"Puff haha!"

Lin Que kept slapping the ground with a smile.


I thought I was already devilish enough, and now I am a younger brother in comparison with the grandfathers and aunts!

All of them are clever ghosts.

It is estimated that Durres' mentality will collapse!

"Boss, please let it go!"

"I will kneel for respect first!"

Durres is a dignified U.S. blood, a hundred-level powerhouse, and respected by thousands of people.

Crying like a 180-jin child!

Uncle Xia looked serious: "No!"

"The old man hasn't had a fight for more than a hundred years, and he was tortured by an inattentive **** in the college all day long!"

"Today, I want to torture others again!"

The grandfathers and aunts on the side agreed.

They must vent their grievances today!

Usually they can't go out. Today, they can't let this one delivered to the door.

Lin Que, who was sitting on the ground, turned dark.

Grandpa and aunt, you just report my name directly, you don't need to be ambiguous, I know the truth!

Durres was in a hurry.

If you really want to torture these old gods, you will lose half of your life.

"I have information!"

"Important information!"

Uncles and aunts were taken aback, when they were about to ask questions.

Aside, Lin Que hurriedly shouted: "Don't believe it, he might make up a story!"

"Hit him!"

Hearing the words, the uncles and aunts rolled up their sleeves and prepared to have a big fight.

Durres's face was embarrassed, and he knelt down and kowtow: "Uncle, Auntie!"

"I really have something, you have to believe me!"

"This time I was sent from above, in addition to catching Lin Que, but also to inquire about the whereabouts of the star cave!"

Star Cave!

As soon as the grandfathers and aunts heard this, the gadgets on their faces converged, replaced by serious expressions.

Uncle Liu in the wheelchair said in a deep voice, "Old Gu, Lao Xia, I'll leave it to you here!"

"Notify the college and thoroughly investigate the expert team this time!"

"As for this guy, I will take it back and give it to Old Tang for a good review!"

Xia Bingbao nodded: "Leave it to us!"


I saw Uncle Liu carrying Durres in one hand and putting the other on the wheel of the wheelchair.

Lin Que's eyes lit up.

This is the posture!

Wheelchair drag racing is about to begin.

"call out!"

Next second.

Uncle Liu exerted his arm, and the wheelchair burned the tire on the spot, ejected out with a sound, and disappeared in the same place.

In the air, only the smell of burnt tires remained.

"Cough cough cough!"

Uncle Nangong's face was broken and turned into a black coal!

"Oh shit!"

"The surname is Liu, what are you doing on purpose."

"The old man is not on your head, playing a song of lilac, I think you are the eldest brother!"

"Da Bai, catch up with the old immortal, if you can't catch up, I will make you a drunk goose and drink!"

The big white goose trembled, waved its wings quickly, and ran after it.

Lin Que smashed his mouth.

Your uncle is still your uncle!

It's impossible to compare with the opposite of the wheelchair and the big white goose.

Uncle Xia said: "Okay, it's all gone!"

"Look at you kid, people come to assassinate you after a hundred and eight thousand miles away. You shouldn't go out and wander around recently."

"I'm afraid you will be gone when you are wading that day!"

Lin Que nodded obediently.

My good boy.

Recently, the limelight is too tight, so don't go out for waves, it's too threatening.

There used to be a Ninja Territory, the Holy See of Light, and now there is an additional blood clan, it is almost all the Dragon Balls.

Still keep a low profile.

Just make a wave in your own turf.

This night is destined to be extraordinary.

Tiandao Academy dispatched inspectors to thoroughly investigate the expert team.

Principal's office.

Tang Xiaohu looked at the materials handed over by Zeng Deshuai, and his face sank: "Damn blood, didn't the lessons taught them a hundred years ago be profound enough?"

"I really annoyed Lao Tzu, and took Lin Que to their ancestral place, Beng Ye Di!"

Zeng Deshuai said: "This blood race can infiltrate. I suspect that the latter is the same person as the last time, the latter of the ghost realm!"

"This person, within our college, has an unusual identity!"

"What he hides may be deeper than you and I think!"

Tang Xiaohu put down the information in his hand and rubbed his eyebrows: "This person, don't let me grab it!"

"Otherwise, just slap and fan!"

"By the way, how is that kid Lin Que?"

Zeng Deshuai smiled bitterly: "That kid's strength has become stronger again, and the one-hundred-level powerhouse of the blood clan is in his hands, and he didn't get the slightest benefit!"

"However, that kid also suffered a lot of injuries!"

Tang Xiaohu blinked, and said displeased: "Damn, this blood clan is also very useless!"

"I'm still thinking about smashing that kid half-and-half!"

"Forget it, tell him not to go out recently!"

"I want to see, the one who doesn't have long eyes dare to break into my Tiandao Academy!"

"Who will come, who will die!"

Zeng Deshuai shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Who will interrogate the blood guy?"

Tang Xiaohu took a sip of tea and said unhurriedly, "Let Lin Que, that kid come!"

"He has a lot of spooky ideas!"

Zeng Deshuai nodded: "Understood!"

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