The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1190: , Can't beat, I will swallow you


The sky-swallowing beast's whole body shone with stars, and its aura became more domineering.

However, no matter what it did, it didn't move the 5 billion tons of large diamonds by one point in the end!

"Master... I'm boring!"

"It's so hard!"

"I can not make it!"

The Sky Swallowing Beast changed into a cat form, curled into a ball, and stayed on Lin Que's head.

Lin Que frowned and sighed helplessly.

"It seems that this method won't work, we can only start Plan B!"

As he said, he looked at the cursed wind inhabiting the 100-gravity zone.

There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Wind of Cursing didn't know that he was being stared at by Lin Que again, and he was about to sleep.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, a violent trembling sound came.

Lin Que ran all the way and came towards it.

Cursed Wind:! ! ∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ.

How come this **** is here again.

Don't come here!

The cursed wind, carrying all the ice crystals, began to flee towards the area 100 times away.

Lin Que, as if ignoring the gravity below 100 times, rushed over without any resistance.

"Don't run!"

"Come on blowing me!"


Lin Que looked anxious when he saw the cursed wind fled.

"Diamond body 60%!"

He did not hesitate to activate the martial arts body, his speed increased significantly, and he rushed into the area beyond 100 times the gravity.


Next second.

He felt that the gravity on his body had increased a lot, and the speed he had just raised had also been reduced a lot.

"Damn it!"

"For the sake of my little treasury, I can't give up!"

"Hung up!"

"Shadow clone!"

Lin Que turned into three afterimages, and in the blink of an eye he was level with the cursed wind.

He stretched out his hand and took out the carved wooden sculpture from the system space.

The weight of these things is around 20 jins, and the weight after diamondization is still within his acceptable range.

"Quickly blow me!"

The wind of curse was stunned.

He is the wind of curse in ancient times, and everyone is scared!

Ever since I met you who was an improper person, the ending has changed, even if you were chased.

Was also asked for such a silent request.

It doesn't save face?


By now, I'm fighting with you!

The cursed wind stopped at 120 times the gravity zone, and the ice crystal storm on his body became more and more violent.

Lin Que's eyes lit up, and instead of being afraid, he was extremely excited.

"bring it on!"



Next second.

He directly entered the form of the dragon man, his comprehensive attributes were improved to the extreme, and he did not retreat but instead advances.

The whole person was submerged in the ice crystal storm in the blink of an eye.


Lin Que's move directly stunned everyone.

It was a storm of ice crystals. As long as it was contaminated, it would be diamondized. It was an irreversible curse.

Li bold!

"elder brother!"

Lin Xi's expression was startled, and he was about to rush over.

"Don't go there!"

"Your brother dares to do this, he must be sure!"

Mo Qingcheng quickly grabbed Lin Xi and comforted.


At this moment, in the ice crystal storm, a high-pitched dragon roar came out.

Immediately afterwards, everyone vaguely saw the dragon figure that Lin Que had transformed, sitting in the ice crystal storm.

"He is refining the power of the curse!"

"Crazy man!"

Among the crowd, there were some sharp-eyed students who immediately noticed Lin Que's intentions.

At the center of the ice crystal storm, Lin Que was entrenched here, releasing the madness domain, carefully feeling the power of the howling curse.

In the dragonized state, he can ignore the curse in the ice storm.

Only ten minutes!

All he has to do is to feel the power of the curse within ten minutes and blend it into the realm of madness.

Lin Que's crazy behavior also shocked the instructor who was watching the gravity field of the ancient civilization.

"Damn, this kid is crazy!"

"I have to report to the principal quickly!"

For a while, the entire Tiandao Academy was shocked by Lin Que's move.

Tang Xiaohu and others rushed to the scene in person.

"This kid, the madness in his bones, is the same as what we had back then!"

Uncle Liu, who was sitting in a wheelchair, said with emotion.

Tang Xiaohu said in a deep voice, "Stop watching the show, clear the scene, turn off all equipment, and let this kid feel it well."

Things have already happened, and he wants to stop it, but it's too late.

All they could do was to provide Lin Que with help within their ability.

This kid is really a restless master.

Have you only been educated for an hour?

Turning around and making such a big noise for me, I really don't let the old man worry about it!

Soon, everyone in the gravity field of the ancient civilization was called out, leaving Lin Que alone.

Even all equipment and instruments have been shut down.

For fear of affecting Lin Que's perception.

Five minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Que's dragon body was covered with a thin layer of frost, all diamond powder!

My Nima!

This force can't hold it at all!

If this continues, you will have to be diamondized.

"Damn, since I can't beat you, then I will swallow you!"

Lin Que gritted his teeth, simply not comprehending, urging the imperial qi in his body, and arbitrarily began to devour the cursed wind!

Wind of Cursing:? ? ?

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