"call out!"

Lin Que shoots an arrow with a bow.

Two arrows were shot in a row, and 60% of the soul power was consumed at once!

The soul power in the body is consumed instantly!


The arrow shot out, and the howling air was cut, making buzzing noises.


The two ninjas rushing to the front looked at the two **** spots of light coming in front, and their faces were dumbfounded.

Before they could see clearly what the blood-colored light spot was, the two blood-colored light spots made a sharp turn and drove straight ahead!

The two ninjas hadn't reacted yet, they only felt the chrysanthemum underneath tightened, and a roar that shook the world and the earth erupted from their throats.



Immediately afterwards, a blast sounded in the field, and the wine house that had been lifted off the roof was now shrouded in fire and turned into a ruin.

"That's the effect."

Lin Que looked at his masterpiece and grinned.

In his hand, Cupid's bow suddenly shattered and disappeared into brilliance.

"It's gone?"

Lin Que was stunned, thinking he could get a bug, it seems that Cupid's bow still has a limit on the number of times.

It will be destroyed automatically after three times.


Lin Que didn't mean to continue the scourge. After putting his fart on the spot, he walked into the void black hole and disappeared with his hands in his pockets, humming a little song.

Want to assassinate Xiaoye?

One arrow burst your chrysanthemum✿, fart before leaving.

Hey, it's very exciting!

The movement of the wine house was soon discovered by the mechanical soldiers patrolling around, and the fire brigade was called.

After a while, the entire riot capital learned about the Ninja Ninja, who was pierced with hemorrhoids by a mysterious power.

At the same time, Lin Que, the instigator of this incident, was walking swayingly on the street.

Along the way, he found a lot of eyeliners from TI organizations, all over the streets.

There are many more, since they showed up, they have been staring at themselves.

Especially after arriving at the Chamber of Commerce of Unscrupulous People, TI has more eyeliners.

Lin Que ignored them either, yawned, opened a black hole in front of him, and got in.

"Damn it, the target disappears!"

Seeing Lin Que escaped into the void, TI's eyeliner cursed secretly, and then quickly reported the situation to his superiors.

Bad people chamber of commerce.

Zi Yan waited in the hall anxiously.

"Why haven't you arrived yet?"

I had received news from Lin Que before that he had agreed to meet at 8 o'clock. Now it has been a few minutes and it hasn't arrived yet.

Difficult to meet TI people on the road?

Or, on the way here, he ran to robbery again?


This is the capital of riots, everyone is licking blood with the tip of a knife, Lin Que can't be okay.

Reading this, she would go to the street to find it.

At this moment, Lin Que arrived late and walked out of the void black hole.

"Sorry, there was a delay on the way, I'm late!"

Seeing Lin Que appeared, Zi Yan's hanging heart finally fell.

"You have to scare me to death!"

Zi Yan glared at Lin Que with an angry look.

I didn't guess wrong, this kid, on the way here, must have done something bad.

Why do you have such an unreliable boss?

In other words, if you switch to someone else's name, will you be killed?

Just as Lin Que wanted to say something, she couldn't help laughing when she saw Zi Yan's appearance.

"Puff haha!"

"Have you drunk Super Power Water, your head is bald!"

"It looks so funny!"

Zi Yan's original beautiful hair, now, there is no one left, all gone!

Don't guess, it must be caused by drinking Super God Power Water 2.0.

Speaking of this, Zi Yan sighed bitterly: "This is all to blame for the **** addiction!"

The ones that can eliminate the addiction are the happiness of life water and super power water.

I don't want to be bald.

"Is it funny?"

"How about I go out and you come back to control the overall situation?"

Hearing this, Lin Que immediately suffocated a smile: "I'm sorry, I am a professional, and generally I don't know how to laugh!"

"Just can't help it!"

"By the way, is there anything I can do to help you with the TI organization?"

In order to avoid irritating Ziyan, Lin Que quickly opened the topic.

As soon as TI was mentioned, Zi Yan's face instantly became solemn and she shook her head and sighed: "TI's person in charge, Matthew, jealous of our bad people's industry for a long time, has been looking for opportunities to annex us."

"In recent times, we have experienced large and small frictions, not a few, and we have suffered heavy losses!"

TI, as a veteran force in the capital of riots, has the flame demon behind back, and they can't compare with the background.

What's more, Matthew is a half-step supreme powerhouse!

At the level of strength, they also lost a lot.

After all, the bad guy is currently the strongest combat power, and she is only one hundred.

Sword Immortal Li Taibai?

It's just that Lin Que pulled out to bluff people. He really wanted to make a move, and the situation would not be so controllable by then.

Lin Que was taken aback for a moment: "Have you reached this point?"

Zi Yan rolled her eyes: "You kidnapped the only heir in the family, what do you think?"

Lin Que smiled awkwardly.

Isn't that a coincidence?

Zi Yan continued: "Ma Xiu recently threatened that if we do not hand over market share and warehouse props within three days, they will take measures against us!"

The so-called measures are life and death!

Lin Que blinked: "So, he wants to smash my place!"

Oh shit.

It was always my devil to rob others. Now, the TI organization continuously wants to rob itself. Can this be tolerated?

"It's so, we don't have to be polite!"

"Give him a letter, let him come over and talk to me, leave it alone, I will let him know what a devil is!"

Zi Yan: "Awesome!"

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