"Your cheek is as thick as always!" Sister Yan said coldly.

Lin Que shrugged: "There is no way, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, and the skin is not thicker, and you can't get along!"

In this world of rejuvenation, the cheapest thing is the skin.

Sister Yan rolled her eyes: "If you don't go in yet, do you want this old gentleman to stand outside forever?"

Although she is not a spiritual master, her eyesight is not bad.

Although the old man's appearance is sloppy, his eyes are piercing, which is not something ordinary people can have.

He must also be a spiritual master, and his strength must be very strong!

Hearing this, Lin Que slapped his forehead: "Yes, yes!"

"Look at me, when you are happy, you forget that this is my own territory!"

"Old, please inside!"

Sister Yan helped her forehead. Is this guy really the genius who stirs the situation as described on TV?

This appearance is not a bit different from what she saw on TV!


A group of people walked into the courtyard.

Reception room.

Sister Yan personally served the tea and poured water: "Old, drink tea!"

In the contact just now, she also knew the old man's name, so she didn't dare to be careless in her heart.

Because even the old man who must be respectful and respectful of the Hunshi Devil, his background must not be small!

"Thank you!"

The old man took the teacup and said politely, but instead of drinking the tea, he raised the wine gourd and drank it.

Lin Que chuckled softly, "Teacher loves wine and seldom drinks tea!"

"By the way, how is the situation in the orphanage?"

Sister Yan took out a document from the cabinet: "Over the past year or so, the orphanage has rescued 1,136 children."

"Among them, 800 children were adopted by Yulingzhe's family, and the remaining 236 children were all raised by the orphanage."

"There are also some expenses for assisting the destruction of the home by the ghost. They are all here, you can take a look."

Lin Que took the document, but didn't read it. Instead, he took a sip from his teacup.

Faced with this move, Sister Yan's face was taken aback, and then she shook her head and smiled.

Sure enough, this little brother was not as cynical as he seemed.

No doubt about hiring, no doubt about it!

This is also the result she wants to see.


At this moment, there was movement outside, attracting the attention of the three people.

"what happened?"

Lin Que frowned, teleported to the balcony, and saw the courtyard below, a group of people broke in.

The headed middle-aged man, with a sturdy face, is obviously a ruthless character.

"The leader is called Geng Biao, a spiritual master with a spirit power of 47."

"We often charge protection fees in this area."

Sister Yan walked out and explained.

Lin Que frowned: "So, this guy often comes here to harass?"

"Does the night watchman and the city hunter leave it alone?"

A trace of murderous intent flashed across the old and drunken face.

If you don’t protect your compatriots, the princes are damned!

Sister Yan sighed helplessly: "Behind this Geng Biao is the Shen family, and the night inspector has nothing to do with him."

Lin Que was taken aback for a moment: "Shen's family?"

Sister Yan nodded: "After the major forces in Cangtong Town were shuffled, it is now a three-legged situation."

"The Mo family, the Qin family, and the newly rising Shen family!"

Lin Que suddenly realized: "There is someone behind it!"

Sister Yan put her arms around her chest, glanced at the overbearing group of people in the courtyard below her eyes and said.

"Now you are back, solve it yourself!"

Lin Que grinned, revealing two evil tiger teeth: "Leave it to me!"

As soon as the words fell, the body disappeared in place.

In the courtyard below, Geng Biao looked fierce, with sharp tiger teeth in his hands, looking at a group of four or five-year-old children.

"Boys, call your dean to me!"

"Otherwise, I will eat you all!"

When the children saw this scene, they were so frightened that they hugged and shivered.

The teachers on the side wanted to step forward, but were blocked by Geng Biao's younger brother.

"Bad guy, go away, don't want to bully us!"

"When I become a spiritual master, I must defeat you, protect the orphanage, and protect the dean!"

A five-year-old boy, with determination on his immature face, stood in front of his classmates, looked directly at Geng Biao, and said with a milky voice.

"It's you little deflated calf again!"

When Geng Biao saw the little boy, his face sank: "You bit Lao Tzu a few days ago. Today, the lady who didn't have your dean guards you, and sees Lao Tzu take care of you!"

As he said, raising his right arm, he was about to slap down fiercely.

Upon seeing this, the little boy closed his eyes tightly with his palms in front of him.

At the moment when the slap was about to fall, Lin Que kicked out in the void and kicked Geng Biao away.


Geng Biao's body was like a kite with a broken line. He drew an arc in the air and fell heavily to the ground.

"Big Brother!"

When a group of younger brothers saw their eldest brother being kicked, they hurriedly stepped forward to help.

"Go away!"

Geng Biao roared and pushed away the little brother who was supporting him, looking at Lin Que who suddenly appeared viciously.

"Boy, who are you!"

The kick he was kicked just now made him hurt. This kid is definitely a spiritual master.

Lin Que ignored Geng Biao, lowered his head, looked at the little boy, and said with a slight smile: "Children, aren't you afraid?"

The little boy had a firm face and said gruffly: "I want to protect the orphanage, I'm not afraid!"

Lin Que laughed loudly and squeezed the little boy's face with his hands.

"you're great!"

"Do you want to see the bad guys being knocked down?"

The little boy looked expectant: "Yes!"

Lin Que grinned, "Okay, brother will show you one!"

Geng Biao's face was fierce: "Boy, do you know who I am?"

"Do you dare to ruin my good deeds, I..."


Before he could finish speaking, a huge slap came and slapped...

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