The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 647: , You are laid off, we are on duty

"God punishes heaven!"

In the dark night, a series of yellow objects cut through the night sky and fell into the world!

Yuan Qing's pupils shrank and roared hoarsely: "Everyone, run!"

Although he didn't know what tricks Lin Que was playing, judging from past experience, there would never be any good things out of this force.

In the sky, Lin Que held the vacuum cleaner and kept outputting it towards the bottom!

Suddenly the golden legend was pouring out.

The corner of Lin Que's mouth outlines an arc of evil charm: "The dusk of the gods!"


The jackfruit smashed into the ghost army and exploded, splashing everywhere!

Some ghosts were muddled by the golden jackfruit, their faces turned pale, squatting on the ground and vomiting constantly.


Moreover, this thing explodes frantically regardless of enemy or me!

The night patrol soldier looked horrified.

They are not afraid of ghost army or beast tide, but they are afraid of smelly!

"Is this a reinforcement or a biochemical weapon sent by the enemy?"

"40 fire, fast, kill that kid for me!"

"Calm down... ugh... that's Lin Que, the younger brother of the Japanese Tour Envoy, can't beat it... ugh..."

In an instant, the situation in the field became uniform!

Whether it's a spiritual master or a demon or ghost, they all lie on the ground, spit out thousands of miles.

The scene is extremely uncomfortable!

The city is full of golden armor, and the stench is soaring!

At the top of the city, some spirit guards fighting with ghosts, smelling the scent, their eyes whitened, their face turned blue, and bubbles were spitting out of their mouths, lying straight on the tower.

Yuan Qing covered her nose, her face was unlovable!

It’s been a long time since I saw each other, and the enhanced version of Happy Life Water came out.

He would rather be killed by a ghost than to suffer this crime!

It's too smelly!

This taste, even the brothers who like to eat snail noodles, can't stand it!

He Chen's heart collapsed!

Is there no one on the top or is it awkward? Why did you call Lin Que, a god, to him?

Compared with the fear of the spiritual master, that in the hearts of ghosts and monsters is called a collapse!

The ghost army, which was originally inexhaustible, has been disrupted by Lin Que at this moment!


Among the beasts, the A-level monsters that had always been huge in size, the sandstorm poisonous scorpion let out a harsh roar, greeted his hands, clamped his tail, and ran away griefly.

For this place, they don't want to stay longer!

Hit humans?

They are no longer interested in this smelly place, and would rather look for new attack points than here.

It smells so bad!

The same is true for the split head ghost, leading the ghost army and retreating quickly!

After this battle, within ten years, the birds in the Quicksand Corridor will not cross!

Go beasts, ghosts pass and avoid them!

In the sky, Lin Que lighted the last jackfruit shell in the vacuum cleaner, sealed off his sense of smell, and a void appeared below.

at this time.

The entire tower below the stronghold is full of golden legends.

"Yo, Team He, don't come unharmed!"

He Chen wiped the corners of his mouth, his face was blue, he had already vomited out the jaundice.

My Nima...

Bad things happen every time I see you.

Seriously, I really don't want to see you!

He glanced around, the force of a regiment under his leadership, only five hundred people were beheaded by ghosts!

However, these five hundred people have all lost their combat effectiveness.

Lin Que was fainted!

He Chen looked helpless!

He loves and hates Lin Que's operation!

Fortunately, the attack of the ghost army was repelled, which is already a blessing in misfortune.

Lin Que looked around: "He Brigade, where is my sister?"

From the moment he entered the field, he didn't find Lin Hua's figure.

He Chen's face sank: "The day tour envoy and the night tour led the adults into the ancient Loulan ruins, the situation is unknown!"

"I am responsible for obstructing the ghost army escaping from Guloulan in the Quicksand Corridor, and buying time for the evacuation of the people of the Sin City!"

"However, the number of ghost troops is beyond our imagination. A group of ghost troops have already crossed the quicksand corridor and attacked the capital of sin!"

Lin Que raised his brows, it seemed that the situation was more serious than he thought!

"Leave it to us next!"

"You are laid off, we are on duty!"

"These supplies are distributed to the wounded!"

He took out some life happiness water and super power water, and handed them to He Chen.

He Chen glanced at Lin Que, a hundred-year-old student, and shook his head: "Even if you are geniuses, but your strength is too weak, you will die in vain!"

Bai Xiaohao stood up and said, "Don't worry, we are just the advance team of the academy. After confirming the situation, someone from above will come!"

He Chen was slightly startled, and then he realized.

A deity relic riot, although powerful, but Daxia is one of the eight great nations with a huge background.

The delay in sending the Venerable Realm to take action, because there is not enough time, the Venerable Realm strong wants to suppress those powerful ghost realms.

Secondly, it is also a chance for the little guys in front of you to hone!

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