The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1209: , Don't come back

Diana reduced the brilliance of her body and said: "This is a misunderstanding, please stop!"

She is well aware of the virtues of this demon king.

If they continue to fight, they will be the only ones who suffer.

Lin Que smiled softly: "I want to stop, okay!"

"I shot my hand just now and it hurts, so you have to pay for some medical expenses?"

"Looking at my swollen hands, they are no different from normal ones."

"I'm crying to death!"

Behind him, Mo Qingcheng and others saw this, covering their mouths and laughing.

Lin bandits went online to rob.

"Bi Chi!"

Noah walked up with a grim look: "Don't deceive people too much, we will come again if we have the seeds."

At any rate, he is also the arrogant of the Royal Knights Academy, and he has not yet suffered this grievance!

Lin Que curled his lips: "Want to single out?"

"I satisfy you!"

After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and the players behind him came up eagerly.

Standing forward, his soul power was released, and he stared at the five men fiercely.

Noah: (; OдO).

Diana: (;¬д¬).

Players: (〃゚A゚)(´゚д゚`).

Lin Quexiao said with his arms akimbo, "Come on!"

"Do you want to pick a group of us alone, or a group of five of you?"

"I will give you a choice!"

When Noah saw this, his body couldn't help but stepped back.


Do you have to choose by yourself?

It looks like multiple choice, but in fact it is just one, but I want to have multiple choice questions!

More people bully fewer people!

Noah rolled his throat: "Diana, how long will our people be there?"

Diana shook her head: "Don't fantasize, as long as we go to war, before our people arrive, all five of us will have to be abandoned, do you believe it or not?"

Although it was the first time that she had dealt with Lin Que, she analyzed it with international cases.

They are definitely the losers.

Hearing this, Noah was taken aback, swallowed, and said viciously: "Lin Que, right? I've written down this hatred by the Royal Knights Academy."

"We have met in the mountains and rivers, see you in the matter."

"let's go!"

After speaking, turn around and leave.

However, how could Lin Que let them go so easily.

I saw that the 100th from Tiandao Academy surrounded the five of them in Tuantuan!

"Ten S-level soul jade!"

"No, strip your pants!"

Noah looked savage, and roared: "Lin Que, don't be too much, you're too anxious, it's a big deal!"

"I am not a bully at the Royal Knights Academy."

Lin Que shrugged, "I don't know if you are bullying the Royal Knights Academy!"

"But you are beeping, stripping your pants!"

Noah: (〃´盤`)q.

He is so angry!

Why can't you do this by yourself?

Oh my god!

Diana stepped forward and took out ten pieces of S-level soul jade from the space ring in her hand.


Lin Que:! !

I rely on!

Just throw it away is ten S-level soul jade, a proper rich woman-level big man!

This is not the point, he saw that there was a royal symbol on Diana's space ring!

That represents the identity of the royal princess!

Lin Que looked at the soul jade in his hand and couldn't help but ask: "What's in it!"

"Do you not raise fish?"

"I know Awei eighteenth style!"

Diana was taken aback for a moment, but apparently didn't expect that Lin Que would say this, which really caught her off guard.

"Boy, don't be rude!"

Noah roared and was about to do it.


Qin Feng and others stared at Noah fiercely, and his neck shrank in fright.

"You bully the less by more, don't talk about martial ethics!"

Lin Que grinned: "Why don't you talk about martial ethics, don't you just grinning!"

"Our name is clearly chivalry!"


Faced with Lin Que's teasing, Noah wanted to say anything else.

Diana spoke.

"let's go!"

There was no way to get the order, and Noah and others could only obediently follow Diana and leave the scene.

Tang Lin walked up and said worriedly: "Are you not afraid of causing public outrage?"

Lin Que smiled disdainfully: "Anyway, if you enter the Star Cavern, you will become an enemy sooner or later. If you don't pit it now, why do you keep it?"

With the virtues of the major forces, if you don't take the initiative, they won't join forces?


Xiao Yuer asked, "Boss Lin Que, will you return to our Chamber of Commerce for bad people?"

Lin Que shook his head: "I won't return for now!"

"When I arrange things here, I'll look for you later!"

"Here is the goods for the new season, hand it to Zi Yan!"

Xiao Yu'er looked at the space ring in his hand, his face was stunned, and couldn't believe it was true.

"Boss Lin Que, did you give it to me?"

You know, these props, placed in the capital of riots, are valuable goods.

Just give it to yourself so easily, not afraid to embezzle it?

Lin Que led the crowd to the front, turned his back to Xiao Yu'er, and waved his hand: "If you dare, I will take a big iron pot and stew you!"

When Xiao Yuer heard the words, his face was trembling with horror.

She believed without doubt that if she really did this, Lin Que would surely fulfill her promise.

For a while, she felt that the space ring in her hand was not fragrant!

at the same time.

Tiandao Academy.

After Lin Que and others left, Tang Xiaohu and Saitama strolled around in the gravity field of ancient civilization.

"Counting the time, those little guys should be connected with the docking person, right?"

Saitama nodded: "Yes."

Tang Xiaohu shook his head and sighed: "This kid was a little annoying when he was by his side. Now that he is gone, I really miss him a little bit."

While talking, he pushed open the door of the ancient civilization's gravity field.

Immediately afterwards, the scene greeted him made his whole person sluggish!

The floor, ceiling, and foundation steel frame in the area 50 times the gravity field of the ancient civilization are gone...

The corners of Tang Xiaohu's mouth trembled, and a wild force erupted from his body and roared.

"Lin Que, you deflated, don't come back!"

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