"Boy, is this plan great!"

"Are you interested in joining us!"

Tang Xiaohu said excitedly.

However, Lin Que, who was sitting opposite, shook his head calmly, "Not interested!"


Tang Xiaohu didn't say anything, and directly took another bank card on the table.

"Is it enough?"

Lin Que looked serious: "Principal, who are you me?"

"I am the MVP of the National Youth Competition, and Tiandao Academy is responsible for the appearance. You will bribe me with this?"

"Who do you look down on!"

"I, Lin Que, just jumped from here, and it is impossible to give up my bottom line of dignity!"

Tang Xiaohu smiled disdainfully, and another nine bank cards were shot on the table.

"Ten million, is that enough?"

Lin Que looked at the bank card on the table and rolled his throat with embarrassment: "Principal, you know me, I..."

"The area behind the hill behind the academy belongs to you. You can toss like this, it's enough!"

The whole back mountain!

Damn it!


Lin Que's eyes are full of small money, if he gets the right to use the back mountain.

Just build a few buildings, isn't it just getting rich directly!

No loss in blood!

"Principal, for the future development of mankind, I am personally obliged."

"Go ahead, what do I need to do?"

As he said, he calmly stuffed all the bank cards on the table into his pocket.

I am not greedy for money.

You know, on the way forward, it needs to be consumed, and this money is the expenditure consumed.

Yes, it is like that!

Tang Xiaohu smiled softly, he had already seen through everything.

"Now that the ancient gods are recovering one after another, the major powers are responding to future crises."

"Trying to find opportunities in different fields."

"We value your talent in controlling beasts, and hope you can assist the academy and contribute to the process of tame beasts."

Lin Que scratched his head: "What can I do?"

You can't hand over the beast control!

In that way, it is estimated that the system will have to directly lower the Thunder set meal and chop him into roast chicken.

"You just need to provide me with data!"

At this moment, Wu Yue, who was wearing a white coat, walked in, pushed the black glasses frame, and said.

"Five Senior Sister!"

Lin Que smiled with joy when he saw the visitor.

Wu Yue smiled and nodded: "Little Junior Brother, you are now a hot celebrity in the world."

"One person destroyed K2. With this ability, if the senior sister is a few years younger, she will be a little moved!"

Lin Que subconsciously said: "You are in your heart, I am also a man you can't get!"

After speaking, he quickly covered his mouth.

Oops, I told the truth accidentally.

Wu Yue grinned, revealing two charming little tiger teeth: "Little Junior Brother, believe it or not, I solved you on the spot."

Lin Que quickly covered his crotch.

Damn, this woman wants to plot against herself again.

Gotta go!

Tang Xiaohu said, "Stop making trouble, hurry up and say business!"

"This time, the academy spent huge sums of money to build a monster beast incubation base, which is full of a hundred monster beast eggs taken from the major spiritual markets across the country."

"Preparing to select a hundred students for the experiment!"

"You have experience in hatching eggs, you come to be a mentor for the big guy, don't worry, you won't treat you badly!"

"Ten thousand points for a lesson!"

When Lin Que heard it, his heart had already blossomed.

Usually, taking tasks and working hard, only tens of thousands of points, and 10,000 in the last lesson.


"Principal, you know me, I am not the kind of person who is greedy for money!"

"I just want to make a contribution to the college and the students!"

Tang Xiaohu: Convex (♯`∧´) convex.

You kid, you really dare to say this sentence!

"Okay, go down and get ready!"

"Write down all your previous experience of incubating eggs and hand them to the teaching director, who will then be sorted into teaching materials."

"Remember, the more careful the better!"

Lin Que: (o´ω`o)و.

Afterwards, Wu Yue led Lin Que to the newly built egg hatching base to observe.

Several areas are divided into the base.





The ecological environment of various monsters is simulated to the extreme.

Each incubator has a virtual interface on the glass surface, and real-time data is detected for observation.

"What a rich aura!"

Lin Que observed that the aura in the base was very rich, a bit stronger than that in the training room.

Wu Yue laughed softly: "These are all for reaching the egg incubation requirements perfectly!"

"Now the problem of hatching eggs is solved. The most important thing is to make the monster cubs establish contact with humans."

"Many countries are all stuck in this step, and the hatched monster cubs attack humans."

"Even if you have the help of the Beast Master, there is nothing you can do!"

"Little Junior Brother, do you have a way?"

Lin Que shrugged.

I'm not a master of beast control, and he travels all over the world relying on beast control.


The system prompts: "The big brother has detected a demand, the younger brother is here to send the warm heart express!"

Option 1: "Swallow a hundred monster beast eggs in the base privately, expand the army of monster beasts, and reward the beast defense technique to reach SS level!"

Option 2: "Refining all 100 monster eggs, extracting the essence of all beasts, reaching the peak of the diamond-level flesh body, and rewarding a nine-claw golden dragon essence blood!"

Option three: "Help the college complete the experiment, start a new era, and reward the king-level demon flame ghost! The first spirit ability is promoted!"

Lin Que's body was startled, the system was out of task!

But what kind of fairy task is this?

Whether he chooses one or two, he only has to dare to do so.

Tang Xiaohu can't blame him desperately!

At that time, a master from the school gave him a slap and slapped him head overwhelmed.

Only choose three more reliable!

After so long, his spirit ability can finally be promoted!

"I choose the third one!"

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