Lin Que took a group of people and went to the Beijing Night Watcher to take a transport plane and head towards the open sea.

This time, in order to show his confidence, the Xunye Division directly dispatched a new type of starburst aircraft.

Flying Dragon 01!

Individual strength, under the condition of air superiority, the combat power is not lost to a hundred-level powerhouse!

Six were dispatched in a row!

They didn't return to the voyage until they sent everyone out of the border of Daxia, and there was nothing hidden on the way.

At this time, inside the airport of the transport plane.

Through the window, looking at the hometown farther and farther away, these nineteen-year-old boys inevitably felt a little sad and nervous in their hearts.

Among them, most of them are going abroad for the first time.

No one dared to speak.

Tang Lin was wearing a tutor costume from Tiandao Academy and a white combat uniform, with a heroic appearance.

His face was as cold as ever.

She glanced at the students in the field, did not speak, and set her gaze on Lin Que.

Lin Que opened his mouth and said, "I said everyone, are all pulling a face, are you thinking about that handsome and beautiful girl?"

"Why, you are being dumped collectively?"

"Don't worry, when we enter the capital of riots, let's make a wild lady and bring the wild man back!"

"I have heard that the major forces have dispatched elites from the academy, and there must be a lot of handsome men and beauties!"

"When the time comes, who you are fancy to, just let me know, I will stun you, and you will be responsible for putting it in the pink sack."

When everyone heard this, the girls' tight faces suddenly turned red.

"Bah, shameful!"

"What a wild man, what a sack!"

"We beautiful girls will only pack and take away, understand?"

But the boys rubbed their little hands in excitement one by one, their eyes flashed with a dazzling red light, as if they had a red eye special effect.

"Brother Lin, just say this to you, brother, I'll follow you!"

"What a bad person you are, count me!"

"One day is a bad person, and a whole life is a bad person!"

"Jie Jie..."

Lin Que grinned, "You brothers, brothers in your life!"

"Oli here!"

"Come on, let's play a wave of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds first, and the battle of a hundred people will come first with a wave of tactical cooperation!"


As soon as I listened to the game, all of them became energetic, took out their mobile phones, and started teaming up and playing games.

As for Lin Que's share, it was handed over to the Sky Swallowing Beast.

Don't even think that the Sky-Swallowing Beast is a monster, but its IQ is outrageous, and its battlefield score is 5.0!

Tang Lin sat aside silently, without saying a word, watching everything.

While looking at Lin Que, he had already begun to pull out the holographic projection and studied the regional situation of the capital of riots.

To be on the safe side, he had contacted Zi Yan, who was in the capital of riots, before.

In the dark, he still didn't believe that someone could **** his star veins from him?

Annoy me, no one loves it at the push of a button!

Early the next morning.

On the surface of the sea, the white fish belly slowly rises.

The voice of the pilot came from the radio in the airport.

"I am about to arrive at my destination. According to the international agreement, I will land on Buaiwo Jiula Island!"

"Students, please prepare for skydiving!"

"On behalf of Daxia, I wish you all a triumphant return!"

The words fell off.

The airport door was opened so that the wind roared into the airport like a tiger.

The students headed by Lin Que looked at the opened airport and the seascape that came into view with solemn expressions.

In the sea area a hundred miles around, there is only one island that looks like an ant.

Buaiwo Jiula Island!

Lin Que's eyes lit up, and it's been a long time since he parachuted!

Recalling the first parachuting, when I was still participating in the youth competition, full of memories!

It must be done again.

"Bad people, skydive!"

After speaking, Lin Que rushed out with a look of excitement.

Behind him, the Hunting Blade Yuling Group, Qin Feng, and Mo Qingcheng also followed.

"and many more!"

"I haven't sent an umbrella bag yet, you just jump down like this, don't be afraid of falling into meatloaf!"

This height is at least 800 meters visually.

Even if the 80th-level Yulinger jumps down, it doesn't have to be a serious injury!

Qin Feng touched his bald head, evil charm smiled: "You don't understand this!"

"Bold missions with Lin. You don't need a knife to kill, you don't need a bag for parachuting, and you all rely on a mouth to make money!"

"Look at me."

After finishing speaking, a dragon entered the sea and jumped out of the plane.

Everyone: Σ┗(@ロ@;)┛.

Lin Que: (。◕ˇ∀ˇ◕).

Not bad!

It is indeed the guy who came out of Canglan Academy with me, who directly predicted my thoughts.

"You can jump, just leave the rest to me!"

"Guaranteed you, happy take off!"

As he said, he put his hands in his pockets and plunged his head down.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xi and others also jumped down one after another.

Ye Ni, Yang Dianfeng were also the masters who often followed Lin Que, and they knew Lin Que's style very well.

This guy never does things that are uncertain.

Just jump and it's over.

Sun Xiaosheng snorted coldly: "This bad embryo dared to jump, what do we dare to do, jump!"

After speaking, she stepped directly on the somersault cloud and flew down.

Sikongzhen:? ? ?

Didn’t you say jump?

What do you mean by riding the clouds and driving the fog?

Looking at this scene, Tang Lin still didn't speak.

If these students don't even have the courage to jump down, they should go back as soon as possible to avoid losing their lives.

Sikong shook his throat: "Damn, I'm fighting it!"

After speaking, took the lead and jumped down first.

With the first one, there is a second, everyone, jumping down one by one, just like making dumplings.

In the cockpit, the pilot was dumbfounded when he saw this scene, and his chin was almost dragging the floor.


"The students in this class are the worst I have ever seen, none of them!"

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