The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1208: , Royal Knights Academy

Behind everyone, five young men and women stepped forward.

Three men and two women, all of white skin, uniformly dressed, with knight badges on their chests!

Among the five, one man and one woman are the heads.

The man was wearing a knight armor, carrying a mechanical epee behind him, and his slender blond hair reached his earlobes!

Looks handsome, full of aristocratic atmosphere.

The girl was wearing a blue Lolita dress with a sparkling crystal necklace around her neck.

With a frown and a smile, like a noble princess, full of elegance!

"Royal Knight Academy!"

Lin Que and the others recognized the background of the visitor at a glance.

No way, who told this group of people to be too easy to identify, plus the previous information, it was this group of guys who appeared on the stage riding a royal griffin.

Unexpectedly, when they came to the capital of riots, the first meeting was actually organized by the Alliance, the Royal Knights Academy.


The blond young man carrying a mechanical epee threw a piece of S-level soul jade in his hand and placed it on the old man's stall.

"Wrap me the star meteorite."

The old man smiled at the sight of the S-level soul jade, and he wanted to do it.


Lin Que pressed his hand on the star meteorite, and laughed softly: "My friend, I saw the star meteorite first."

"Let's be reasonable, will you be snatched from me?"

Noah looked at Lin Que for a moment, then said in an unkind tone: "Tiny yellow guy, take your dirty hands away for me!"

"Otherwise, your life won't be guaranteed!"

Lin Que blinked, and then said earnestly, "My friend, I advise you to be reasonable when I reason with you!"

"Otherwise, I will be cruel, and I will be scared myself!"

Noah sneered coldly: "Boy, have you gotten your brain out of the sky?"

"Do you know who we are?"

"Royal Knight Academy!"

"Don't want to cause trouble, get out!"

Lin Que rubbed his eyebrows: "For Steve's face, I'll give you a chance!"

"speak politely!"

Hearing this, Noah frowned: "Do you know Steve?"

"Who are you!"

Lin Que rolled his eyes: "I'm your Fare!"

Depend on!

Lao Tzu is now an international celebrity, you don't even know me.

How can it be repaired!


Noah was about to get angry, and the girl in blue Lolita on the side grabbed him.

"To stir up the situation in the United States, one person overturned K2, the devil of the death desert, Lin Que!"

Lin Que looked at the girl and grinned, "I have eyesight!"

"Look, it's also a human being, why are you so trash?"

Noah's face was startled: "You are Lin Que!"

How could he not know the name of Demon King Lin, but he didn't expect to meet him here.

However, he is not afraid!

He is also a genius, he doesn't think he is worse than anyone else!

Lin Que asked, "Where is Steve?"

Diana smiled: "The senior is practicing in retreat, this time he didn't come!"

"However, he asked me to say hello to you!"

Lin Que waved his hand: "You don't have to say hello. I want this star meteorite. Do you have any comments?"

Diana just wanted to say yes, when she saw Noah on the side, the mechanical epee behind her was pulled out, cutting out a sharp sword light.

A sharp murderous intent flashed in Lin Que's eyes!

Next second.

He stepped forward and stretched out **** from the tiger paw in his right hand, which clamped the tip of the mechanical epee!


Noah's pupils shrank, and his attack was caught with two fingers?

It's not over yet!

Lin Que applied force with his right leg and slammed into Noah's lower abdomen.

Seeing this, Noah didn't react too quickly, and with a thought, the mechanism was turned on on the mechanical epee.


The mechanical epee mechanism unfolded, strong steam rushed out, and blue light covered the sword body.

Lin Que was startled, he felt the power from his fingers, causing his pores to shrink.

He hurriedly changed the attack direction of the whip leg, and flew the mechanical epee with one kick, his body escaped into the void and appeared 200 meters away.

Looking down again, there was a slight sword mark between the fingers of his right arm!

What a weird sword!

His body reached the diamond level, but he didn't expect it to be cut apart.

"Boy, look at the sword!"

"Soul Skill, Thousand Sword Kill!"

Suddenly, on Noah's mechanical epee, a series of epee phantoms, carrying fierce sword aura, attacked Lin Que.

"Master, play with you!"

Lin Que gave a bloodthirsty smile and raised his hand, the space in the field began to decompose and reorganize, and the sword shadow that had originally attacked him was killed.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared on Noah's head, like a violent storm, thorns fell down.


When Noah saw this scene, it was too late to dodge, so she could only resist!

"Soul skills, break the army!"

I saw Noah stepped on the ground with both feet, and a powerful aura spread from his body, shattering the ground under his feet, and cobweb-like cracks appeared.

Raising the mechanical heavy sword with both hands, with a roar, the sword was cut down, and the sword shadows that fell were all destroyed.

There was a burst of white smoke on the scene!

When the smoke cleared, Noah just wanted to speak harshly.


Before he could react, Lin Que's figure had already appeared behind him, and he was about to blast Noah with a punch.


At the same time, Diana was bathed in holy light and was about to imprison Lin Que on the spot.

Lin Que turned around, the white light flowing in his eyes, the power of space was released.

"Monthly reading!"

The two supreme profound meanings collide and cancel each other out.

The dimensional space was stirred up by ripples.

Noah also took advantage of this gap, quickly pulling away, cold sweat in his hands holding the sword.

For a moment, he felt that the **** of death was so close to him.

This man is so strong!

Lin Que closed his hand, looked at Diana in a little surprise, and muttered, "What a weird power!"

The Royal Knights, isn't it an overbearing power?

What is the power in this woman?

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