The sacred beast snake raised his head, looked into the depths of the starry sky, and sighed.

"It's time to come, it's coming after all."

"The hard work of the year only resulted in this short-term peace."

Lin Que was taken aback for a moment, and he was even more curious about what happened to the humans and the gods when the spiritual energy recovered.

The old man shook his head and sighed: "When things are up to now, I can only pray that I will not repeat the same mistakes!"

The sacred beast snake condensed its terrifying aura and let out a low beast roar.

"Come on, you wait to wake up my purpose here."

Cang Yuan stepped forward and bowed respectfully: "God, the purpose of coming this time is to help Lin Que and find the answer to the mystery of his life experience."

When Lin Que was born a ghost, drew thousands of ghosts to the court, and the Blood Sword Ghost King was even qualified to be promoted to the king's rank.

The divine beast, the snake, directly transformed into a human elder, wearing an equatorial golden road robe and a fairy-style road bone.

"For this matter, I can't do anything about it!"

"This little guy has powerful restrictions on him, a level that I can't even touch."

"If you want to crack it, it is estimated that you can only rely on his own strength."

When Lin Que heard it, his expression didn't change much.

He didn't have too many expectations.

From the moment when Sister Qingyu showed the great strength for the first time, he knew that his identity must be very powerful.

However, these are not important anymore.

If you are born without raising your fingers, you can report it!

Raised before birth, unforgettable for a lifetime!

His adoptive parents adopted themselves under tremendous pressure, and they died because of the disaster they left behind.

Maybe his biological parents are awesome!

But so what?

If you become a supreme level, you can resist a force by yourself!

The divine beast snake stroked his beard and said softly, "Don't be discouraged!"

"Perhaps, if you reach a certain level of strength, you can break through the prohibition with your own strength."

"By then, you will know everything you want to know."

Lin Que shrugged indifferently.

For him, knowing his life experience is not so important anymore.

The only thing he wants to do now is to improve his strength and enter Taikoo City and reunite with Hongye.

The sacred beast, the snake, said: "Boy, I can't see through your fate!"

"Send you a word!"

"The best way to break the shackles is to jump out of the line set by others and be yourself."

Lin Que replied with his hands folded: "The words of the gods are remembered by the kid!"

The snake nodded faintly: "Okay, you can withdraw!"

"When the turmoil is approaching, I will show up and fulfill my promise back then."

After speaking, the body directly turned into nothingness and disappeared into the starry sky.

The old man bowed: "Send the gods respectfully!"

Seeing the deity disappeared completely, he took a sip of strong wine: "Boy, we should go back."

I'm short of head.

Then, under the cover of the old divine power, he disappeared directly in place.

In the next time, Lin Que stabilized his spirit power level under the elder's guidance.

Rehearsing Qiankun Tianlong Yin in the Aura Cave Mansion over and over again.

Three days later.

In the Lingqi Cave Mansion, Lin sat absent, surrounded by the terrifying Longwei.

Behind him is a nine-clawed golden dragon entrenched!

The spirit power level has reached the seventy-eighth level.

Lin Que opened his eyes, and Longwei swept out, suddenly shooting out two terrifying golden lights.


A terrifying dragon chant penetrated everything, shattered the void, and directly blasted the spiritual qi cave into a deep pit.

Cang Yuan's figure appeared in the field, holding a wine gourd, he was startled when he saw the mess in front of him.

"What a terrible destructive power!"

He asked himself, at Lin Que's age, he was not his opponent at all.


"What spirit ability is this?"

Lin Que stood up and grinned: "I created it myself, Master, I am awesome!"

The old rolled his eyes, and a strange curve appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's been a long time since I walked the birds under the moon, boy, do you want me to remember it for you?"

Lin Que's smile stiffened, and his throat rolled in fear.

"No... don't do it!"

The scene of being thrown into the spirit pond, stripped naked, and tied to the night sky is still vivid.

He didn't want to experience it a second time.

too frightening.

The old man snorted coldly, "Boy, you should go back!"

"Old man Don seems to have a big deal to discuss with you, you'd better be mentally prepared!"

"Done, maybe it can change the destiny of mankind, and the name will last forever, maybe!"

Lin Que:? ? ?

Big business?

Famous forever?

Is it possible that you want to expand the entire college by owning your own stall business?


The pattern of this little old man has opened up!

"What big business is it?"

The old man smiled mysteriously: "You will know it then!"

"Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, without giving Lin Que a chance to react, the divine power enveloped the two of them, directly entered the fighter plane suspended in mid-air, and flew away.

at this time.

In Tiandao College, the teachers and students of the school are preparing something intensively.

"Principal, is this really feasible?"

"Lin Que, that kid, it's hard to deal with. If he doesn't agree, wouldn't our preparations be in vain?"

Zeng Deshuai said with a worried look.

For this reform, he allocated two-thirds of the funds for construction.

With manpower alone, he used the power of the whole school.

Failed, all efforts have been lost.

Tang Xiaohu waved his hand: "Put my heart in my stomach, this time, I am fully prepared."

"Isn't it the little Forest Demon King!"

"Punish him!"

Zeng Deshuai looked at Tang Xiaohu with a confident look, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

I'm afraid that you won't want him, but Lin Quede will be ripped off by Lin Quede!

sp: I'm writing a big story, let me think about it, and start to make it up tomorrow.

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