The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1193: , Departing Star Cave


Everyone present, except Lin Que, was stunned when they saw Old Man Li!

This old man, at first, drove into Mingyuan alone, took off the head of a handsome ghost, and retreated all over, creating a legend.

For them, such a legend only exists in textbooks. Today, they actually saw them alive.

This has made everyone very curious, what kind of task is it that can attract such a big person to appear?

I saw Old Man Li and Fu Qiu, walking in one after another, standing on the podium.

Old man Li looked at the crowd, and said with full anger: "I am familiar with the old man and the little guys, right?"

The students were excited one by one and said loudly.

"No stranger!"

In the audience, Lin Quehen's teeth tickled.

Oh shit.

It’s too familiar, how many times have I been rectified by your lousy old man?

Li Tianhong nodded: "Let's get straight to the subject!"

"I believe everyone is very curious. What's the so-called so-called calling you here today?"

"Before speaking, I emphasize one thing!"

"You are all the arrogances of Tiandao Academy, Daxia's future!"

"The next thing is related to the lifeblood of Daxia. No photos and records are allowed, and no leaks are allowed!"

"If you find out, everyone knows the consequences, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, the originally active atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became dignified.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Qiu turned on the military computer and connected to the holographic projection.

Next second.

An island in the deep sea appeared in front of everyone.

Fu Qiu said, "The capital of riots, an island on the high seas!"

"The sea area with a radius of thousands of miles is full of complicated sea tornadoes.

"It's full of powerful sea monsters and desperadoes!"

Fu Qiu flicked his finger, and the holographic projection cast another picture.

A figure wearing a black dress, looking like a black flame shrouded in it!

"Flame Demon!"

"The boss who dominates the riot capital!"

"Our task this time is to enter the capital of riots, break into the star caves, and find star veins!"

Star Cave?

Everyone looked dumbfounded and didn't know what it was!

Fu Qiu continued to click on a photo, which was an invisible black hole. From the photo alone, it looked terrifying!

"There is a kind of ore in the star cave called Star Vein, a resource higher than the Ling Vein ore!"

"Xingmai has a wide range of uses!"

"It is a necessity for the cultivation of a supreme-level powerhouse, and it is also the key to making a powerful spiritual weapon!"

Qin Feng touched his bald head: "Since it is so precious, why not send Yanhuang?"

Yanhuang, Daxia's blade!

For the Tianjiao group of Tiandao Academy, it is no secret.

At this time, Li Tianhong shook his head and sighed: "No!"

"The situation in the capital of riots is complicated, and the eight major powers are already focusing on it. If we send troops, it will not be a simple struggle by then!"

"Maybe it will cause a war!"

"In the past few years, the eight major powers have formulated some agreements. Once the star caves appear, they will send juniors to fight for them."

"A few days ago, Yanhuang sent a small team that didn't enter the archives, but was trapped in the star cave."

"The whereabouts are unknown!"

"Your mission is to enter the star cave, compete for the stars, and rescue the trapped team members!"

"Once there is a turmoil in the situation inside, what we can't get, you know what to do!"

Lin Que raised his hands and said excitedly: "I am familiar with this life, and what is not obtained will be completely destroyed!"


When Li Tianhong heard the words, his old face was flushed and coughed twice.

I rely on.

Your kid is so excited!

Everyone is an adult, so don’t speak so directly, okay?

However, this is no alternative.

Star veins are so important that they almost determine a powerful key factor of a power.

If other forces get it, it's definitely not a good thing.

Tang Xiaohu stood up and said, "This time the mission is not compulsive!"

"Everyone can make their own decisions!"

"Before again, I want to explain the situation for everyone!"

"This time, the eight major countries have sent the elites of their own academies. You can understand the scene as a competition before the global league!"

"And it's the kind of life and death!"

"You are making a choice when you think about it!"

As he said, he pointed to Lin Que: "This mission, the action code!"


"Captain of action, Lin Que!"

Lin Que:? ? ?

What the hell! ?

Isn't it a good free choice?

I haven't made a decision yet, so you just buckle me a captain's hat!

You are strong buying and selling!


For this decision, everyone didn't make any sense, and they began to think about whether or not to participate.

At this moment, Lin Xi raised his right hand and smiled sweetly: "Where is my brother, where am I!"

"I go!"

The members of the Hunting Blade Yuling Group also stood up one after another.

Qin Feng touched his bald head: "Damn, the girls are gone, I, a handsome guy, can't you go?"

"Count me in!"

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