The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1152: , Teacher Lin's class has started

Everyone:? ? ?

God is the first step to have eggs.

The family members are speechless.

Lin Que held the pointer, curled his lips and said, "Why, is there a problem with what I said?"

The shield crocodile lifted his sunglasses, grinned, showing sharp fangs.

"What the master said is right!"

"No problem at all, it's awesome Krass!"

"Even if there is a problem, it is also a mistake in the history of my monster race."

On the side, Tianleilong nodded in agreement: "That's right!"

Below, Mo Qingcheng and the others held a monster beast egg in their hands, listening to the two big monsters, flattering without any lower limit, directly laughed.



It deserves to be mixed with Lin Quede, everyone speaks nicely, we like it very much.

Some experts, listening to these words, almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Boy, I doubt that I can be teasing me for waiting!"

At this moment, an elderly man in the expert team, wearing glasses, clapped up on the table, his tone was full of displeasure.

"The old man has been studying horizontally and horizontally for more than half his life, and you are simply insulting gentleman!"

"Tiandao Academy, spending countless resources to build this place is nothing short of a child's play!"

"It's better to transfer the funds to us for real research work!"

The smile on Lin Que's face gradually faded, and his eyes calmly looked at the old man.

"Presumably this old gentleman must be studying the industry of monsters and ghosts, and he has made some achievements!"

The old man pushed the frame of the glasses, and said triumphantly: "That's natural!"

"The old man has won numerous awards not only domestically, but also internationally!"


Before the old man could finish speaking, Lin Que interrupted.

"Then you have hatched a monster that can reach the bond with humans, have you been a pet?"

The old man's face became stiff, and his speech was a little lacking in confidence: "I have achieved breakthrough results, and I believe it will be achieved in the near future!"

The corner of Lin Que's mouth was lifted, and he pointed to the shield-armored crocodile next to him: "Sorry!"

"I don't have to wait for the future, I can do it now!"

"can you?"

The old man's face flushed, and he said angrily: "Strong words!"

"You get out for me!"


Next second.

I saw a blood sword light across the audience, floating above the old man's head.

Lin Que: ╭∩╮(`^′)╭∩╮.


"See clearly, this is Tiandao Academy, not your research institute, you are arrogant!"

"Beep, I blow your head with a sword. If you don't believe me, try it!"

"Also, our Heavenly Dao Academy did not invite any of you, it was you who licked your face, no one begged you!"

"No matter how big you are in your respective industries, here, I am the teacher!"

"You are just seeking scholars, so you should have an attitude of studying!"

"Respect the teacher, understand?"

"Whoever refuses to accept it will be beaten!"

The old man's face turned blue for a while and white for a while, and he did not dare to say a word of nonsense.

Lin Bold's name is famous all over the world.

Intuition told him that if he was looking for boringness, the blood sword on the top of his head would go straight through the top of his head, killing him here.

Just as he was about to sit down, a piece of chalk flew up and hit his Tianling Gai directly.

head shot!

On the podium, Lin Que showed a harmless smile: "Did I let you sit?"

"Don't you like to stand?"

"After that, in my class, stand for me."

Wang Qing's face became stiff, and he was so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring, if it weren't for the reputation of Tiandao Academy.

He turned his face long ago.

Good boy, this beam is formed.

Aside, Qin Feng glanced at each other, their eyes filled with sympathy.

Still too young!

You said that you provoke someone bad, but you provoke Lin Que, the big demon king. Who doesn't you provoke?

monitoring room.

Tang Xiaohu and others had a panoramic view of everything that happened in the classroom.

"Principal, Lin Que is so tough. If these guys go back, I am afraid they will slander our reputation!"

Some instructors said worriedly.

Tang Xiaohu snorted coldly, "What are you afraid of?"

"The sky is falling, I'm carrying it!"

"These paper guys want to be presumptuous and not look at whose territory this is?"

"I also feel that Lin Que's lesson has been lightened, so let me come and throw it away directly."


The mentors let out a laugh.

They just remembered that the principal of their own home is a famous guardian.

Lin Que is simply another version of the principal's deity!

There is a good show.

Suddenly, Tang Xiaohu stared at the screen, the expert in a black trench coat.

"Who is this guy?"

Zeng Deshuai explained: "Xu Kuo, an expert specializing in ghosts!"

"These experts are strictly selected by us, and the foundation is very clean!"

"What, did you find anything?"

Tang Xiaohu's eyes narrowed: "Send someone to stare at. There is a breath in him, which makes me very upset!"

Zeng Deshuai nodded: "Understood!"

Afterwards, a mentor behind him knew, and quietly left the field, monitoring...

On the podium, Lin Que made a move with his right hand to hand out all the textbooks he had compiled overnight to everyone present.

"Everyone, open the first page of the textbook and watch it carefully!"

Everyone took the textbook expectantly.

"Oh oh oh!"

"There are textbooks, Teacher Lin is so careful!"

"Ms. Lin's class has started!"

When they opened the textbook with joy and saw the content above, they were all dumbfounded!

Analysis of the breeding process of monsters!

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