
Geng Biao was slapped and slapped to the ground again, his head hit the ground first, a hole was broken, and blood was flowing.

Scarlet blood ran down half of his cheek, extremely hideous.

"Big Brother!"

All the younger brothers were about to step forward, and saw Geng Biao's forty-seventh-level spirit power swept and exploded.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Geng Biao's face was covered with blood, and his fierce eyes revealed a strong murderous intent.

Lin Que's face was calm, and his right hand covered the little boy's eyes.

The teachers on the side also stepped forward and hugged the frightened children in their arms.


Geng Biao raised his fist and smashed it out, and the terrifying soul power was wrapped on the fist mark, making a deafening sonic boom.

"Take them down!"

Lin Que handed the little boy to the teachers.

"Be careful, behind you..."

A middle-aged teacher raised his head and saw Geng Biao attacking behind him, his pupils shrank, full of panic.

However, Lin Que seemed to have eyes long behind him, and his right hand protruded backwards, directly clasping the attacking fist.


The menacing fist marks were directly relieved of all strength by Lin Que, and his hands clasped his fists like eagle claws.

Lin Que grinned, "That's it?"

"You are so imaginary!"

"Would you like an invincible egg for a price of 990,000!"

"Xiao Bai, who is fighting fiercely in the alley next door, says everything is good!"

Geng Biao's face was angry, and he wanted to pull out his fist marks, but his hand seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to move at all.

What a powerful force!

This kid, only in his early eighteen or nineteen years old, why has such a strong power?

Could it be a genius disciple of Canglan Academy?

However, even if it is so, I have to abolish this kid today.

"Boy, dare to mess with your brother Biao, you are simply tired of living!"


As soon as the words fell, he lifted his left foot abruptly, and hit the whip leg fiercely.

In the face of the whip kick that hit, Lin Que did not dodge, relying purely on physical strength to resist!


Next second.

There was a crisp bone crack, Geng Biao's face changed drastically, and a heart-piercing wailing sound came from his mouth.


"my leg!"

He knelt on the ground feebly, drops of sweat falling from his cheeks to the ground.


Geng Biao's face was full of astonishment.

The kick I just made is no different from mentioning the iron plate.

This kid didn't release his spirit power from beginning to end, so he suppressed himself to death.

Strength is not one level at all.

Geng Biao rolled his throat: "Boy, there is the Shen family behind me. If you dare to move me, you can't bear the consequences!"

"You are also a spiritual master, you should know the position of the Shen family in this Cangtong Town!"

Lin Que smiled softly: "Shen Family, it's your confidence, right?"

"I'm just wondering, you are a spiritual master, what are you doing badly? You have to learn from the underworld to collect protection fees!"

"You take a bounty mission and get more money than this?"

"You come here to bully women and children, do you have a sense of accomplishment?"

"Don't you want to move backstage? I'll give you a chance."

After speaking, he released his hand and threw Geng Biao to the ground fiercely. With a little finger, the blood sword turned into a murderous madness was suspended above his head.

"Ten minutes, if your backstage does not come, this blood sword will destroy your internal organs!"

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at the little brothers, with the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

"Let's go together!"

When all the boys saw this scene, there was no intention to resist, so they ran away directly.

"Brother, stand up first, let's move the soldiers for you!"

"Yes, we will call you the police!"

Geng Biao:? ? ?

Lao Tzu is a bad person, you call the police, do you save me or hurt me?

Depend on!

"Boy, you wait for me!"

"You will pay the price for what you did just now."

After speaking, he took out his cell phone and dialed a call...

However, Lin Que didn't care about all this, took a chair, sat at the gate, and waited for the so-called backstage.

He was a little excited.

How much is the right price for yourself later?

What a headache!

Upstairs, Sister Yan was a little worried, after all, the Shen family was powerful and deeply rooted in Cangtong Town.

It's not so easy to deal with.

On the side, the old man hiccuped and said unhurriedly: "Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with that kid!"

"Don't talk about the mere Shen family, looking at the entire Daxia, you can't find a few who want to deal with his forces."

A guy who can turn the country upside down, can ordinary people deal with it?

Faced with a character like the corpse king, generals, and ministers, he can also retreat. If he is replaced, he has no such ability.

Sister Yan took a deep breath, but now, she can only choose to believe in Lin Que.

ten minutes later!


One after another BBA stopped at the gate of the courtyard.

The door of the car opened, and the spiritual masters dressed in black walked down and surrounded the entire courtyard.

"finally come."

Lin Que watched this scene with a calm face. In his eyes, these were all wealthy boys!

The orphanage's expenditure next month has fallen.

The door of a Maybach opened, and a well-dressed middle-aged woman walked down, wearing sunglasses, and her face was full of arrogance.

"Sister, you are finally here!"

"If you are here, your brother will be killed!"

"Look at a sword hanging above my head, it scares me to death!"

"You have to decide for me!"

Geng Biao hurriedly greeted the incoming person, pointed at the blood sword floating above his head, and cried with tears and tears.

The middle-aged woman looked distressed: "My good brother, I made you suffer!"

"Wait, sister will make you fair!"

"In a moment, I will let people razed this place to the ground to calm you down!"

"No one can stop me!"

"I want to see who is going to move my Shen family!"

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