
The system prompts: "Congratulations, elder brother, congratulations to mention the king-level eye devil and spirit together!"

"The first spirit ability, Shura Lie Prison is qualified for promotion!"

"The Eight Wastes of Hell!"

"Group attack skills, targets that are attacked by blood flames will also have burning and bursting effects."

"It consumes 30% of soul power and has a cooling time of three minutes!"


System prompt: "Please help Tiandao Academy incubate a monster egg within one month, and build a bond with humans!"

"If it times out, the first spirit ability will be confiscated!"

Lin Que:? ? ?

Damn Fuck!

Why didn't you say earlier, confiscation of the first spirit ability, doesn't this mean that you have severely slashed him?

Is it too late to regret now?


The system prompts: "Brother, can the bullet that was shot come back?"

Lin Que was taken aback.

It's so sensible, it makes me speechless to refute it.

I took it!

Helpless, Lin Que could only accept the ups and downs of fate and tried to help the college succeed.

"Little Junior Brother, what do you think?"

Wu Yue's hand shook in front of Lin Que's eyes, and asked suspiciously.

Lin Que immediately returned to his senses and said, "Fifth Senior Sister, I am thinking, you monster eggs, wouldn't they be stolen from the Lingxu!"

Wu Yue shook her head: "No!"

"These monster beast eggs are all leftover eggs of the monster beast clan!"

"Usually, the fate of their eggs is eaten by their kind. It can be said that we saved them."

Lin Que nodded when he heard the words.

The monster groups in the Lingxu often attack each other, causing many monster eggs to be left behind.

Wu Yue put her hands into the pockets of her white coat and looked at the monster eggs in the hatching cabin.

"Tomorrow the college will draw up a list of students, and they will randomly allocate a monster egg for cultivation!"

"At that time, it's time for you to teach."

"are you ready?"

Lin Que smiled bitterly, "Senior Sister, can I say I'm not ready?"

Wu Yue looked serious: "Little Junior Brother, I'm afraid you can't do it this time."

"Now that the gods are recovering and the situation is extremely tense, we must also master a new force to deal with the future situation."

"This is the reward the academy promises to give you, you take it!"

Wu Yue took out a space ring.

Lin Que took it, and what was inside was the mecha suit!

Good stuff!

With it, it is estimated that his combat effectiveness can be doubled.

Wu Yue laughed softly: "Little Junior Brother, you go down and have a good rest, and start teaching tomorrow!"

"I am optimistic about you!"

Lin Que sighed helplessly, I am not optimistic about myself!

But the arrow is on the string, I have to pull it!

Big deal, when the time comes, they will be pushed out to teach!

They are all monsters, they should have a common language.

After leaving the incubation base, Lin Que returned to Villa 9.

At this time, Lin Xi and the others were still in class, so he plunged into the bathroom and locked the door tightly.

The bathtub was filled with the happy life water, Lin Que sank into it, and began to absorb the huge vitality in the happy life water.

Under the washing of vitality, the cells of the whole body began to divide and evolve constantly, perfecting the body's functions to the extreme.

Now Lin Que's body is equivalent to a dragon about to reach adulthood!

A strong batch!

While tempering his body, he opened the system interface, and he still had an item upgrade card that was useless.

My own vigorous jackfruit and super power water have been upgraded to version 2.0.

Who should I favor now?

After making a selection, Lin Que looked at the lightning five strokes on the interface!

"It's you!"


The system prompts: "Congratulations, big brother, to mention the Lightning Five Strike 2.0 version!"

"Lightning gloves arrived!"

"The user can get five attacks, powerful, comparable to Thanos' Gloves!"

"Every time you release, just snap your fingers!"

"The effect is great, who knows who uses it!"

"There are only a few side effects, even negligible!"

Lin Que looked at the newly created props, stood up from the water suddenly, and took out the Lightning Gloves excitedly.

The eyes are full of little stars.

The feeling of Thanos!

Is it the kind of power that can destroy the world with a snap of your fingers?

It's so awesome!

As soon as I put it on, the entire right arm began to grow wildly, and the muscle lines became more powerful.

On the outside, it looked as strong as Thanos’ arm.

Lin Que: ヽ(*.>Д<)o゜.

"I lost your nut!"

"How did Lao Tzu's arm become like this, system, you must explain to my brother!"

Oh shit.

Is this still a side effect?

It's deadly!

System: "Please don't get excited, this is all normal, just get used to it!"

"Aw, kindly reminder, the maintenance effect of this side effect is five hours!"

"Brother, enjoy the power of Thanos!"

"Jie Jie..."

Lin Que was petrified on the spot.

Damn, pit than the system!

I really want to greet your eighteenth generation ancestors!

Lin Que looked at himself in the mirror, his expression called a sad reminder!

Just like that, how can I go out to teach others tomorrow!


at the same time.

In the villa area, a girl in a short black dress with gold glasses sneaked in.

"Hey hey!"

"This should be the place where the male **** lives, and Tiandao Academy is too easy to sneak in!"

"Follow the instructors to find Tiandao Academy, I am just a little elf!"

"My dear male god, I am here!"

With that, the girl in the black dress turned into a shadow, slipped in quietly, and went straight to Villa No. 9...

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