"Principal, you taught us to be a man with credit!"

"So, hurry up and wash your hair upside down!"

"This is the Super God Power Water 2.0 version. After washing it, it will definitely make your head bright."

Lin Que held up a super-powered water bottle with a set of advertising slogans.

Tang Xiaohu's face was as dark as Coal.

Oh shit.

This is a trap for myself!

The boy's own brain hummed with a set of combined punches.

Liu Xiqian took out a basin from the bathroom and carefully poured Super God Power Water 2.0 into it.

"Master principal, please wash your hair."

Seeing this scene, Tang Xiaohu wanted to find a place to sew in.

It was a shame to be arranged by the two dolls when he was a person of his own age.


"Well, you can slip in silently and escape the prohibition and artificial intelligence, you are indeed capable!"

"My Tiandao Academy adheres to the original intention of creating talents for the society, and also strives to recruit talents."

"However, capital offenses are avoidable or inevitable."

"As long as you can break through the 50 times the limit of the ancient civilization's gravitational field, I will send her to school!"

"On the contrary, she will suffer the punishment of Thunder Tribulation!"

Liu Qianqian looked firm: "I am willing!"

As long as she can have an academy with her male god, let alone 50 times, even if it is 100 times, she will dare to break!

Tang Xiaohu nodded slightly: "Boy, it's time to teach!"

Lin Que shrugged and waved his big hand, the power of space covered his whole body.

Next second.

The pajamas originally worn on her body disappeared, replaced by a white striped shirt, black trousers, a sunny inch, and a handsome face of melon seeds.

Kill the young and old!

"so hot!"

Liu Qianqian instantly became a fan girl, which is called a worship.

On the side, Tang Xiaohu was shocked and couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

Oh shit.

Space power can still play like this, this kid is really a **** talent.

Is it okay to change clothes in one second?

"Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Que waved a big hand, the space impulse appeared before him, stepped in, and his figure disappeared in the same place.

at the same time.

In the incubation base classroom, Lin Que walked out of the void with a bright smile on his face.

"Radisson, Ann, Jetters!"

"I am coming!"

For an instant, the eyes of the classroom gathered on Lin Que who suddenly appeared.

"Fuck, Lin Quede is standing up!"

"Damn, I am a big man who has thoughts about him, is this still saved?"

"It's worthy of being a man who has turned the country over. The distance between me and him is only a few hundred million points!"

It was the first time that some experts saw Lin Que himself, and it was inevitable that they were a little surprised.

"What a young guy!"

"Is this really kidding?"

"It feels a bit hanging!"

Lin Que is too young, even if he has a brilliant record, is it feasible in terms of combat effectiveness, in terms of research?

There are more worries in the eyes of a group of experts.

Lin Que looked around the audience and naturally saw the clues. He slowly picked up the pointer on the table and grinned.

"There is a traffic jam on the road, I am late, sorry!"

Everyone:? ? ?

I lost it!

You want to find an excuse for oversleeping, so at any rate you should also find a more credible one!

Traffic jam?

At Tiandao Academy, you would find me a car and take a look.

For the sake of you being a tutor today, I will bear it!

Lin Que held the pointer in his hand: "It shouldn't be too late, let's start class!"

"Before starting, let me introduce a few friends to you!"

"Big guy, come out and play!"

Then, as soon as the Ten Thousand Beast Ring was thrown, the shield crocodile and the Thunder Dragon appeared in the field, and the huge body shrank to the size of a human.


All the experts were dumbfounded when they saw the shield crocodile appeared.

A crocodile in beach pants and sunglasses?

Is it so modern?

Still two S-level monsters!

The shield-armor crocodile buttoned his nose with his fingers: "My old crocodile likes you. I have never seen it before!"

"Following the master, just like this, it's all considered bad."

"When you see Hei Ye, that's yyds!"

The jaws of the experts who were surprised are almost dragged to the ground.

I drop a good boy!

Are the beast control masters all such dicks?

Not only has the monsters and beasts cultivated extremely powerful, but Mandarin is also so fluent.


Is the Black Lord in his mouth a more powerful king-level monster?

In a short time, a group of experts have put away all the doubts in their hearts.

This kid has something!

Lin Que cleared his throat: "Today, we will start with the steps of incubating monster eggs!"

"Actually, this matter is not as complicated as the big guy thinks!"

Everyone listened attentively, taking notes seriously.

Lin Que: "Our first step is to have an egg!"

Everyone:? ? ?

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