The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1160: , Lovely grandpa and aunt

"You bastard!"

Durres looked savagely, watching his field break and his breath leaked.

With the background of Tiandao Academy, he will soon find his traces. At that time, facing him will be a terrible ending than death.


Without any hesitation, the black wings vibrated and they were about to flee the scene.

"Damn, leave it to the Lord!"

Lin Quegang tried to stop, the dragonized state disappeared, and his body fell into a period of weakness.

Kneeling weakly on the ground.

Just when Durres was about to fly away from the scene.


Next second.

In the sky, a bright golden beam of light descended, directly suppressing Durres on the spot.


Durres uttered an unwilling roar, trying to break free, but he couldn't escape at all.

The beam of light was like a mountain, firmly suppressing him.


Then, on the road not far away, a black shadow rushed over.


Lin Que took a look, isn't this the group of grandparents in the college?

One by one, it's the same as the bandits going down the mountain and robbing them?

Uncle Xia jumped in space and was the first to arrive at the scene. Looking at the suppressed Durres, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, it's still a little bat!"

"Some play!"

Not far away, Uncle Furuhe held up a pill pot and shouted: "Xia Bingbao, hold him down for me, and stuff it into the pill pot to make medicine later!"

Aunt Cuihua: "Let me have fun!"

After a while, all the uncles and aunts arrived at the scene.

Lin Que immediately sold it miserably: "Uncle, aunt, you can count it, look at this bad thing, for the child."

"My hands are stuck with bald skin."

He pointed to the torn skin on his arm and said crying.

Durres:? ? ?

I'm so drunk!

This is obviously your own play with the halberd. What's the matter with me?

Also, we are now in a comparison, who is worse?

Furukawa banged the pill cauldron in his hand on the ground, and said with a cold snort: "Good apprentice, wait, take revenge for your teacher!"

Uncle Xia rubbed his hands in excitement: "I haven't had a fight for more than a hundred years, so exciting!"

"Come on, you are choosing one to fight us."

"Should we beat you one by one?"

Durres just wanted to scold the street, but the moment he looked at Uncle Xia, he was full of panic.

" are the supreme space!"

"And you, you are Venerable Medicine!"

"Arrow God, Liu Yibai!"

" could it be possible!"

Durres seemed to have seen a ghost, his face was full of horror, unbelievable!


These are all Daxia's fierce people before the rejuvenation of the spiritual energy. Anyone who walks out of it will shock the global forces.

Didn’t the rumors all hang up?

Why are you still alive?

Even if you are alive, this group of old gods must join forces to beat themselves a hundred-level spiritual master.

Obviously it is the full-level number hoisting the Novice Village!


Lin Que looked at Durres' reaction and blinked dumbfounded.


゛(‘o’)? .

Uncle Xia waved his hand with disdain: "What are you talking about?"

"We are all uncles now, aunty!"

"You are a young guy, why are you still inferior to our old arms and legs?"

"Don't say the uncle won't give you a chance, let you run 400 meters first!"

Durres: (ಥ﹏ಥ).

Oh, God!

You group of living gods, I ran 400 meters, what's the difference between flashing and moving the grave?


It doesn't show from the information, is this an ordinary university?

Why are there so many bosses!

"I surrender!"

"What you want to know, I said, don't hit me!"


He has given up.

These people represent an era. When they were dealing with the supreme-level ghosts and monsters, he was still playing in the mud in his mother's womb.

It's not one level at all.

"Who told you to sneak attack and run for Lao Tzu!"

"Don't run, kill you!"

Aunt Cuihua held a Y-shaped green onion in her hand and slapped Duris on the face with a snap.

After a call to Durres, his brain hummed and he couldn't speak clearly.

"Suppressed, suffocated."

"I run, I can't run!"

Aunt Cuihua shot her blessed body with her hands on her hips, and said viciously, "Then you still don't run!"

Durres cried: "Mother, I'm under the pressure of this formation, how can I run?"

Lin Que: o(*≥▽≤)ツ┏━┓.


Sure enough, the aunts and grandpas in the college are all talents!


The grandfathers and aunts looked embarrassed and quickly lifted the suppression of the suppression.


"Don't run, I magnify the goose and peck your ass!"

Uncle Nangong sat on the big white goose and said fiercely.


The big white goose pretended to be fierce and screamed.

When Durres saw this, it was chilly under the crotch...

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