Everyone listened to the generals' words, and they were conceived one by one.

Lin Que gave a wry smile.

In the face of life and death, no one is willing to protect themselves.

He knew that if he continued to stay, he would not only become fish on the chopping board, but would also be targeted by the supreme class of other forces.

Can only live to death!

"Hey, old lady, don't you want to eat Xiaoye?"

"Have the ability, catch me!"

Lin Que gave a grinning smile, then the Emperor Jue was activated, and the Emperor Qi in his body was released instantly.


Next second.

He walked away directly from the void and disappeared in the same place.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted, ignoring the eight supreme-level powerhouses, and chased him out.

Everyone was shocked.

The space here is sealed by the generals, even if they are unable to break through, how did Lin Que do it?

"Kill out!"

At this moment, Thor took the lead in reacting, holding the Thor's hammer to smash it, and countless genetic ghosts were knocked off and imprisoned by thunder and lightning!

If you can't kill, then suppress it all!

For a time, everyone was fighting desperately to escape.

Things have reached this point, no one is going to care about Lin Que's life and death, just want to leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

"Lin Que!"

The old man held the wine gourd in his hand, his face was anxious, the spirit of the beast snake appeared, opened his mouth and spit out hot flames, opened a way, and chased after him.

the other side.

Lin Que escaped all the way into the void and began to flee.

The maintenance effect of Human Emperor Jue is only ten minutes!

You must find a silver lining within ten minutes, otherwise, you really have to explain it here.

"Boy, run to the east!"

At this moment, the voice of the demon **** Chi You came in his mind.


Isn’t that the location of Dragon Turtle Island?

Lin Que didn't care about that much, and ran directly towards the location of Dragon Turtle Island.


The system prompts: "Don't panic when you run away, let's choose a mission to suppress your surprise!"

Choice 1: "Since you can't resist, then give up struggling and become the food for the generals, rewarding SSS-level spiritual weapons, the golden avenue!"

Option 2: "Help the generals, slaughter the ghost and immortal Hongye, and reward the soul power for breaking through the 100th level!"

Option 3: "Awaken the sleeping ancient gods and become the opener of a new era, rewarding the awakening of the dragon's supernatural powers, and the heavenly dragons!"

Lin Que was taken aback for a moment. Lao Tzu ran away and gave him a task?

What kind of **** tasks are they!

When serving food for the generals, how can you really speak, and reward the Golden Mile?

Why don't you talk about Huangquan Road!

Do not choose to kill!

Choice two is even more irritating.

Let him betray his wife?

It would be impossible in this life, unless he died, otherwise, no one would ever want to hurt Sister Hongye.

What the **** is the task of choosing three?

A sleeping god?

The opener of a new era?

Just when Lin Que was at a loss, he chased the minister up.

"Human, stop!"

When Lin Que saw this, his eyes almost stared out.

"I choose the third one!"


System prompt: "Congratulations, big brother, the supreme supernatural powers of the dragon clan, and the heavenly dragon chants!"

"It will be completed within one day, otherwise the reward will be withdrawn and the thunder penalty package will go!"

In an instant, the supernatural power dragon soul inhabiting the dantian soul sea uttered a loud dragon roar.

Then, it is directly turned into a piece of information, escaped into the mind, and integrated!

Lin Que felt the information in his mind, but he couldn't take care of so much at this moment.

Sa Yazi ran all the way.

Jiang Chen appeared in Lin Que's original position, frowning.

For an instant, she felt a coercive breath from the soul, which disappeared in the blink of an eye.

All these changes appeared to Lin Que.

Be sure to catch this kid and check it out.

Three minutes later.

Lin Que's figure appeared in Longgui Mountain. As soon as he entered, he was directly shaken out of the void by a mysterious force.


He exploded with a **** on the spot.

"Chi You, you are a big pit!"

Let Lao Tzu run here, now let Lao Tzu be pitted here, play a ball!

It's cold.

Behind him, the generals also chased, and the figure was suppressed by mysterious power and walked on the ground.


She also felt the weirdness of this place, but she didn't care much.

Looking at Lin Que, the corners of his mouth curled slightly: "Boy, you can't run away."

"Follow me obediently!"

"Explain what happened to you, maybe I can keep you alive!"

Lin Que directly raised his middle finger.


Are you deceiving children?

Go with you, don't let Lao Tzu be solved, and study it plainly.


Just when he was about to speak cruelly, the imperial spirit on his body disappeared, and his legs were paralyzed on the ground.

Ten minutes is up!

Lin Que: (,,•́.•̀,,).

Why didn't you feel it before, ten minutes, so short?

Perceiving Lin Que's situation, Jiang Chen's eyes became more curious.

"Boy, the answer to your body is really curious!"

"Don't worry, I will make your research clear later."

Lin Que looked stunned.

Jiang Chen joked, "Demon Chiyou, are you really not going to come out to see you?"

Next second.

Demon God Chi You appeared concretely from Lin Que's body.

"The corpse king, generals, don't come here unharmed!"

The moment Jiang Chen saw Chi You, his eyes were stunned, but he quickly recovered his calmness.

"Unexpectedly, in the first battle, you would still be alive!"

"Even more, I didn't expect you to become a human spirit!"

"However, it doesn't matter. When I eat you up, I will restore my strength to the peak. Then I will reproduce what happened in the past..."

Demon God Chi You shook his head and sighed: "Is it you that I didn't do in the past?"

"Idiot talk about dreams!"

"Let's take a good look at where is under your feet!"

Hearing this, the general looked at it carefully, and then his eyes became horrified...

sp: I wanted to go out to play, but when I saw my wallet was empty, I should be honest with the code...

I wish all lsp who watch the rift girl, happy National Day and self-improvement!

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