"Let you forget about your troubles and attacks, oooooooo!"

"I fight!"

Under Lin Que's operation, Saitama and the other mentors were in a trance and sluggish in place.


Lao Tzu is really a genius.

I found a strange combination again, this silky little trick, and the instructor has to waste it!

"Fuck, Demon King Lin will harm his mentor as soon as he comes back!"

"It's over, this wave of mentor Barbie Q is over!"

"I have a hunch that Demon King Lin will be arrogant and will have to give up later!"

The students on the sidelines talked a lot.

At this moment, a terrifying white light fell in the sky, directly suppressing Lin Que on the spot.

Lin Que:...

I was attacked?

Don't talk about martial ethics!

Immediately afterwards, Tang Xiaohu rode out on a balance bike, holding a thermos cup in his hand, which was filled with red dates and wolfberry.

"Boy, you continue to scream and show me!"

Lin Que darkened, and said inwardly.

The little master is careless!

How can it be repaired!

On the side, the mind-controlled Saitama and others also awoke and returned, looking at Lin Que, who was restrained and suppressed by the academy, with a gloating expression.

Let you be arrogant, get retribution!

Tang Xiaohu took a sip of the water in the thermos and looked down at Lin Que playfully.

"Boy, it's been a lot of waves outside these few days!"

Lin Que smiled awkwardly: "No...no."

"Principal, you know me, I'm behaved."

You behave a hammer!

Tang Xiaohu stared at the beads in an angry manner.

I unplugged the phone line of the college, and I just connected it early this morning. It was an inquiry from various departments.

He's almost here.

"Huh, your kid must give me an explanation today!"

"Come on, take me away!"

Tang Xiaohu snorted coldly. After speaking, he turned around and left leisurely on the balance bike.

On the other side, Lin Que was also **** and taken away by Saitama and the others.

The students onlookers all looked excited.

"Wow, our principal is standing up!"

"Will Demon King Lin be sanctioned again?"

"I have a hunch that something big will happen this time!"

In the crowd, Yang Dianfeng rubbed his chin, pinched his fingers, and said with a serious expression.


At this time, Lin Que had been escorted to the principal's office.

Tang Xiaohu lay his legs on the table, spitting wolfberries in his mouth: "Boy, let's be honest!"

Lin Que sat on the chair properly, showing an innocent smile.

"Principal, what are you talking about?"

"I don't understand!"

"I was just greedy, so I slipped out of the academy and had a hot pot. Uncle Li can testify to me!"

Tang Xiaohu sneered coldly: "Boy, I expected you to say that!"

"Call it!"

"Uncle Li has already told Aunt Shi what happened, and you can't run away!"

"Dare to investigate the Star Cavern without authorization, but you have actually created an underground power!"

"You want to rebel!"

Lin Que twitched at the corner of his mouth.

Uncle Li rakes his ears to sell his teammates!

"This matter is a bit complicated, principal, let me explain!"

Tang Xiaohu waved his hand: "Okay, I don't want to listen to more nonsense, you just need to take a good sense of your own measure!"

"As for bad people, go to the night patrol to prepare the case!"

Lin Que was taken aback.

It's that simple?

Originally, he was still thinking about how to fudge, but he turned it over without expecting it?

"You didn't come to Xingshi to ask the crime?"

Tang Xiaohu rolled his eyes: "I'm so bad in your eyes?"

Lin Que nodded honestly.

I think when you first entered the college, you ran into the lotus pond to plot against Qiuxiang's sister.

You bad old man is so bad!

Tang Xiaohu's old face turned black: "Boy, I advise you to be kind!"

"How much do you know about Star Cave?"

Lin Que thought for a while, then said, "I should know everything!"

Tang Xiaohu rubbed his eyebrows: "Your kid is a freak!"

"Any secret, as far as you, there is no secret at all!"

"It's also because of you, the Ninja Domain has publicized the secrets of the Star Cavern, and now many forces are focusing on the bad people behind you!"

"You are now a popular figure in the world!"

Lin Que: o(`ω´*)o.

What I want is this effect.

The advertising effect of bad people has been achieved, and the next step is to establish a brand image.

Tang Xiaohu looked puzzled.

Saying this by myself, why do you feel that this kid is not only not afraid, but excited?

It's ridiculous!

"Boy, tell me the truth, do you plan to go to the Star Cavern!"

Lin Que blinked: "No!"

"I'm still a child, how can I go to such a dangerous place!"

"If you don't go, you can't...Go!"

Tang Xiaohu: "Look at my eyes, I want to believe in you, I am Alzheimer's!"

"Okay, the college will issue an SSS-level mission tomorrow morning, which is about the Star Cavern!"

"Since you want to go, go out and have fun!"

"You stay in the academy in the province is a disaster, I want to live a few more years!"

Lin Que smiled: "Principal, it's okay, I will go to the ancient civilization gravity field to practice!"

After speaking, without waiting for an answer, he fled directly into the void and disappeared.

Tang Xiaohu didn't react until Lin Que left.

"This kid, when did cultivation become so diligent?"

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