"Star Weapon!"

When everyone saw that cannon, their eyes were straight!

Before, they all learned about the Star Vein weapons from the mouths of the big guys, and they had never had close contact with them.

See you now, it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!

Moreover, the surrounding space is all wrapped and isolated by an invisible force, and you can clearly see the appearance of the underwater world!

Countless schools of fish, siren swimming outside.

The blue algae exuding blue light all around, the atmosphere looked a little strange and solemn.

Everyone seemed to be in the starry sky, and the ground under their feet exuded faint starlight.

Look up, not day and night, but a sea of ​​stars!

Just when everyone was marveling at everything in front of them.


A man in black with a gun came up and asked everyone for a pass!


Suddenly, a series of cold muzzles locked everyone.

The Xingmai Cannon also turned its muzzle and aimed at them.

As long as there is no pass, they will kill everyone here without hesitation!

Qin Feng and others frowned, and they were about to do it.

Xiao Yuer stood up, holding a pass in his hand, and said with a smile, "Don't get me wrong!"

"We all have certificates, not bad guys!"

After checking the authenticity of the pass, the man in black stared at Lin Que for a while, waved his hand, and let everyone go.

After being cleared, Lin Que and others continued to drive the combat aircraft carrier into the space.

"The door of space!"

On the deck, Xia Yuyan looked at the door of the starry sky about 100 meters wide in front of her, covering her mouth and exclaimed.

Lin Que smashed his mouth: "A big deal!"

In general, ghosts and spirit ruins also have doors of space, but they are all the size of normal doors.

In front of this, it is simply a local tyrant.

Extremely luxurious!

It can be imagined how much money this flame enchantress has made over the years relying on the protection fees collected by the major forces.

However, it doesn't matter, the money finally belongs to him one day.

Xiao Yuer smiled mysteriously: "Don't be shocked, it's still early to come!"

Next second.

After they passed through the door of space, the scene in front of everyone changed again.


When they saw everything in front of them, the whole person was not calm.

No longer is there in front of me.

A modern city appeared in front of them.

In the sky, there is still a sea of ​​stars!

The light of the sea of ​​stars shone down, forming an avenue of stars.

The combat aircraft carrier is driving on the Avenue of Stars, heading towards the city!

At the end of the Avenue of Stars, is the city of riots, which is spread by word of mouth and full of mystery from outsiders!

In the city, the lights are bright, standing at the end of the galaxy.

The style of the entire city, like the cyberpunk of the dimensional space, is full of mechanical elements!

After the combat aircraft carrier landed, Xiao Yu'er paid the parking fee and took everyone off the ship.

Lin Que asked, "Are you not afraid of being stolen by someone if you stop the boat here?"

Xiao Yu'er explained: "No, this place is under the direct control of Flame Demon Fairy, who dares to mess around?"

"If you dare to mess up, you will have to be targeted by everyone, and no one dares to offend the Flame Demon Fairy."

"Don't worry, boss, no one steals your boat!"

When Lin Que heard this, he nodded in relief.

A group of people walking on the street.

The mechanical armors that can be seen everywhere, even the spirit weapons here, are all made of mechanical elements.

Not only that, Lin Que also felt that the spiritual energy here contained the profound meaning of different attributes.

Although it is very meager, it is hard to come by.

Along the way, many aborigines attracted a lot of attention when they saw the arrival of Lin Que and others.

"Yellow skin, Daxia!"

"Tsk tsk, it's really not peaceful these days. People from the eight major countries are here, and prices are going up!"

"These guys look like they have never seen the world!"

Quite a few whispered whispers.

at the same time.

Riot waters.

Wearing a black robe, an evil spirit was revealed all over the body.

He took off the black robe, revealing a strange face, with a pattern occupying half of the face.

If Lin Que was here, he would definitely recognize this person.

Yang Xiao!

Since he swallowed the Nightmare Ghost King, his strength has soared all the way to reach the Ghost King level.

His task this time is to come to the capital of riots and seize all the stars!

"The world has almost forgotten Ming Yuan's deterrence!"

"This time, let you know, as soon as the white ghost comes out, all the tribes will surrender!"

"Jie Jie..."

The capital of riots.

TI organization.

A burly white man and a young yellow-haired man sitting in a restaurant eating and drinking red wine.

The strong white man glanced around and asked, "Hey, why didn't you see Jeff's second generation ancestor today?"

The young yellow-haired man shrugged: "Someone has a father, and we can't realize his happiness!"

"Who knew they ran into that wild lady's bed again!"

Upon hearing this, the strong white man nodded in agreement: "That's right!"

"People are not the same with us, I'm worried about a fart!"

"Come on, let's continue drinking and eating meat!"


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