
In the domain, Lin Que's body fell heavily to the ground, directly smashing a deep hole.

"Cough cough cough!"

In the deep pit, Lin Que knelt on the ground, coughing violently.

With his current physical strength, resisting an attack of this level would not cause substantial harm, but it hurts!

"It is rumored that you can single out a hundred-level strong, but now that you see it, it's nothing more than that!"

At this time, the middle-aged body turned into a black windbreaker volleyed, looking down at Lin Que, full of banter.

"It's you!"

Lin Que was stunned when he saw the middle-aged man.

Isn't this the guy in the expert team? How can there be such a strong strength?

"Why, after the expert asks for instruction during the day to incubate the eggs, do you still want to discuss with me at night?"

Lin Que asked tentatively, clutching his aching chest.

The young man in the black windbreaker laughed and said: "I was here to kill you, a genius like you, if you let it go, it will be a great evil in the future!"

"You are lucky, and you have seen that you can perfectly hatch the monster eggs and create bonds with humans!"

"As long as you cooperate obediently, I will protect you from death!"

Lin Que's heart sank.

Damn, big trees must attract the wind, and the ancients are right.

This guy must have evil thoughts about himself.

Unfortunately, he didn't panic at all!

"This is Tiandao Academy, you are here, you are a real way!"

The middle-aged man laughed jokingly: "I am naturally not an idiot. Take a good look at the space around you!"

"Here, it's the domain released by me fusing an SSS-level forbidden spirit weapon!"

"Even if it is a supreme-level powerhouse, it is impossible to find out."

"So, don't expect someone to save you."

Upon hearing this, Lin Que quickly used his spirit power to search the surrounding space, his face turned black.


Damn, is Tang Xiaohu looking for an expert for himself, or is he recruiting enemies?

The little master is dead.

"Are you going with me obediently, or did I take you half to death?" the middle-aged man asked.

Lin Que was silent for a while and said, "Can you remove this domain, can I go by myself?"

Middle-aged man:? ? ?

This kid is seriously ill!

He was too lazy to talk nonsense, his soul power was running, and the blood-red giant palm came out again and grabbed Lin Que.

"Damn it!"

Lin Que cursed secretly, holding the halberd in his hand, pierced out with a halberd, and the killing intent of the madness was injected into it.


There was a collision between the giant palm and the halberd, and the flames burst forth.

Just as Lin Que was about to explode with all his strength, a **** liquid in the air climbed onto the halberd.


Lin Que's pupils shrank, and he clearly felt the corrosive force carried on the **** liquid.

Hastily urged the 78th-level spirit power to cover the whole body.

The giant palm seized this moment, bursting out a powerful force, poured out, and flew Lin Que with a palm.

Lin Que flew upside down, his feet drew a hideous gully on the ground.

The moment his body stabilized, he raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man solemnly.

This guy is different from previous opponents.

The power is more overbearing, and there is also an invincible corrosive force.

"Boy, it's the same to watch me beat you to a disability, and take you back!"

The middle-aged man gave a ghostly smile, and his figure turned into countless shadows and swooped out.

"Clone, I will too!"

Lin Queya bit the door, and the shadow clone started, holding a magic knife, a halberd, and a blood shadow bow.

Three kinds of weapons come out together.

"Banmen get the axe!"

The middle-aged man roared, and countless clones turned into scarlet bats, rushing out densely.

The blood shadow bow shot the bleeding flame arrow, but before it touched the scarlet bat, it was dissolved by the corrosive force.

"Blood Shadow Kill!"

Thousand Blades of Magic Sword erupted with a terrifying scarlet aura, dashed across the sky, slashed, and cut down a lot of scarlet bats.

"Blood Shadow Panlong Kill!"

Lin Que merged the shadow clones into one, and among the halberds, the blood shadow mad dragon flew out, making a deafening dragon chant.

Long Yin broke through the sky, flew straight out, and the terrifying power it carried made even the space tremble.

The blood shadow mad dragon churned in the air several times, and the scarlet bats were all wiped out.

Below, Lin Que's three shadow avatars returned to the body.

However, the middle-aged man in the air in Ling Li disappeared.

Next second.

"Are you looking for me?"

The middle-aged man appeared abruptly behind Lin Que, transformed into the body of a vampire, opened his mouth in the blood basin, and snapped down.

"Diamond body 60%!"

"Mecha suit!"

With a thought of Lin Que, the mecha suit that had been warmed up in the system space covered his entire body.

On the blood-colored battle clothes, there is a dark golden streamer, and the overall shape is like a dragon armor!


The middle-aged man’s teeth are on his battle suit...

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