"I rely on... this feeling!"

Tie Niu's face was a little weird, and he felt the movement of his stomach and intestines, this kind of **** familiarity.

"Haha, look at it, the iron cow has drunk too much and his face is green!"


Everyone burped, all green gas.

However, before they laughed at Tie Niu, their faces became weird.

Everyone stared at them with big eyes, confirming that the look in their eyes was the kind of suffocation.

"This water... has expired?"

Tie Niu's face was blue, and he couldn't help it anymore, and there was a thunderbolt in his stomach.



A large feces-yellow gas erupted from the buttocks, and the sound resounded through the world, and even the earth was collapsed into a big pit.

The strong yellow feces gas diffused towards the surroundings.


Everyone smelled this charming fragrance, and finally couldn't help it, and loosened the tight muscles.


"Puff puff puff puff!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Shit and yellow gas were coming from underneath the buttocks one by one, and the sound was shaking!

Immediately afterwards, his body rushed straight into the sky like a monkey playing in the New Year!

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

Countless figures are flying towards the sky, flying in the sky!

The sound of flying and cracking one after another directly blew the land far away into a huge pit.

Lin Que and the others stood in the distance, watching this scene, deeply shocked.

"I'm a good boy!"

"This fart is shocking to the world, even stronger than the one that Qin Fengbeng had in the ghost realm back then!"

"These old seniors are all at the 80th level peak, a big basket at the 90th level. The effect of taking the life power water is strong, and the earth is collapsed!"


Qin Feng had a black line on his face: "You are envy, jealousy and hate!"

"I don't have the same knowledge as you!"

As he said, he unscrewed the cap of the super power water bottle, raised his head, and started drinking.

Upon seeing this, Xiang Qian and others hurriedly opened the cap of the bottle. For the sake of this plan, it is better to offset the influence of the natural addiction as soon as possible.


Yang Dianfeng took the water bottle and praised: "I feel full of power in my whole body. I am not flying yet, and I am immune to the three-day addiction. It's so cool!"

Li Xingyun nodded: "I am now surging with spirit power, and I feel like I can hit ten!"

Suddenly, Lin Xi in the crowd covered his mouth lightly, pointing to Yang Dianfeng in horror and said.

"You, your hair!"

Yang Dianfeng grinned, "How about it, isn't it very dark and dense, that makes Qin Feng feel inferior at first sight?"

When Qin Feng heard this, he just wanted to scold his mother, but when he saw it, he almost didn't laugh!

"Haha, Bald Yang!"

Yang Dianfeng:? ? ?

Next second.

Everyone in the field looked at their eyes in horror, and their hair fell out one by one.

"My hair... fell out?"

Everyone picked up the hair that fell on the ground in disbelief, shivering.


"Sun Xiaosheng, your hair is bald!"

Sun Xiaosheng hurriedly touched his bald head, screamed on the spot, his voice pierced the sky!

"Lin Que, you bastard!"

"I want you to die!"

For a while, the entire camp was messed up into a pot of porridge, wailing all over the field, and everyone was repeating this sentence.

Dry forest is lacking!

As for the eruption of yellow feces in the sky, Guan Dong and the others, who are flying so hard, can't control their directions.

Directly tore a building to pieces!

"The **** pit Billinque!"

"When the old lady comes down, I must beat you up and cry!"

The veteran students who were grateful for Lin Que, one by one couldn't wait to plan Lin Que!

Lin Que, who was hiding in the dark, looked at this scene with a numb scalp.

Damn it!

One by one, one by one, he was generous and righteous to eliminate their natural addiction, and now they want to plan themselves in turn.

Humph, man!

First slip to respect!

Lin Que escaped into the void with a smoke, and his body disappeared.

Lin Que, who slipped out of the camp, was not in a hurry to go to the Chamber of Commerce of the bad guys.

The purpose of his coming out this time is to check the effect of the new props given by the system.

The Neon Country wanted to send someone to assassinate him last time, so how could he have to respond all at once!

"Let's test it with you!"

"Hey hey..."

Lin Que let out a wicked smile from Geigei, and according to the news given by Xiaoyuer, he slid towards the stronghold of Neon Country.

at this time.

The stronghold of the neon country is extremely lively.

Countless ninjas gathered in a bamboo house and danced around the barbecue table.

With smiles on their faces, they use alcohol, food, and dance to resist the negative influence in their hearts.

In order to weaken the effect of day addiction.

Due to the day's addiction, they didn't all arrive at the Ninja Academy, but entered in batches.

Outside, Lin Que quietly came to the big tree outside the room and put on the Teletubbies radar directly!

In the shape of a peaked cap, there is an antenna radar of the same style on the head of a Teletubbies!

The look you put on is very kawaii!

Lin Que smiled evilly: "Let me see, what are you all doing!"

The moment I put on the Teletubbies radar, everything within a radius of 200 meters was taken into my mind and I observed clearly.

"Tsk tusk, these ninjas are pretty good!"

"I dare to calculate the little master, this time, let me see if I can teach you a lesson!"

"Think about it?"

Lin Que fell into contemplation for a while, thinking about ways to cure this group of guys.

Suddenly, the sound of the system rang.


The system prompts: "The eldest brother is detected to be embarrassed, the second brother is here to help!"

"Practice an S-level spiritual tool to obtain corresponding powerful props without any side effects!"

Lin Que was taken aback, smelting spirit tools to obtain props?

Has a new feature been developed?

Immediately, with the mentality of giving it a try, he sacrificed an S-class blood shadow bow on his body.

The blood shadow bow and the laser cannon are relatively tasteless!

Can't give up children, can't hold wolves.

Ollie give it!


System prompt: "Successfully smelt the blood shadow bow, get a new item, Cupid's bow!"

"The effect is to gather the user's spirit power to condense the bow and arrow. A bit of cold light will arrive first, and then the arrow will be like a dragon. Thousands of miles away, get the enemy chrysanthemum✿!"

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