The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1211: , Lin Que is a good guy

"Hey, what is your look?"

Seeing Lin Que's eyes, Li Xingyun was startled, and instinctively told him that this is definitely not a good thing!

Lin Que: (σ゚∀゚)σ. . :*☆Oh, good!

"Your new clothes are not bad!"

"Lend me to wear it!"

Li Xingyun was taken aback for a moment, and then righteously said: "Impossible!"

"Absolutely impossible!"


"I think there is nothing wrong with arranging a costume for my brother!"

Li Xingyun's original vowed words suddenly changed.

I saw ahead, Lin Que was holding a 500ml bottle of Happy Life Water!

"What did you say?"

"Speak louder, I can't hear you!"

Upon seeing this, Li Xingyun still had the hard-heartedness before: "You and my brothers, brothers in your life!"

"Isn't it just a suit?"

"Take it!"

With that said, he took out a brand new cyberpunk costume directly from the space ring.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Lin Que to speak, he squeezed his clothes into his hands, and then took away the happiness of life, eyes full of excitement.


He used to ignore gadgets, but now he can't afford it!

There were 3 A-level soul jade from the outside world, only 10ml of life water was exchanged, and now he has 500ml in his hand.

what is this? This is a dynamic villa!

Ability to make money!



"Isn't this life water? How come you have Lin Que? Still such a big bottle?"

"Monkey Sai Lei!"

Bai Xiaohao grabbed Lin Que's arm: "Little Junior Brother, you can save us old brothers!"

"We have been tortured by the addiction of heaven, it's almost half a year!"

"Everyone, relying on the inscription formation given by the four senior brothers to resist hard, it is almost impossible to hold it!"

Lin Que was taken aback for a moment, then looked at a hundred old seniors and senior sisters, all of them had weather-beaten faces.

It must have been a hard life in this riot capital!

Unexpectedly, his eyes were a little red, and he waved his big hand, the life happy water in the system space, super power water.

Arranged neatly in front of everyone.

"Come on, everyone open up and drink!"

"We have this condition, make it!"

When everyone saw this scene, they were moved to cry!

Such a thing, but a good thing that has only recently emerged in the capital of riots, can offset the negative emotions brought about by the obsession.

Unfortunately, the price is too high, and there is no market, they have never got it.

Unexpectedly, I could see so many today.

If this spreads out, they will definitely be beaten up, right?

Bai Xiaohao rolled his throat, and said in a deep voice, "You are welcome, let go of your belly and drink!"

"As the captain of the team, I feel wronged a little, just drink this mineral water."

As he said, he picked up a bottle of super power water and walked aside without looking back.

He didn't want to wait for a while.

The veteran seniors were deeply moved.

You deserve to be the captain!

Truly, self-sacrifice!

As veteran students, they naturally can't fall behind, and said to the freshman students.

"You choose first!"

Qin Feng and others were taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and calmly picked up the super power water.

"We are all juniors, so just drink mineral water!"

"Good things are naturally reserved for seniors!"

"Yes, that's right!"

"Let's not bother the seniors, let's go and drink."

As they said, they picked up the super-sweet power water, and ran to the side.

The veteran students were touched.

One of the well-developed youths looked at Lin Que and patted his chest: "You brother, I Tie Niu recognized it!"

"I will do it first!"

As he said, he picked up the Happy Life Water, drank it grumble, and ate it dry!

No drop left!

Lin Que couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "What a man!"

With such a tiger's behavior, even if he drank fake wine, he wouldn't dare to be so fierce!

One bottle down, and you won’t be able to eject it out of outer space later?

Kanto couldn't help picking up a bottle of Happy Life Water and began to drink.

With people taking the lead, the veteran students also picked up the Happy Life Water on the ground and drank it.

Drinking one by one, moving tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"The younger brothers and younger sisters in this class are all good people!"

"Especially Lin Que, the spirit of selfless dedication is really rare!"

"Yes, the outside world says that the younger brother is the devil, it's just a lot of nonsense!"

"I was the first to disagree!"

Lin Que: ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶.

"Don't thank me!"

"This is the responsibility I should bear as a contemporary youth of the Three Goods!"

"Make it!"

The veteran students looked at Lin Que with admiration one by one, and their eyes were full of approval!

However, Qin Feng and others looked at the blinded eyes of the veteran students and sighed.

Still too young!

To dare to drink the water of happiness of life is simply seeking a dead end!

"Are you all ready?"

Yang Dianfeng made an OK gesture: "Don't worry, I'm all ready!"

"If you have a wind system spirit ability, you can release it with all your strength, and you will surely be able to evade the poisonous gas attack."

Sun Xiaosheng nodded in satisfaction, looking at the veteran student who was drinking the Happy Life Water and filled with happiness in his eyes with a little sympathy.

Drink it well, it will be soaring in the sky later.

She was still a little worried and looked at Lin Que.

Lin Que waved his hand: "Ah!"

"Everything has me!"

"I'm here, is it no surprise, okay?"

Everyone looked contemptuous.

It’s true that there is no accident with you in the task, but when there is no accident, you are the biggest accident.

Li Xingyun also secretly took a bottle of Super God Power Water, as for the bottle of Happy Life Water in his hand, he should keep it and drink it later!

After all, the feeling of flying into the sky is a bit scary!

In the field.

The veteran students who drank the water of happiness of life, one by one, were refreshed and wrapped in vitality.

All the bloodthirsty sensation brought by the heavens in the body disappeared, and the spirit was exceptional!

Just when everyone was not surprised, the accident came.


I saw the iron cow lying on the ground, his face stiffened, and a muffled sound came from his stomach...

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