after an hour.

Lin Que and others, according to the information from their hometown, found the Tiandao Academy's stronghold in the capital of riots.

A fully enclosed courtyard.

"call out!"

When everyone came to the front of the building, a bullet pierced the sky, fell on the ground in front of everyone, and shot a small black hole.


At this moment, there was a cold female voice in the courtyard.

Lin Que and others looked dumbfounded.

"Tang Lin, do you have a password?"

Tang Lin shook her head with a puzzled look: "My hometown only gave the address, and there was no password!"

Lin Que murmured.

I lost it!

Is your hometown so unreliable?

In the courtyard, the cold female voice continued to speak.

"Fei Liu goes down three thousand feet!"


Yang Dianfeng spread out the prophecy book, moistened his throat, and grinned: "I will do this, let me come!"

"Fei Liu went down three thousand feet, suspected to be the Milky Way..."

"Fuck you a der!"

Before Yang Dianfeng could finish speaking, another bullet came from the courtyard.


Ye Ni stepped out with one step, the martial soul in his hand, the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword was unsheathed, a sword was cut down, and the bullet was divided into two.

"I'm gai!"

"Captain, you give an order, let's rush in!"

Yang Dianfeng felt that the other party did not respect him a little bit!

Can this wave be tolerated?

Lin Que waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"let me do it!"

With that said, he stepped forward and said lightly: "Fei Liu went down three thousand feet, you **** without paper!"

Everyone: ┐(‘~`;)┌.

Sure enough, it's the Demon King of Forest. He doesn't play cards according to the routine!

There was silence for a while, and the female voice in the courtyard continued to challenge the password.

"Three heads!"

Lin Que grinned and said, "The smell is the same!"

Inside Lou Yuan, the female voice's voice was a little rushed: "Persuade you to have a drink more!"

Lin Que patted the dust on her body, and said lightly, "Who does not finish drinking?"

The pair of passwords between the two, and the people on the side looked at them, stunned.

What is the correct password? It is simply a competition between ancient Tang poetry and modern talent!



Next second.

The gate of Louyuan, which was originally closed, opened directly, and inside stood a girl in cool clothes with a mechanical arm on her right arm, greeted with excitement.

Guan Dong: _φ(❐_❐✧.

She grabbed Lin Que's hands excitedly: "You are Junior Brother Lin Que, aren't you? You're so handsome!"

"It's an individual talent!"

"The codes are all right!"

Everyone was shocked, is there such an operation?

Lin Que smiled modestly: "No, it's all well taught in the school, haha!"

With that, he wanted to withdraw his hand, but the girl grabbed it tighter.

"Little brother, we heard that you are coming, and we are all very happy!"

"Are you planning to take us this time to blow up the base camp of the Flame Demon Fairy?"

"I'll tell you, I have prepared all the explosives for you, is 100 tons enough?"

Lin Que:! !

Damn it!

100 tons of explosives, are they so tigery?

What are your misunderstandings about me one by one? Everyone thinks I am a god!

"Ha ha…"

"What's the matter, we can take a long-term view on this matter... You let me go!"

What a tiger woman!

Grasping the hand of an innocent boy, you are embarrassed, I am embarrassed!

let it go!

I am the man you can't get, I belong to Hongyeji sister alone.

Guan Dong: "Little brother, don't be afraid, I am your senior sister, my name is Guan Dong!"

"Senior sister will take good care of you!"

Lin Que was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "What? Your name is oden?"

Guan Dong heard this, a black line.

I don't know why, he suddenly had the urge to beat him, the handsome junior boy in front of him?

"Okay, stop making trouble with Guan Dong!"

At this moment, a group of people stepped out of the building, and the leader was a fat man.

"Brother Eight!"

Lin Que was taken aback when seeing the fat man, and then shouted in surprise.

It's not someone else, it's the eighth brother of Caotang, Bai Xiaohao!

No wonder I didn't see Elder Brother Eight these days. It turned out that I took the senior and senior elder sister to come to the capital of riots as a pioneer.

"Little Junior Brother, long time no see!"

Bai Xiaohao smiled and walked forward.

Lin Que thought he would wait for a loving hug, but Bai Xiaohao directly strangled his neck with his hands.

"You stinky boy, you are walking around outside, I was sent to this bird's place by the third senior sister, and I was mad at me!"

Lin Que was strangled with a flushed face: "Senior Brother Eight, don't be impulsive!"

"Let go!"

He is still too young.

When there is danger, the nine disciples of thatched cottage are united; when there is no danger, these brothers are the greatest danger!

It's sloppy!

Bai Xiaohao then let go, grinning: "Welcome, Junior Brother!"

Lin Que rolled his eyes. This welcome ceremony was somewhat bullying!

Suddenly, he scanned the crowd and found something, his pupils shrank.

"Li Xingyun!"

Li Xingyun was wearing a cyberpunk mechanical costume, smiling and saying hello.

"Don't be safe!"

Lin Que stared at the cyberpunk costume, shining brightly before his eyes.

Must be pulled!

sp: You are my soulmates!

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