The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1187: , Let you forget your worries

Tiandao Academy.

Lin Que followed Uncle Li back to the academy. Before entering the door, he saw the team of tutors standing on both sides of the door.

There was a creak in my heart.

Don't think about it, this battle is directed at yourself.

However, he didn't panic at all.


But I pulled Uncle Li into the water, dare to move myself, first ask Uncle Li whether he agrees.

Saitama walked out and greeted Uncle Li with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Li, are you back?"

Uncle Li nodded and asked suspiciously: "Are you trying to arrest people in this battle?"

Seeing the Shu Ling locks held by some instructors, something suddenly came to mind.

"and many more!"

"Aren't you here to catch the old man?"

When Saitama heard it, sweat dripped from his cheeks, and he quickly signaled to put Ku Lingsao away.

"how can that be possible!"

"You are always the same generation as the principal. How dare we juniors!"

Uncle Li nodded: "This is fine!"

After speaking, he said to Lin Que beside him: "Boy, they didn't come to catch me, they came to catch you."

On the side, Lin Que's face turned dark.

I rely on.

Of course I can see that this is for myself.

It's just that he didn't expect that Saitama's mentors have no backbone at all!

Don't catch the uncle, just catch the little master!


"Master, we are in the same group, you can't watch me get caught, just let it go?"

Uncle Li patted Lin Que on the shoulder: "Don't worry, your uncle, I'll be on the front line with you!"

"As long as you help me fulfill my request, we brothers are brothers!"

When Saitama and other mentors heard this, they were in trouble.

Nima, this matter is tricky.

Lin Que was moved, but before he had time to thank him, he shocked everyone with the roar of the Hedong Lion.

"Li Taibai, stop for my mother!"

"Dare to go out with my old mother behind my back, play handsome and hook up the little girl, pretending to be Ultraman!"

"Why are you so awesome, you!"

Immediately afterwards, inside the gate of the academy, a fat aunt wearing a floral short vest and a fat body, holding a kitchen knife, rushed out.


Uncle Li's eyes were almost staring when he saw the visitor.

Without a word, he stumbled and ran away with his crutches.

Lin Que quickly grabbed the crutches: "Master, don't go, what shall I do if you leave!"

Uncle Li looked anxious, and said angrily: "I believe in your kid's evil!"

"Isn't it said that you wear a headgear, no one can recognize it?"

"Look, now even Xiao Shi knows, this time Lao Tzu's fame is completely ruined!"

"You let go!"

Lin Que: "I won't spread it!"

"Uncle, you help me through this disaster, I will help you chase Aunt Shi!"

Uncle Li: "I can't protect myself! How can I have time to control you!"

"Boy, ask for your blessings!"

"Quickly let go!"

After speaking, Uncle Li broke out with sword energy, broke free from the restraints, and disappeared from sight.

In front, Aunt Shi was holding a kitchen knife and chased after her.

Lin Que looked embarrassed.

This is the end!

"Boy, are you going with us, or are we taking you away?"

Saitama and other mentors grinned grinningly.

Lin Que rolled his throat, looking at the luxurious lineup of the mentors, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

"Teachers, if you have something to say, I'm still a 19-year-old child!"

Saitama snorted coldly, "Hmph, you are just a child in the skin of a child, and everything you do is not done by a child."

"Go to the Moral Education Office with us and explain it well."

Lin Que was a little embarrassed: "Can this go later?"

I have to go to the ancient civilization gravity field to deduct diamonds, which is very busy.

No time!

Saitama refused, "No way!"

"Boy, you may be strong outside, but our tutor is not a vegetarian."

"I advise you to obediently catch it!"

"Don't suffer from flesh and blood!"

"Also, don't want to use the spatial spirit ability to escape, we have a restricted area waiting for you here!"

Lin Que saw that there was no room for relaxation, and silently took out the pink amnesia hammer from the system space!

"Teachers, I am offended!"

After that, the profound meaning of space was released, and space black holes appeared on the heads of Saitama and others.

Behind Lin Que, the three-headed and six-armed Shura Fa condensed, holding a small amnesia hammer, and banging down on everyone's heads.


Saitama and others still wanted to resist, however, behind their minds, a pair of golden slippers called out directly.


Saitama was hit **** the head of a slipper!

The whole person's eyes are dark, and his head is dizzy.

Not over yet, the pink amnesia hammer followed!

Two-pronged approach.

This set of combo punches is guaranteed to make you forget your troubles!

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