The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1197: , The Legion of Bad People

In the sky.


The students jumped without wearing an umbrella bag, and their faces were horrified. The alive people floated in front, and the souls chased them behind!


Some girls couldn't help but scream.

Lin Que was not in a hurry to rescue him, he wanted to see what decision they would make when they were on the line of life and death!

The final result did not disappoint him.

After seeing that Lin Que had no intention of helping him, everyone began to save themselves, releasing their martial arts, slowing down the landing speed.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Que launched the Void Black Hole to wrap everyone up.

Teleported to the ground all the time.

When Xia Yuyan saw this, she also learned this trick. The Martial Soul Seal Gate opened, the power of space was released, and some people were also brought to the ground.

After a few rounds, 100 people, all landed safely!


On the ground, all their faces were flushed, recalling the scene just now, they couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"It's exciting!"

They grew up this way, except for the feeling they had when they first hunted a ghost.

I haven't experienced it for a long time.

So excited!

Lin Que slapped his palms: "Don't be stunned, according to the previous grouping situation!"

"We are in a group of ten!"

"Group 10 is responsible for vigilance!"

Lin Que quickly made battle deployments, turned on the satellite bracelet, and confirmed his location information.

"According to the information given by my hometown, we are still 400 nautical miles away from the riot capital."

Upon hearing this, everyone was trapped.

I'm going, there are still 400 nautical miles, here is a hammer!

Does this rhythm allow them to swim by themselves?

However, Lin Que was not in a hurry, glanced at the information on the satellite bracelet and frowned.

Strange, Zi Yan should also come to pick herself up at the previously agreed time!

Isn't it here yet?

Is there a traffic jam on the road?

When he came before, he had contacted Zi Yan and asked her to pick herself up here.

At this moment, Sikong Zhen, who was in charge of the vigilance, said in a deep voice, "It's not good!"

"Found a large number of unidentified ships coming, and a combat aircraft carrier!"

"The matching firepower is not something we can fight against."

"Captain, what should I do?"

Everyone's faces were tight, and they were in a fighting state.

Oh my God!

As soon as they parachuted, they arranged a wave for them?

Is it reasonable?

Hearing this, Lin Que teleported to a coconut tree with excitement, and looked at the coming fleet, his eyes lit up.

"finally come!"

On the sea, a combat aircraft carrier cleared the way, eight warships escorted, carrying heavy firepower, domineering and scary!

On every ship, there are flying flags!

A sign of a Shura mask!

Bad people!

Below, Sun Xiaosheng was holding a golden long stick, and his eighty-level spirit power was released.

"You first withdraw, leave it to me here!"

"9 groups, give me a piece to kill them!"

Having said that, we must make a big move.

Upon seeing this, Lin Que quickly stopped Sun Xiaosheng who was about to do it: "Hey, don't do it!"

"Don't break my Lin Que number!"

Sun Xiaosheng:? ? ?

What is your Lin Que number again?

Your thing was broken soon?

Everyone is also dumbfounded.

Qin Feng took the lead in reacting.

"Oh, I get it!"

"As long as you Lin Que sees it, it's yours!"

"Am I right?"

"Haha, you are such a genius, brothers, if we rob the opposite ship, we can turn decay into magic!"

"There is a boat!"

Lin Que rolled his eyes: "Yes, a hammer!"

"That's Lao Tzu's okay!"

"If anyone breaks Lao Tzu, I bought him to repair the ship!"

Everyone: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ).


Lin Que's face went dark.

Damn, something is always wrong!

Next second.

The battleship on the sea arrived at the coast, and on the deck stood a figure wearing a mask, fully armed, and with a live ammunition.

Wearing masks one by one, they look fierce!

It makes people feel scared at first glance.

Moreover, the strength of these people are all above the sixtieth level!

The headed person, although not tall and wearing a ghost mask, carried a heavy artillery weapon on his waist, and he reached the SS level!

I'm in trouble.

Tang Lin couldn't help standing out from behind the team.

"Boy, don't mess around!"

"These guys have an unusual background."

Lin's shortcomings nodded: "It must be an unusual background. With this momentum, their boss must be very awesome!"

Tang Lin was taken aback.

It shouldn't be!

According to Lin Que's personality, he would never say such a thing!

There must be something wrong in this.

Just when she was puzzled.

The headed figure spoke, and a mouth was a sweet female voice: "Boss Lin Que, I'm here to take you home!"

This statement came out.

Everyone who had originally made preparations for battle was stunned.

what's the situation?

Boss Lin Que?

When did Lin Que's hand reach this place of right and wrong?

Are you still the same age?

It's just a bug!

Lin Que grinned: "Yes, what you want is this aura. Who made this mask of you?"

"A bonus must be paid!"

Xiao Yuer wearing a ghost mask smiled and said, "It's Sister Ziyan!"

Lin Que was taken aback: "Are you not the boss of Zi Yan?"

Xiao Yuer: "Sister Zi Yan said that there is only one bad guy, and that is the boss of Lin Que!"

Lin Que shook his head and smiled.

This Violet has achieved the ultimate in human affection and sophistication!

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