
On the battlefield, there was a buzzing sound of fighter planes in the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw that a bomber with powerful firepower was approaching them.

"not good!"

"If we are bombed, it won't be good then!"

Xiao Yu'er yelled in horror upon seeing this.

Lin Que also raised his head, seeing this scene, anxious!

"Oh shit."

"I played a fair fight with them, and actually played plug-ins for me!"

"Then don't blame Lao Tzu for not teaching martial arts!"

"You continue to attack, this bomber, I have rounded it up."

After speaking, his legs exerted strength, and his body was like a Lixuan's bow and arrow, straight into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the whole person escaped into the void and disappeared.

After a few breaths, he had come to the bomber.


"Lin Que is trying to single-handedly defeat the bomber?"

On the ground, the shocked jaws of Qin Feng and others were dragged to the ground, and Lin Que was shocked by the truth.

That's awesome.

I saw that the bomber opened the fire without hesitation, and three missiles fiercely bombed Lin Que here.

"Fuck you."

The blood flames erupted on Lin Que's arms, an uppercut blasted out, and the huge force directly slammed the missile into the sky.


The missile rolled a few times in the sky, exploded and turned into a ball of fire!

Immediately afterwards, he held the burial halberd in one hand and the magic knife with a thousand blades in the other.

Two-pronged approach, toward the two missiles that fell, severely chopped down.


The two missiles were directly split in half, and the sky was instantly lit, and the flames filled the sky!


This wave of operations directly dazzled everyone!

Do you want to be so perverted, one punch, one halberd, one knife, single-handed bomber missile?

Reckless fool!

Jeff was also dumbfounded.

Where did this animal come from? I have never seen anyone so stiff.

Just when they thought that Lin Que had died, the fire dissipated, revealing Lin Que's appearance.

He didn't retreat but moved forward, holding a magic knife with a thousand blades, and heading towards the bomber.

"Bi Chi!"

"Knock me down this bastard!"

Jeff picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted at the crew piloting the bomber.

However, it was still a step too late.

Lin Que escaped into the void and black hole, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the top of the bomber, and countless blood flames poured on the magic knife thousand blades.

It stabbed and pierced the bomber's cabin fiercely!


For a time, the surface of the bomber was full of fire and electric current!

"Blood Shadow Kill!"

Lin Queban knelt on top of the bomber, with blood flickering in his pupils, countless **** sword auras!

Next second.

The bomber, which was originally good, was cut off by more than half and fell towards the sea.


When Jeff saw this, he exploded directly!

This is the retired second-hand U.S. bomber he bought from the black market at a high price. That's it!

When he saw the man holding the blood knife, his brow raised!

and many more!

Why is this person so familiar?


"Hunshi Demon King Lin Que!"

Jeff didn't recognize Lin Que at first. At this moment, he could see clearly after observing it from such a close distance.


"Everyone withdraw!"

Oh shit.

He understood, who was Diga Ultraman who brought the blood rose to the Black Shark to ransack his house.

This is the Forest Demon King!

The remaining members of the T organization will be evacuated.

However, Lin Que moved all the way in the void, and had already arrived on their speedboat, holding a magic knife with a thousand blades, and grinning.

"Ship ruai day, **** Fak!"

Jeff:? ? ?

Next second.

Lin Que raised the magic knife with a thousand blades and slashed it.


Jeff dodged and avoided the attack.

However, his little brothers are not so lucky.

Lin Que's figure flickered on the speedboat, scarlet blades pierced the air.

Most of the members that TI dispatched this time had spirit powers at rank 60 or 70. How could it be Lin Que's opponent?

They didn't even have a chance to condense their soul abilities, and they drank blood directly on the spot.

For a time, blood can be seen everywhere on the entire speedboat!

"Spirit Devouring Slash!"

Lin Que's body vacated, cut out a **** sword light, and the speedboat split into two instantly!


Jeff gritted his teeth and roared: "Do you think I'm muddled?"


He raised his hand and waved, and his ninety-level spirit power exploded, and a burst of water splashed on the sea, condensing water bombs, smashing towards Lin Que.

"I am your sister!"

Just as Jeff gathered his soul abilities, Lin Que did not know when he appeared behind him, and the magic knife in his hand turned into golden slippers.

Without saying anything, he aimed at the back of Jeff's head and slapped it down.

"My day..."

Jeff only felt his head groggy, and before he could finish speaking, he took another shot of the pan in front of him.


Unprepared, he was shot directly into the sea by the pan.

"Bad lady, press the door and pinch his forehead!"

Xia Yuyan, with a gloomy face on the side, stared, still acted according to Lin Que's orders.

The Sealed Door pointed at Jeff's head.

It buzzed Jeff's head on the spot.

"stand up!"

Sun Xiaosheng was holding a golden cudgel and roared, and he flew Jeff from the bottom of the sea.

Lin Que held the golden slippers, looked at the timing, just like playing golf, directly patted them flying.



Immediately afterwards, Jeff fell directly on the deck of the combat aircraft carrier and passed out.

Qin Feng also took out the Shu Ling lock and buckled it.

Without the leader, the remaining shrimp soldiers, crabs, and bad guys will all be harvested.

Some people still want to escape, but they angered Demon King Lin, and there is still a possibility of escape?

Want to be beautiful!

Lin Que held a magic knife with a thousand blades, and came to the battlefield to harvest.

TI’s people didn’t expect that they were fine when they came, but now they can’t go back!

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