The wind of curse is violent.

Damn it!

It has existed for thousands of years, and this is the first time I have seen such a young man!

Reckless man!

I want to swallow myself.

Immediately, the cursed wind rebelled frantically, trying to get rid of Lin Que.

"It's absolutely impossible to get rid of me!"

Lin Que swallowed his whole body, cursing the wind, and his figure was plump and plump, like a fat ball.

"I suck!"

Regardless of the three seven twenty one, open your mouth and begin to perform dragon absorbing water.

As the cursed wind entered the body, the imperial qi in the body began to declare its dominance and refine it.

Soon, in Lin Que's madness domain, there was gradually a weak curse force.

Lin Que frowned.

It's really useful!

Kingly, yyds!

The cursing wind was angry, and directly blew a terrifying storm in the gravity field of the ancient civilization.

Countless ice crystal storms, like angry ice crystal dragons, raged in the field.

The surrounding instruments, floor and ceiling structures have all become diamonds!

The gravity like Mount Tai slammed on Lin Que's body.

Lin Que was in the center of the storm and faced the most violent attack.

There are still three minutes to quit Longhua!

He quickly threw all the wood carvings into the ice crystal storm, completely assimilating them into diamond statues.

After doing all this, Lin Que wanted to bugger.

The diamond statue and the power of the curse have already arrived, and they have slipped away!

The wind screams!

However, Wind of Cursing didn't intend to let Lin Que go so easily, and countless ice crystal dragons attacked and killed them.

Lin Que's pupils shrank, the halberd was clenched tightly, and the halberd swept out. The blood-red soul power drew a brilliant arc of blood blades.


The ice crystal dragon smashed the blood blade and slammed Lin Que against the wall fiercely.

"It hurts!"

Lin Que was clutching his aching chest, and the blood in his body surged.

The moment he raised his head, his eyes were dull.


Talk, even the quintessence of the country!

He saw that the entire structure of the ancient civilization's gravity field was all diamondized.


These are all small money!

It must all be taken away!


Ahead, the wind of cursing struck again.

Upon seeing this, Lin Que bit his teeth, and now there is still 30 seconds before the dragonization effect disappears!

That's too late.

Run away!

Without any hesitation, Lin Que unfolded the void and moved, and his body disappeared in place.

Seeing Lin Que's news, Cursed Wind stopped its attack. However, the ice crystal storm raging inside continued.

outside world.


Lin Que's figure fell out of the void, lying on the ground leaning over, breathing the air with big mouths.

Holding a bunch of diamondized statues in his hands!

"elder brother!"

"Lin Que!"

When everyone saw Lin Que coming out, they hurriedly surrounded him to check the situation.

Murong Qingyue stepped forward and activated the healing spirit ability to heal Lin Que's body.

Tang Xiaohu: "Boy, how are you?"

Lin Que eased, stood up from the ground, and threw the diamond statue into the system space.

Between the right fingers, a weak cursing force emerged.


Tang Xiaohu waited for a bunch of old people, and his expression changed drastically when he saw the cursing power!

The look in his eyes seemed to see a ghost.

If you talk about space and time, there are very few people who can comprehend the spirits!

The power of this curse, the spiritual master who can comprehend, is almost a hundred years old!


This kid is really a miracle creator!

Tang Xiaohu said solemnly: "Block the gravity field of the ancient civilization and wait for professionals to go in and check the situation!"

"Everyone, don't tell the story of today!"

"Offenders, expel from the academy!"

The curse power that Lin Que understood was weak, but it was also a real curse power.

No one is sure if this kid will understand the full meaning of the curse in the future!

Not to mention making such a big noise, even if the gravity field of ancient civilization is demolished, it won't be a loss!

Lin Que stood up and said in a faint voice, "You can't go inside now!"

"Inside, danger!"

"Never enter..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes went dark and he was so tired that he fainted.

Upon seeing this, Tang Xiaohu gave a death order not to allow anyone to enter, waiting to be announced after tomorrow.

He was so touched, Lin Que was like this, and he still had to tell his classmates.

Good student!

Later in the night!

Under the care of everyone, Lin Que recovered his condition, put on the Ultraman headwear, and sneaked into the gravity field of ancient civilization.

"My little money, my lord is here!"

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