"Mr. Suo Feng!"

Huxu walked over with the tribes of the orc kingdom and greeted enthusiastically.

Not only the kingdom of the orcs, but also the Knights of the Round Table, the Vatican Temple and a series of forces surrounded them.

Suo Feng:? ? ?

Damn it!

When did you have such a high popularity?

Could it be that he became famous in his first battle, these people admire his handsome appearance and extraordinary swordsmanship?

Well, it must be so!


At this moment, the U.S. army below, the laser gun was fully charged and adjusted to the freezing mode.

Dozens of laser guns were fired at the same time, freezing the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast in mid-air, unable to move.

Lin Que: "Bow!"

"The scientific research technology of the U.S.'s spiritual weapons is really not covered."

For now, the world has unique scientific research results that belong to the United States!

After the old man Li got the scientific research materials of the United States, he should be able to create a lot of powerful spiritual weapons!

I have to go to the arsenal when I look back.

Make sure to only take it and not look at it!

"Lin Que, I think we should go first!"

"It's not safe here!"

Qin Feng looked around. Everyone here had been robbed by Lin Que. If they were discovered, they would be abandoned!

Lin Que's face was calm and calm, drinking milk tea uncomfortably, "Why are we leaving?"

"We have robbed all the forces!"

Lin Que rolled his eyes: "I have said that, we have nothing to do with Ninja Domain now!"

"All of this is done by Suo Feng, what does it have to do with Lin Que?"

Everyone: ┐(゚~゚)┌.

Sure enough, any shameless thing, in Lin Qiao's mouth, is so clear and refined!

There is no sense of violation and!

Raising his head, watching Suo Feng gradually lose himself amidst the crowd's clamor, he shook his head and sighed.

My friend, you are useless!


Olive fell from the sky, staring at Suo Feng with his eyes, his eyes seemed to be cannibalistic.

Suo Feng saw Olive looking at him, subconsciously thinking that this was greeting him.

He immediately raised his hand, smiled and waved.

Hey, his charm is so great, even the director of the US S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau is his own fan.

This trip to the United States is really worth it!

"You despicable bastard!"

Raising his hand, the soul power fist imprints overwhelmingly blasted towards Suo Feng.


Suo Feng's face was taken aback, before he could take a shot, Black, Bill and others took the lead to block the attack.

The speakers of the three major forces stood up and stared at Oliver with unkind eyes.

"Olif, is this your way of hospitality in the United States?"

Oliv was taken aback and looked at the three in amazement: "I have long heard that your four major forces have joined forces. I didn't believe it at first. I really want to know what fascination soup this Ninja has poured you into!"

Huxu: "Hmph, Mr. Suo Feng and I hit it off right away and became friends. If you touch my friend in the orc kingdom, why don't I wait?

Monk Jiekong: "Amitabha!"

"The benefactor Suo Feng is at the root of wisdom and is destined to the Buddhism. Please give the poor monk a thin face and stop!"

Black, Bill: "Dare to move, then fight!"

Even in the United States, he is not afraid!

The creed of the Knights of the Round Table, the brave wins if you meet on a narrow road!

Suo Feng: (*^▽^*).

Let me just say it, this group of people is moved by my personality charm.

Immediately, Suo Feng walked out with his hands on his back, looking like an outsider.

"Olive, I advise you to be kind!"

"I have no grievances or grudges against you, why bother, everyone sit down, have a cup of tea, and have a good talk!"

Oliv looked at Suo Feng's hypocritical appearance and spit at him angrily.

"I bother!"

"You villain, I beat you!"

With that said, a war is about to break out.


At the same time, the frozen Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast directly broke through the ice and dived down.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they had to fight against it.

In the night sky not far away, eight streams of spirit power of different colors appeared, falling on the eight positions of the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast!

"Shoot together!"

Thor screamed angrily while holding Thor's Hammer, his body thunderous!

Lin Que looked at the eight people, his pupils shrank!

Eight Venerable Realm!

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