Stronghold in the Quicksand Corridor.

After repelling the ghost army and the beast tide, everyone in the night inspector stuffed their noses with tissues, sweeping the battlefield with painful faces.

It smells so bad!

This smell is almost heavier than the smell of the garbage pool in summer.

He Chen: "What are you going to do next?"

Lin Que glanced at the latest message sent on the satellite bracelet: "According to the above message, there are still many innocent people trapped in the sand. First rescue them and head to the sin capital to meet!"

He Chen nodded: "Okay, I will deploy a transport plane for you!"

"But it will take some time."

Lin Que waved his hand: "It's too slow, let's do it ourselves!"

He Chen frowned: "You don't want to take them through the space tunnel, do you? Hundreds of people, you don't have enough spirit power!"

"Walking in the sand is too risky. After the reappearance of the ancient Loulan ruins, sand-tooth beasts everywhere!"

"I'd better deploy a transport plane for you to be safer."

Lin Que grinned, took out the Ten Thousand Beast Ring in his hand and threw it into the air.

Hundreds of monsters turned into streamers and flew out.


The monster beasts headed by the Thunder Dragon and the Shield Armored Crocodile appeared on the stage with mighty and domineering, monstrous demon spirit, sweeping the audience.

Wearing yellow beach pants, a shield-armored crocodile wearing sunglasses, with a row of shining teeth: "It's the uncle that came to the stage to perform!"

He Chen: щ (゚Д゚щ).

Yuan Qing: (✪ω✪).

Disciples of Tiandao Academy: ᕦ(・ㅂ・)ᕤ.

Lin Que moved a void to the top of Tianlei Dragon's head, tilting Erlang's legs: "This is how old is this, who is going to take a plane when you go out!"

He Chen:! ! !

You are really a **** talent, what you said, since I can't refute it!

Lin Que: "Brother Eight, you lead half of the people from the Quicksand Corridor to the Sin City for reinforcements!"

"Xia Yuyan, you have space to be a martial soul, and you take the rest of you to rescue the people scattered outside according to your position."

"Qingcheng, follow me!"

Lin Que gave orders in the shortest time.

There is no questioning voice in the team.

Although Lin Quehua is fancy, he has a cohesive force and convincing force!

He Chen was stunned.

Based on his age, Lin Que is only 19 years old this year!

At such a young age, he has a mind and strategy that surpasses ordinary people, and he is simply a little monster!

Yuan Qing stood up: "I'm with you!"

With the recovery of the priest, his injuries have also recovered by 50 to 60%, and it is not a problem to participate in the battle.

He wants to avenge the brothers who died in the hands of the ghost army!

Lin Que: "It's up to you!"

After finishing speaking, stepping on the Thunder Dragon, taking Mo Qingcheng, two people and one beast entered the space wormhole and disappeared in a loud dragon roar.

When everyone saw this scene, it was an envy!

"Tsk tusk, ride a dragon and take my sister to the sky, the **** bursts!"

"I have decided. I will have a son in the future, and I will train him to become a master of beast control!"

"So what, do you have a girlfriend?"

"What am I..."

Qin Feng touched his bald head with a look of envy, jealousy and hatred: "Lin Quezhixiu, I can't make it!"

Xiang Gan whiten his eyes and Qin Feng: "Don't look, not everyone can be a man like a bug!"

"Brother shield crocodile, let me ride you, I'll turn around and introduce you a girlfriend!"

Shield crocodile: v(^o^)ok.

In the next second, the body of the shield-armor crocodile began to grow bigger, and instantly became a giant crocodile dozens of meters high!

A dazzling aquamarine light radiated from his body!

Force the grid to be full!

Xiang Qian leaped on the shield crocodile and headed towards the city of sin.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, looking at the remaining monsters, the corners of his mouth gradually raised an evil arc.

Soon after all the monsters were allocated, the soldiers set off in two directions according to Lin Que's order.

Under Bai Xiaohao's leadership, coupled with the help of monsters, some ghost army and monsters along the way were not their opponents at all.

Push across the border all the way, no one can stop!

Even if you encounter Grade A ghosts and everyone works together, it is not without the power of a battle!

You know, none of the people who can enter the Tiandao Academy are vases!

According to the satellite positioning, Xia Yuyan rescued many people who were killed along the way and brought them safely back to the sand corridor for settlement.

On Lin Que's side, he headed all the way towards the territory where the Makhabaka clan was located.

Many people were also saved midway.

However, they did not send them back to the sand corridor stronghold, but gathered them and placed them in a safe area, leaving some monsters to guard.

On the back of Tianleilong, Mo Qingcheng looked at the corpses scattered along the way, and said in a deep voice: "Why do the ghosts and monsters become more densely forward, and the level is constantly improving?"

Lin Que also noticed this problem and was taken aback.

It seems that something has happened to the Macabaka clan!

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