"You are simply a devil!"

Zi Yan stared at Lin Que and said in a deep voice.

Later, she dialed Matthew's phone number, and as soon as it was connected, she hadn't waited for her to speak.

At the end of the phone, Matthew spoke in a wild voice.

"Lady Zi Yan, did you call to surrender?"

"Lao Tzu's big bed is always open for you. Any posture will satisfy you!"

Zi Yan frowned, her eyes filled with murderous intent, and she said coldly, "Ma Xiu, I think we should have a good talk!"

If she had the power to destroy TI, she would definitely rush to the door, directly hitting Marxiu's head.

Unfortunately, she does not have this strength.

In the face of Zi Yan's softness, Ma Xiu said with no sympathy, even more arrogantly.


"At night, I'm in the room with you, talking blindly in the dark?"

"In this case, I am somewhat interested!"

"The rest is free!"

"Since you are a virgin, I will give you a week to think about it. If it doesn't work, I'll be overbearing!"

"Think about it!"


After speaking, Matthew on the other end of the phone directly hung up, and there was a busy beep.


Zi Yan watched this scene, with flames in her eyes.

On the side, Lin Que sat in a chair with a playful smile on his face.


He hasn't encountered such an arrogant master for a long time.

Is he Lin Devil unable to handle the knife, or is this Ma Xiu too floating to find the north?

"Very well, this guy has already embarked on a path of no return!"

"Come here, I'll give a whisper!"

Zi Yan leaned forward curiously.

I saw that Lin Que leaned over and leaned into Zi Yan's ear, saying something mysteriously.

"You do this first, then this, and finally... chuckling chuckling not spicy... hehe heh!"


After operating this set, Zi Yan's eyelids couldn't help but tremble.

"Will this be too cruel?"

"I mean, can you lose some points? This TI is really annoying!"

From the rioting capital, this Ma Xiu relied on the flame demon girl to do whatever he wanted.

She hadn't used it for a long time.

This time, he must be taught a lesson.

Lin Que pondered for a while, a sharp look flashed in his eyes: "Leave this to me!"

"Let's blow him up first."

Zi Yan:? ? ?

What kind of stuff will you blow up first?

Just when she was puzzled, a rush of footsteps came from outside the door.

Xiao Yuer rushed in panting, carrying the electromagnetic cannon.

"Sister Zi Yan, no... it's not good, something has happened!"

"Ninyu's stronghold was bombed!"

"Several ninjas were beaten and bleed from hemorrhoids. That scene is so old!"

"You... **** me!"

"Boss Lin Que, you have the same antenna with Teletubbies on your head!"

The moment Xiao Yuer rushed in, he blinked when he saw Lin Que and Zi Yan being intimate.

"What's inside!"

"Go on, I'm blind and invisible."

Lin Que rolled his eyes. I used this trick a long time ago. You have no acting skills at all!

Also, Lao Tzu is called an antenna?

Is the radar good, Tumblr!

Zi Yan coughed slightly, calmed the emotions in her heart, and asked: "Xiao Yuer, you are frizzy, what happened?"

Xiao Yu'er said with a serious face: "I don't know that the Ninyu guys have offended that god, and the restaurant in the stronghold was bombed, and it also affected the building of the Guangming Vatican next door!"

"Now, two groups of people are still beating!"

Zi Yan was taken aback.


She subconsciously looked at Lin Que beside her.

Lin Que coughed awkwardly: "Don't look, what you think in your heart is the answer!"

Violet:‼ (•'╻'•)꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ.

I drop a good boy!

The old lady knows that generally the things done by the gods have your share of Lin Que.

That's the stronghold of Ninja Domain!

Did you pull it out by yourself?

No matter what you think about it, even the military bases in the United States were broken by Lin Que alone. What else could he not do?

Xiao Yu'er looked puzzled: "What are you talking about?"

Lin Que: "Don't blame children for adults' affairs!"

Xiaoyuer:? ? ?

Am i young?

If it weren't for Sister Ziyan telling me, girls should be reserved, otherwise I will immediately take off, let you call a Big Mac!

Humph o(´^`)o!

Zi Yan interrupted their bickering: "Lin Que, what are you going to do next?"

Lin Que rubbed his eyebrows: "Wait for Flame Demon Fairy, open the blockade of the star cave, let everyone in and talk about it!"

Flame Enchantress holds the lifeblood of this city, even if they know the location of the star cave.

But if the local snake doesn't agree, they can't get in either!

Unless, kill the flame demon.

However, there is no force that has the confidence to deal with the Flame Demon Fairy in the city of riots.

There is no other reason. The Flame Demon is the only strong man in the world who understands the profound meaning of the dimension and proves the Dao!

The key to entering the star cave is in his hands. No power in the world dares to offend her.

Zi Yan nodded: "I have a message here, which may be helpful to you!"

"We cooperated with TI not long ago, and Matthew purchased a lot of Happy Life Water from us."

"I heard from the side, I heard that the Flame Demon Fairy's men and horses have already entered the Star Cavern a step ahead of you, but they seem to have suffered heavy casualties!"

"It is said that it also damaged a half-step supreme powerhouse!"

"Moreover, those who came back alive seem to have suffered severe damage to their minds."

"The most important thing is that among them, there is a hundred-level priest!"

Lin Que's pupils shrank upon hearing this.

Hundred-level priest!

This is the key target of the major forces in the world.

Priests are not rare, they may grow to a hundred-level priests, but they are rare.

Unexpectedly, with such a strong support, the capital of riots suffered heavy casualties. One can imagine how dangerous is in the star cave!

Lin Que raised his brows: "TI is doing things for the Flame Demon Girl?"

"Then you said, if we help TI uproot it, and replace it, Flame Demon, are we ours?"

"In other words, this riot capital is my site for Lin Que!"

Zi Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then a terrifying thought emerged in her mind.

Turn the enemy into a friend!

Empty glove white wolf!


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