"Since it's here, stay here!"

Jiang Chen wore Lin Que's clothes, and with a wave of his jade hand, countless genetic ghosts rushed up like crazy.

One by one, with teeth and claws, completely devoid of thoughts, they are war machines.

"Missions, get out!"

Thor yelled, the Thor's hammer in his hand whizzed out, the lightning burst, flashing, a large group of genetic ghosts had not yet approached everyone, and was directly shattered by the lightning!

"Holy photos!"

The Holy See of Light, an elderly man, spread his hands, and a crystal bottle appeared in his hands.

The crystal bottle burst out with dazzling light, and the hot temperature burned the genetic ghost into black charcoal.

"Qi Hezhang!"

Ninja, a man dressed in red, pulled out a Ninja sword from his waist.

This Shinobi is different from other knives, his blade is on the back!

Reverse blade!

In the field, the sword aura was permeated, a red-clothed figure flashed past, and the sword aura burst in the audience, knocking the genetic ghosts into the air and strangling them in the air!

So strong!

On the side, Lin Que watched the three supreme-level shots, and in the blink of an eye, he solved the genetic ghost.

Especially the red ninja!

Reverse the blade!

He thought it was just a legend, but he didn't expect it to be true, so he was so handsome!

Must do it!

Isn't it too much to steal it?

Thor raised his head, looked at the generals, and said with full anger: "With this group of rubbish, do you want to keep us?"

"It's too much, look down on us too much!"

Even if the one in front of them was a corpse king and minister from ancient times, they didn't have much fear in their hearts.

They are both the ceiling of this world's combat power.

It's really not afraid.

Jiang Chen's face was calm, and under his fingers: "Oh, isn't it?"

Next second.

Everyone's expressions were shocked.

The genetic ghost who had been dealt with originally started to stand up slowly, and the fatal injuries on his body gradually healed as if they were not injured.

"How can this be!"

Thor's face was startled.

Although he didn't use his full strength in the attack just now, he couldn't resist this group of rubbish.

He obviously has strangled all vitality, why can they stand up?

Lin Que said in a deep voice, "It's the power of the generals' blood!"

He couldn't understand the power of Jiangchen's bloodline too much.

Before, he suffered such a serious injury, with the help of Jiang Chen's blood, he recovered in the blink of an eye.

The power of this bloodline is very abnormal.

Jiang Chen looked down at the crowd: "Leave this kid behind, and you will be self-defeating, get out!"

"I'm covering it here!"

After she recovered, she had already planned everything.

The terrain of the death desert is dangerous, and it can be used as her habitat to resist the invading enemies.

"Don't be ashamed!"

The orc national fierce tiger supreme snorted coldly and turned into a beast, becoming a majestic fierce tiger.


A terrifying tiger roar echoed across the world, and a huge fierce tiger law condensed.

Carrying the destructive power to destroy the world, rush towards the generals.

Jiang Chen raised a finger slightly, and his weak body was so small in front of Liehu Faxiang.

However, this tiny body is just a finger, directly blocking the huge fierce tiger art.


I saw the fierce tiger beating next to him, breaking every inch, bursting open with a bang, and the aftermath swept the audience.

The Liehu Supreme Tiger's body flew upside down, smashed to the ground fiercely, vomiting blood, and breathless.


Seeing this scene, a group of supreme-level powerhouses couldn't help taking a breath.

One move defeats the supreme mid-term!

What a terrifying power!

For a time, Jiang Chen was like a towering Mount Tai, pressing in the bottom of everyone's hearts, full of powerlessness.

"Damn it, why is there such a terrible guy!"

Thor's arrogant arrogance was suppressed, and his eyes were full of jealousy.

He prides himself on being powerful, but there is no way to defeat the Liehu Supreme in one move. He is not afraid of this power!

Lin Que trembled in her heart.

That's it!

"Brother Chi You, don't sleep anymore!"

"You want me to come, now people want to mess with me, don't you come out and help!"

"Hey! Talk quickly!"

After a while, Chi You's voice came slowly.

"Boy, I called you right!"

"But I didn't expect this guy to recover part of his strength, I can't beat it!"

"This is an unexpected thing, I can't grasp it!"

Lin Que had a black line on his face.

Sure enough, accidents often happen if there are no accidents.

This time it's over!

Demon God Chi You said anxiously: "Boy, I'm too weak, I have to dive!"

"Otherwise, when the old lady catches me, I will be in danger!"

"You are so on your own!"

After finishing talking, seconds off the line to dive.

Lin Que:? ? ?

Oh shit.

Is this a teammate on a boat?

It's really good to slip so fast and push Lao Tzu out to block the knife!


System: "Brother, don't ask me!"

"I'm just a system, I can't beat this big guy in front of me!"

"I will dive too!"

Lin Que:...

My Nima...

You all dive one by one, hiding behind me. Where do I hide, Lao Tzu?

"Master, do we still have reinforcements?"

The old man took a sip of wine and said in a deep voice, "Boy, be smart later, find a chance to slip by yourself!"

In the face of the generals, the ancient corpse king, even if the eight of them died, they might not be opponents.

Hearing this, Lin Que was completely desperate.

This minute, he is so helpless!

Why, every time some ancient boss recovers, he can meet him?

Who is arranging Laozi!

I lost it!

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and his smile was harmless to humans and animals: "I'm giving you a chance!"

"Hand over this kid, abolish the cultivation base, or surrender to me!"

"Offender, die!"

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