Buaiwo Jiula Island!

When everyone saw Lin Que three times and five divided two, they conquered a group of sea beasts. This is really against the sky!

"I'm a good boy!"

"Is the captain still a human?"

"I feel that he is hanging up, but unfortunately I have no evidence!"

Qin Feng rubbed his chin: "I don't care if he opens or not, I care if he will give me a sea monster!"

"You said, if we sit in the siren and enter the riot capital, will it be very exciting?"

"At that time, it will be easy to catch a wild mother-in-law?"

When everyone heard this, they instantly became interested.

Ahead, I saw Lin Que yelling at everyone.

"Hey, come and choose a mount!"

"One man, first come, first served!"

When everyone heard it, they rushed out like a girl, and the wind was blowing under their feet, and even their soul skills were used.

I'm afraid that if you slow down others a step, the good-looking monster beast will be snatched away.

"Hey hey, I'm going one step ahead."

"Goodbye everyone Le!"

Yang Dianfeng turned into a golden-winged roc bird, and his figure flashed, turning into a streamer and rushed out.

"Damn, don't talk about martial ethics!"

When everyone saw this, they were the quintessence of the country.

Lin Que stood aside and shouted, "Don't worry, one man, come here to register!"

"After returning to the college, remember to pay the fee!"

"Adding the previous item package, the total payment is 400w!"

"Attention, 200 is a rental fee, not a sale!"

Upon hearing this, the excited expressions on everyone's faces froze.

Damn it!

Lin Que is the same Lin Que, the same powerful, the same digging search!

However, under the condition of owning the Kraken mount, what is this small amount of money?


After half an hour.

Everyone has allocated all the sea monsters, and their faces are full of joy!

Lin Que stood on the back of the Tyrannosaurus, with one hand akimbo, pointing to the direction of the sea in front of him.

"Set off!"

Afterwards, everyone marched toward the destination with great momentum!

With the help of the S-class Tyrannosaurus, there was no sea monster attack in the sea area where it passed.

Xiao Yu'er and others followed behind in a combat aircraft carrier, with envy, jealousy and hatred on their faces!

If I knew there was a sea monster sitting, she wouldn't be able to drive this combat aircraft carrier out if she was killed!


Thinking of this, she picked up the electromagnetic cannon around her waist, used as a stick, and slapped Jeff's body fiercely.

"I blame you!"

"I'm so angry with my baby!"

Jeff: (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`).

Who am I provoking?

Why are you hitting me?


Three hours later.

A group of people came to a rioting sea area, and a series of waterspouts raged in front of them.

The gust of wind continues to roar!

Not only that, there seemed to be a violent breath in the air.

"The capital of riots, we are here!"

Lin Que looked at the scene in front of him and said in a deep voice.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, and their eyes were full of shock!

Those waterspouts seemed to link heaven and earth. If oneself and others enter it, they may not be able to leave safely.

Xiao Yuer stepped forward from the combat aircraft carrier in the rear, stepping on the flying spirit weapon.

"The sea ahead is extremely unstable, boss Lin Que, your siren can't get close at all!"

"You have to take a combat aircraft carrier, and I will take you through it."

Lin Xiaotou recovered all the Sea-Monsters in the Ring of Ten Thousand Beasts, and everyone landed on the deck of the combat aircraft carrier.

Xiao Yuer pointed to a whirlpool in front of the waterspout.

"Where is the entrance to the capital of riots!"

"We are going to cross the waterspout, rest assured, we are all familiar with the road, there will be no problems."

Lin Que: "Leave it to you!"

Xiaoyuer: "Look at me!"

After that, she entered the cockpit, manually controlled the combat aircraft carrier, and drove into the waterspout.

Along the way, she carefully avoided the waterspout.

Without any accident, he left the waterspout area and drove straight to the entrance.

"Damn, such a big vortex, will we be swallowed up!"

Qin Feng said with some worry.

Xiao Yuer grinned: "Don't you know if you try?"

After speaking, she stepped on the gas pedal and rushed into the whirlpool.

However, there is no sense of falling as everyone imagined. What greets you is a huge lifting platform!

In the surrounding space, there is an invisible restriction that cut off the invasion of sea water.

"What a big handwriting!"

Lin Que looked at everything in front of him and said in shock.

Xiao Yuer explained: "This is the method of the Flame Demon Fairy, she controls everything here!"

"It can be said that she can't call the shots except Star Cave!"

"The rest is hers."

"She personally created a sinful place no less than the desert of death, and at the same time made the major forces afraid to move here!"

"Boss Lin Que, here, you should be a little bit nasty!"

"I'm afraid you are gone."

Lin Que:? ? ?

Your misunderstandings of me one by one are much deeper than I thought!

Am I the kind of person who is restless and guards oneself?

It's ridiculous!

"Can this lift platform move our combat aircraft carrier?"

This combat aircraft carrier, to speak of it, has thousands of tons. He was a little worried when he heard the creaking noises around him.

Xiao Yuer smiled and said, "Boss Lin Que, this lifting platform is made of tens of thousands of tons of floating stones!"

"Don't talk about us, it's okay to move all the fleets of the eight major countries!"

Lin Que's eyes lit up.

Thousands of thousands of suspended rocks?

Little money!

I have to find a way to get it. If I have these things, hey hey...

Just when Lin Que was thinking about it, the elevator platform reached the first floor!

All around were men in black with guns and live ammunition, and the strength of each one was above the seventieth level.


Lin Que saw that the weapons worn by these people were all the latest generation of firearms in the United States!

He hadn't seen many of them.

Especially that cannon!

Star weapon!

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