The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1194: , I am not interested in money

"Hey, you guys have all gone. If I, a prophet, don't go, can you predict?"

"I will reluctantly give you a trip!"

Yang Dianfeng holds a book in his hand, a prophecy book of his own creation!

"I want to ask them a sword!"

Ye Ni's blindfolded cloth strips danced with the wind, holding the Martial Spirit Seven-Star Longyuan Sword in both hands!

"And us!"

The top 100 students in the top 100 stood up one after another, and their faces were full of fighting spirit.

"You little rascals!"

Tang Xiaohu looked at the scene in front of him, first for a moment, and then said cursing grinning, with a smile of relief on the corner of his mouth.

Li Tianhong stood on the podium: "I will make things clear first. This mission is extremely dangerous. If you don't pay attention, you will lose your precious lives!"

"There is such a danger, do you still dare to take it?"

In the field, the young boys and men headed by Lin Que were all excited.

"We are not afraid of sacrifice. We are born under the red flag and grow in the spring breeze!"

"If we are afraid, we don't deserve to be disciples of Tiandao Academy, we have huge resources!"

"Now, when we do our best, we will never sit still!"

Sun Xiaosheng stood up, and the students behind him nodded in agreement.

They dare to live and die with the monsters and monsters, how can they be afraid of now?

Tang Xiaohu scolded with a smile, "Mom!"

"Old man, I'm all excited by you!"

"You want to go, I don't have any comments, I'll just say one thing!"

"The location of the star cave is very dangerous, you have to prepare for the worst, and don't turn your bow back!"

"Where even we can't get in, the consequences, don't I need to say more?"

Yang Dianfeng opened the prophecy book in his hand and drew out a tarot card sandwiched in it.

"The prophecy tells me that the consequence is that whoever dares to move us will die!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's momentum was raised to a higher level!

Qin Feng touched his bald head and said with a grin: "Yang Dianfeng, your previous predictions were all nonsense!"

"But today's prediction, I just want to be level!"


Li Tianhong smiled heartily: "You little guy, you are right, whoever will die!"

"The situation in Star Cave is complicated, we dare not act rashly, but out of the capital of riots, who will come... who will die!"

As he spoke, a horrible light of killing intent suddenly appeared in his old eyes.

"However, even if you are in the capital of riots, with Lin Que, you are developing a little bitterly!"

He wanted to remind him, but then he thought about it, Lin Que's temperament is a fierce horse!

There is no place he can't afford to waste.

Being careful will only make him more waver.

Lin Que rolled his eyes.

I lost it!

Do you all regard me as a god?

You can be used as a nanny if you are alive and well!

In the capital of riots, even the eight major powers can't control the situation, and they have to be responsible for the safety of these 100 students.

Big head!

Next, there was another exhortation, and then everyone went down to prepare and set off.

As for Lin Que, he was left alone.

Tang Xiaohu looked serious: "Boy, I haven't asked anyone in my life, Tang Xiaohu!"

"Never ask a junior, you are the first!"

"After entering the riot capital, I do not ask you to keep everyone safe, please try to bring them back to me!"

In his eyes, every disciple of Tiandao Academy is like his own child.

He really didn't want to experience the feeling of losing a loved one.

Lin Que patted his chest: "Don't worry, we can go to the capital of riots to grab it with this ability... ah no!"

"Is to perform the task, what else can go wrong?"

"Everyone, I can't guarantee a lot of them, I will bring them all back!"

"But I can guarantee that no student will die before Lin Que is dead!"

When he said this, Lin Que's eyes were more serious than ever.

Upon seeing this, Tang Xiaohu exhaled deeply.

"Boy, is it a lot of pressure for you to bear this?"

Lin Que shrugged: "It's okay!"

"There is pressure to have motivation!"

"Motivated, only RMB!"

"You know what I mean?"

Lin Que made a gesture of counting money with a smile on his face, winking frantically at Tang Xiaohu and Li Tianhong.

The second old man was stunned!

Oh shit.

Originally, I was a little touched, but I won't say anything about you.

Li Tianhong: "Boy, come on, what do you want?"

Lin Que curled his lips: "I'm not interested in money!"

"Get some ammunition!"

He has a small pile of diamonds now, so he cares about money?

On the contrary, the weapons and ammunition have been exhausted after passing through the desert of death.

Want to replenish the ammunition depot in time.

When Li Tianhong's face turned dark, I knew that your kid was uneasy and kind, so I guessed it!

As expected of me!

"It's okay to give you weapons and ammunition, but you can't go to the arsenal to choose. After you arrive at the designated location, I will let the local night watchman give you!"

Lin Que was taken aback.

Depend on!

Can’t there be a sense of trust between people?

sp: To return to normal volume tomorrow, and be with my girlfriend these few days haha!

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