What's so special, I have been in my debut for so long, and I have always robbed others. When have I been robbed?

Aunt can bear it, uncle can’t bear it!

Lin Que was angry: "Everyone, give me full firepower and hit this bunch of bitch's things fiercely!"


As soon as the words fell, he directly took out a rocket launcher from the system space and locked the red-haired man.

man:? ? ?

What a few things?

Just take out a rocket launcher, what's your trick?


Lin Que opened the insurance without hesitation and directly pressed the launch button. In an instant, a brilliant blue flame erupted, and a rocket pierced the sky and hit it fiercely.

"I'm gonna!"

The red-haired man shrank his pupils and plunged into the sea.

The rocket hit a speedboat and directly blasted it into dregs, turning it into wreckage and floating on the sea.

It's not over yet.

After Lin Que threw the rocket launcher back into the system space, he took out another Vulcan Gatling!

Wearing sunglasses, one foot stepped on the fence on the deck, towards the speedboat and assault boat, it was a crazy burst.


One by one bullet shells kept flying out, ten barrels spun crazily, emitting blue flames, and shooting out bullets continuously.

Rows of bullets on the surface of the sea stirred up countless waves of water!

The bad guys on the deck also took up their weapons and attacked the invading guys.

The combat aircraft carrier was equipped with heavy firepower and started to operate, and a cannon was filled with ammunition.

The two sides began a fierce battle.

The calm sea suddenly turned into a battlefield of bullets.

Lin Que carried Gatling to fire, and did not forget to turn around and give orders to the students.

"Don't even go to the theater!"

"Join the battle together!"

"According to the grouping situation, the long-range attack is on top, and the control system Yulinger gives me control of their mobility!"

"Priest healing!"

"Melee to solve the invading enemy!"

"Routan give me cover for the control department and priest!"

With the order, all the students also started to take action, the spirits were released, the radiant spirit power bloomed, and they began to join the battle.

Mo Qingcheng stepped on the martial soul, the ice crystal peacock, a world, and suddenly snow and ice fell.

She is dressed in a white school uniform, long skirt fluttering, bathed in ice and snow, like a goddess of ice and snow!

"Ice Crystal Domain, open!"


The ice crystal peacock screamed, and the sea surface with a radius of 100 meters instantly froze into ice.

The speedboat organized by TI crashed into the ice and threw all the people on it away.


There was a dragon roar, Xiang Qian and Wuhun Jiu Ning Ming Jiao merged into one body and turned into a half-dragon.

Black energy **** are floating all over.

"The sixth soul ability, the black dragon smashes the wave!"


One after another black energy **** rushed out and fell towards the speedboat on the sea.

Countless people were shot into flight.

It hasn't landed yet, a heavy gravitational field will be particularly confined.

Hou Feng grinned: "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Shoot them!"

Su Tang gripped the void, the Wuhun Mingbow appeared one after another, and the flame arrows condensed one after another, and they shot them away directly!

The tacit understanding of the few members of the Hunting Blade Yuling Group is no longer comparable to that in the first place.

Ye Ni and Sun Xiaosheng, the two of them are even more like warriors in the game.

Xia Yuyan's seal gate blooms, sealing TI's men and horses and imprisoning them.

Sikong Zhen took control of Thunder and began to bombard mercilessly!

In the field, Qin Feng and Yang Dianfeng combined.

One person turned into a golden-winged roc bird, and Qin Feng stood on it with the Overlord's spear in his hand, like a **** soldier descending from the sky, harvesting the battlefield and grabbing people's heads!


"The combination of two winds is invincible!"

"Who will die!"

The trainees cooperated tacitly and became more brave as they fought.

Lin Que pushed his sunglasses and grinned, "Good job, just fight like that!"

"Don't care about the consumption of soul power, no soul power, dry power water!"


Under the leadership of Lin Que, the academy's combat power exploded one by one, like wolves and tigers!

Tang Lin stood on the deck and looked at this scene, shocked!

I thought that after these children arrived in the capital of riots, they would be unfit for a while.

When I look at it now, they are worrying too much.

They were originally Tianjiao, the representatives of an era. Under the fire of Lin Que, the fighting spirit in their hearts was awakened.

I really don’t know what kind of surprises they will bring to them!

at the same time.

The red-haired man who was shocked by Lin Que's fire before jumped into the sea, standing on an assault boat.

Seeing his subordinates were knocked into the water one by one and killed on the spot, the whole person was dumbfounded.

According to the intelligence, although the bad guys are carrying heavy weapons this time, isn't the entourage all the scumbags?

Looking ahead, the overwhelmingly powerful spirit abilities, as well as the high-quality martial spirits.

He was dumbfounded.

This is where the five scum of war is, it is simply a beast of combat power!

And who is the devil who wears sunglasses and sweeps Gatlin on his shoulders?

Oh shit.

It's just a fairy!

Jeff grabbed the younger brother next to him with an angry look: "fuck!"

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

The younger brother looked aggrieved: "I don't know, the intelligence says that's the way it is, who knows where bad guys have brought so much powerful combat power."

"Why don't we withdraw, we can't grab the idea!"

Jeff was itchy with anger: "No!"

"Just go back empty-handed, those guys will definitely laugh at me!"

"Isn't it a combat aircraft carrier?"

"Lao Tzu scrapped him today!"

"Go, get me that bomber from the black market and call for air strikes!"

"Lao Tzu will teach them a lesson today, what is the power of the ability to make money!"

The younger brother was a little embarrassed, but when he saw Jeff's expression, he bit his head and went to call.

Call a blow in the mouth!

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