The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1143: , The sacred beast snake

Cangtong Town!

Canglan Academy, below Lingquan Cave House.

This place turned out to be the ghost domain of the Blood Sword Ghost King, which was completely uprooted under the encirclement and suppression of all forces in the capital province of Shu.

However, there is still a lot of ghost energy remaining in it.

After all, the traces left by the king-level ghosts are not so easy to erase.

Lin Que looked around and asked with a puzzled look: "Master, what are we doing here?"

The old man walked in front of the wine gourd in his hand: "Take you to a place."

"Don't you want to know the truth back then?"

"Keep up!"

Hearing this, Lin Que was shocked!

When his adoptive parents died tragically, his life experience became a mystery.

Knowing his own life experience in this world, only Teacher Tang Lin, and the elderly!

With patience, the excitement in his heart followed closely with the old steps.

After half an hour.

Under the lead of the elderly, the two came to the core of the blood sword ghost mythical creature.

The traces of the war left a year ago were all over the hall.

"That's it!" The old man took a sip of strong wine and said lightly.

Lin Que looked dazed.

There is nothing here except the traces left by the battle.

"Master, is there anything here?"

"Why didn't I find anything?"

The old man laughed softly: "Then look under your feet."

When Lin Que listened, he looked at the soles of his feet.

Next second.

I saw the old man's soul power gushing out of his body, filling the audience.

Immediately afterwards, the brilliance of the rune formation illuminates the audience, full of ancient aura.

The ground under Lin Que's feet began to tremble crazily, and then a hole opened in the ground, and the terrifying swallowing power absorbed the four directions.


"Bad old man!"

When Lin Que saw this, he exploded directly. He wanted to escape, but he was a step too late.

The body was swallowed directly into the crack.

The old man put the wine gourd back on his waist and said with a joke: "I've said it all, children don't look at me."

"Now it's planted!"

After speaking, his body turned into a streamer and escaped into the crack.

After the two entered, the cracks in the earth gradually healed as before.

Under the earth.

Lin Que's figure kept falling, and the surrounding area was dark, empty, and full of silence.

The bottomless space is about to fall down, and everyone is a meatloaf.

He just wanted to move the void, only to find that the surrounding space seemed to be blocked and could not be penetrated at all.

For an instant, Lin Que's heart was cold.

"Diamond body 60%!"


Without any hesitation, he directly turned on the frenzied state, releasing the physical defense to the extreme.

Lin Que could clearly feel that the fall was very strong, and he was about to approach the bottom.

"Damn, I did it!"

Since you can't resist, accept it with pleasure.

I am not afraid of life and happiness.

Although I think so in my heart, my body is very honest.

Madness field released!

Shadow clone!

All the cards were drawn out to deal with the crisis of falling to the ground.

However, just when Lin Que was waiting in battle, the sense of falling disappeared, and the surrounding space changed as if he was in the starry sky.

Lin Que:? ? ?


Lao Tzu took it seriously, but this was the result?

How can it be repaired~.


After a while, the old figure appeared in the field, looking at Lin Quelong's transformation form, and asked suspiciously.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

Lin Que said solemnly: "Master, I am showing you Saiyan transformation!"

"How about it, isn't it awkward?"


Can I tell you I am afraid of falling into meatloaf?


As long as I am not embarrassed, you will be embarrassed.

The old man just wanted to say something, only to see the red golden stars in the starry sky converging, and finally condensed into a huge snake!


Upon seeing this, Lin Que's eyes stared like Tongling, almost falling out.

Mythical beast snake!

It's really alive.

The snake is huge, entangled in a ball, and the scarlet-gold scale armor on its body is shining.


A terrifying beast roar came out, and the sound wave shook the world.

Lin Que quickly covered his ears, feeling his soul trembling extremely.

"Cang Yuan!"

The divine beast Snake uttered words, his voice was like an old man, his eyes fixed on the two of them.

Cang Lao stepped forward, his hands knotted with handprints, and shouted respectfully.

"Cang Yuan, I have seen the gods!"

The gaze of the divine beast Chin Snake fell on Lin Que's body.

Lin Que squeaked in his heart, feeling a sense of suffocation pressing in his heart.

Oh shit.

The beast is still alive.

This world is crazy.

"Little guy, it's you!"

The sacred beast Chin-Snake put his huge head close to Lin Que, looked carefully, and his eyes were full of kindness.

It is as if an elder in the family is looking at the younger generation.

Lin Que was taken aback, and asked in surprise, "God, do you know me?"

The sacred beast and snake regrouped into a group, like an old man about to die.

"When you were a doll, you were still me..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't mention the old things in the past!"

"Where is Lin Yuan?"

Lin Que's face instantly dimmed: "Passed!"

The divine beast snake was startled, and his tone suddenly became heavy, and the oppression in the starry sky increased.

"How is this going?"

Cang Yuan shook his head and sighed, telling all the ins and outs of what happened in the past nineteen years.

The divine beast snake flew into a rage when he heard it, the red-gold streamer flame rose into the sky, and the starry sky trembled.

"Damn Mingyuan!"

"The old man is going to tear you apart!"

"My far away!"

Lin Que's face was stunned!

Could it be that his cheap daddy has nothing to do with this deity?

Seeing this, Cang Yuan quickly calmed down and said, "God calms down his anger!"

"Now that the ancient gods are waking up one after another, please also ask the gods to converge their divine power and recuperate!"

The huge pupils of the sacred beast and snake shrank...

sp: I'm a little tired these few days.

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