was pitted!

For a moment, Lin Que's head was extremely clear, and he rolled his throat and said in a deep voice, "You mean, you can control these genetic ghosts!"


The minister raised his jade hand, tucked the messy hair in his ear, and said softly.

"In the words of your current humans, the blood of these genetic ghosts comes from the mother, which is me!"

"It's ridiculous that you humans and ghosts are trying to control my power!"

"How do you know that the power of God is something you ordinary people can grasp."

Damn it!

A big coolness spread from the toes to the heavenly inspiration.

Lin Que just wanted to leave the generals behind, but unfortunately, it was still a step too late.

Countless genetic ghosts surrounded him, and the water couldn't escape. As long as he dared to move rashly, he was guaranteed to be attacked by groups.

Looking at this scene, he called a bitter face with a big face in his heart.

"Boss, you should come down now!"

He raised his head, looked at the generals lying on his back and said.

Jiang Chen gently pushed Lin Que's back with both hands, and the whole person slowly lifted into the air, sharply into the air.

Below, the genetic ghosts knelt to the ground, worshiping their king.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Jiang Chen stared at Lin Que, as if he could penetrate him with a single glance.

Lin Que spread his hands and sighed helplessly, "I'm afraid, can I survive?"

"I'm very curious, if you can order these genetic ghosts, why let K2 kill them?"

He regretted it!

I knew that compassion shouldn't be overflowing. I thought I picked up a treasure, but who knew I picked up a dad!

Jiang Chen smiled slightly: "I need to heal my wounds to avoid the prying eyes of your strong humans!"

"It's just that the group of humans can provide me with a refuge and recruit men for me. It's good."

Lin Que had already greeted Ming Yuan and K2 with his eighteenth generation ancestors in his heart.

Oh shit.

This is a general, you don't want to hide from a distance, and you dare to catch them and do experiments.


"Boss, I saved you somehow, let me go!"

"I promise, I won't say anything!"

Jiang Chen shook his head: "It's unnecessary!"

"Although my strength has not fully recovered, it is enough to deal with you humans!"

"What I want most now is to eat you!"

"Tsk tsk, there are many forces in your body that shouldn't exist in this world, and they can coexist. It's incredible!"

"Eat you, I will definitely be able to restore my peak!"

"There are ghosts, that taste, it must be great!"

A greedy look appeared on Jiang Chen's face.

Red leaves!

The cynical look on Lin Que's face immediately faded, slowly turning into a hideous look.

In the eyes, there is a terrifying **** murderous intent!

"Do you want to die?"

In the body, the emperor is ready to go!

Want to use him as a threat to deal with Hongye?

Even if he is dead, it is impossible for the other party to succeed!


Jiang Chen looked at Lin Que, frowning, she felt a terrifying force converging in this human body.

Suddenly, she thought of the previous scene of humans killing Izo in a second, and her heart sank.

Does this man still have a hole card?

Just when she wanted to say something, in the sky, eight streamers came with a sonic boom.

"call out!"

Eight streams of light fell on Lin Que's side, and in the blink of an eye, a large part of the genetic ghosts surrounded by him was blown apart.


Lin Que smiled with joy when he saw the visitor.

The person who came is no one else, but the supreme powerhouse of the Eight Great Nations.

The old man held the wine gourd, took a few sips, looked back at Lin Que, and smiled with relief.

"Boy, good job!"

Lin Que's work in the Desert of Death has already been learned from the population such as Lu Yan.

With one's own power, uproot the entire K2.

Even a supreme-level powerhouse, dare not say that he can do it.


Lin Que thought of something, pointed at the general, and reminded him: "Master, this guy is the mother of the ghostly gene serum!"

"Ancient corpse king and generals!"

"You have to be careful!"


Hearing this, the old man and the others changed their expressions drastically, staring at the weak women one by one.

The prestige of the corpse kings and ministers, as supreme-level powerhouses, has naturally been known in ancient books.

It is a great power born when the heavens and the earth are first opened, and the spiritual energy is revived.

Didn’t it fall as early as the ancient times?

Why is it here?

Thor is holding the Thor's hammer, and a dignified look shows on his mad face: "Cang Yuan, you take this kid to go first!"

"We old guys will meet her!"

Cang Yuan nodded, the scarlet golden soul power wrapped Lin Que, and he was about to leave.

In midair, Jiang Chen smiled: "I want to go, do I agree?"

After that, between raising his hands, the whole world was sealed, and countless genetic ghosts climbed up from the land.

"Leave it all!"

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