Everyone rolled their eyes.

Don't guess, this must be a good deed by Lin Que.

Just be bald!

It's better than not being able to hatch.

Moreover, these monster cubs have been born with E-level strength, and some of them have good bloodlines, but they have been upgraded to D-level!


"Little guy, he looks very chic!"

Lin Que looked at the little guys that hatched, grinning.


The demon beast cubs, seeing Lin Que's appearance, were scared and cried, and they kept shrinking towards their owners' arms.

That way, it's just like seeing the terrifying grandma when you were a kid, so scared!

No way, this is an instinctive reaction imprinted in DAN.


"This affinity is full when you are born!"


A group of experts recorded a historic moment with excitement.

This breakthrough across races can definitely add a strong touch to Daxia's strength.

Lin Que coughed slightly, "Basic operations are all basic operations, don't 6!"

"Okay, next, let's continue to class!"

After that, everyone listened attentively, even the newly born monster cubs didn't cry or make trouble.

No way, if it's not quiet.

The devil on the stage may have to play tricks again, torturing their group of well-behaved babies who were just born an hour later.

This class lasts until dinner at seven o'clock in the evening.

The expressions of everyone's faces were still unfinished.

Tang Xiaohu also rushed to the classroom and said with a serious face: "Today, what you have seen and heard is not allowed to be announced until I don't agree with it!"

"Offenders, one strand will be dealt with as treason!"


Everyone nodded. Naturally, if they let foreign forces know about the seriousness of this matter, it would inevitably cause an uproar.

Tang Xiaohu nodded: "After dinner, the experts will all go back and rest!"

"The students stay and watch the video of the battle between Lin Que and the monster beast!"

"You must learn the essence from it!"

"Once something happens in the future, you will be one of our surprise soldiers!"

The faces of a hundred students are full of fighting spirit. They already have it in their minds. In the future, they will sweep the scene with their own battle pets.

In the expert team, a middle-aged man wearing a black trench coat pushed the frame on his face.

Staring at Lin Que, there was a ray of killing intent, and it disappeared in a flash.

On the podium, Lin Que's face was taken aback, and he turned his head abruptly, frowning as he looked at the empty classroom below.

Below, the expert team left the venue long ago, leaving only a hundred students laughing and laughing.

"Lin Que, let's go, let's dry the food!"

Qin Feng grabbed Lin Que's shoulder, and the group marched towards the cafeteria.


The starry sky in summer is like a dazzling galaxy, hanging in the sky.

A middle-aged man in a black trench coat, walking on the path in the grove of the college.

Suddenly, he stopped, and a ghostly arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Come out!"

However, no one came from the court and received no response.

The middle-aged man gave a bloodthirsty smile: "If you don't come out, then I have to get you out!"

The words fell off.

A terrifying soul power erupted from his body, and his level reached a hundred!

The power of the domain swept out, isolating the world here.

Upon seeing this, a tutor hiding in the dark shrank his pupils and was about to leave the scene.

However, it was still a step too late.


The blood red realm swallowed him.

In the realm, the middle-aged in black windbreaker turned into a monster with wings and black horns.

When the instructor saw this, his face was full of shock.

"You...you are... a vampire!"

The middle-aged man didn't speak, exposing those four sharp fangs, and attacked and killed his instructor...

Ten minutes later, a cold bone appeared in the field, the middle-aged in the windbreaker, licked the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"The smell of blood is really intoxicating!"

"Lin Que, you will be the next one!"

"Jie Jie..."

After speaking, he left the scene directly, and the bones were also burned to death by a black flame...

at the same time.

Lin Que wandered down the road after dinner with a toothpick in his mouth.

"Xiaoxi and the others are going to class, so boring!"

"Forget it, I will join in the fun too, and give pointers to those seniors!"

"Hey hey, it's perfect!"

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped.

A strong sense of crisis surged in my heart, and the pores all over my body were tightened.

Next second.

The field began to change, and the inexplicable domain power appeared, and he was about to be swallowed.

"not good!"

Lin Que's eyelids jumped and he was about to escape into the void.

However, behind him, the power of the domain turned into a **** giant palm, grabbed him directly, and pulled him into the domain...

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